Quote Originally Posted by LuvRPgrl View Post
"If you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" is simply not true.

Cops have huge egos, and hate being wrong. It is extremely common for them to lie, plant false evidence and carry throw away guns. They often destroy the lifes of completely innocent people.
Completely innocent people??? nobody's perfect. You're right though, cops have huge egos, but I think you overestimate how many cops are crooked. They might purposefully include certain facts and omit others, but that's nothing most anybody hasn't done before, and it doesn't mean the evidence shown is less valid. Take this case, these two were a public nuisance, that's why the cops were called; not because they were innocent and the cops decided to make a case. I mean, I'd rather see 10 guilty persons go free to save one who's innocent from punishment, but I duly recognize the criminals enjoy the same rights as law-abiding citizens, making the job of law enforcement infinitely difficult. I don't think I need a statistic to prove criminals will break far more laws to conceal a crime than an officer would to get a conviction. My experience with law enforcement has been true to reason, treat them as I wish to be treated. I'm not gonna make their jobs easier, but I'm not gonna make it harder either. These officers were doing their job to keep the peace, dude made it harder-- he escalated the situation and he went to jail for it. Sucks for him I guess, but next time don't be an a-hole.