Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
1. All of the "new" jobs are in the non-skilled service sector with workers earning poverty-level wages.
ALL of them? WOW. I guess the nicely paying IT job I got during the Bush administration is considered a non-skilled and I am in the poverty-level.

Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
2. Homeowner bankruptcies will skyrocket in the coming decade when all those "adjustable rate" mortages kick in.
A good reason to get a fixed rate, like I did when I bought by home during the Bush administration. A home I could afford because of my new job!

Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
3. Terrorism in Europe and the rest of the world have skyrocketed since 911 but who cares about them right? Also, I guess Bush and co. started reading their intelligence memos after 911 huh?
You fail to mention those countries are run by flamming libs and live under liberal policies. But hey, lets blame Bush anyway!

Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
4. It seems like a new McDonald's or Great Clips goes up in my neighborhood every other week. All those promising "jobs" are really going to ensure a bright future for America.
Maybe the workers there should try to learn a new skill if thats all they can get. Gotta start somewhere....I used to work at Jack n the Box.

Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
5. The US pays more per capita for healthcare than any other nation on Earth but gets less value out of their healthcare system than all other western nations. Sure do like that tax rebate check though! I think I'll spend it on a bunch of sh*t I don't need at Wal-Mart!
Socialized health care is utter crap in the Euro countries. And they are paying for it through the nose with taxes. Nothing is free.

Do us all a favor and go back to smoking your weed and spare us of your watered down and repetitive comments.