It's what I don't get about the conspiracy theorists.

First, let's bypass the fact that every one of these theorists thinks Bush is an idiot, and assume Cheney pulls all the strings. So, they were not only willing to kill thousands of people, wreck the economy, and even attack a government building, but they were able to silence the thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of people who were involved in this conspiracy. After that, they managed to trick every intelligence agency in the world into thinking that Saddam had WMDs, involving not only thousands more people, but somehow providing incentives to get those people to lie to their own government in order to favor another country's government. However, this beautifully executed, brilliantly planned, and nearly flawless conspiracy failed, somehow, to bump off the guys who made "Loose Change" and somehow couldn't sneak a few of our many WMDs into Iraq and hide them somewhere to make themselves more believable?

It's like those people who say Jesus was a good person, but he wasn't the Messiah. He said he was the Son of God, so he was either lieing, crazy, or he really was the Son of God.