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Thread: WMDs and lies

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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    Awww...U urt mi fweellllllings...snif snif..
    At least I don't think so highly of myself, that I have to go out of my way to try and tear a person apart.....
    But I see you are of so much more intelligent than I am...So from now on I will try and not bore you with my ignorance...

    Nice smilie.

    stephanie, if someone takes a shot at me I give it right back and I can be, as you can read, a really nasty bastard. I'm not that intelligent, really, I'm just reasonably well read and I have a bloody foul temper when I put my mind to it. Put together in the right circumstances and they can be very damaging if you get in the way. I told you you know nothing about me. I'll let you know a bit. I have worked my entire adult life in a job that has conflict - mental and physical - every working day. I have no hestitating in lining anyone up - here in the forum or out there where I work - if they have a go at me. By all means attack my ideas but don't attack my character or the person using the nick of diuretic. You did so I shot back at you. I prefer, much prefer to deal with ideas and not attack individuals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    Nice smilie.

    Stephanie, if someone takes a shot at me I give it right back and I can be, as you can read, a really nasty bastard. I'm not that intelligent, really, I'm just reasonably well read and I have a bloody foul temper when I put my mind to it. Put together in the right circumstances and they can be very damaging if you get in the way. I told you you know nothing about me. I'll let you know a bit. I have worked my entire adult life in a job that has conflict - mental and physical - every working day. I have no hestitating in lining anyone up - here in the forum or out there where I work - if they have a go at me. By all means attack my ideas but don't attack my character or the person using the nick of diuretic. You did so I shot back at you. I prefer, much prefer to deal with ideas and not attack individuals.
    Agreed...If you go back and look...I guess you were in the processes of replying to me, but I went back and edited out the one part I think you took offense too...I read it and felt it was a cheap shot on my part and I took it out...You missed it, no problem..
    I understand what your saying and I'm sorry if you felt you character was attacked....It's not what I intended....

    We'll start over.....K

    But, I still think I won the argument over Saddam and his WMD,s...
    Everybody thought he had them, on both side of the political parties...
    So did a lot of intelligence agencies from other countries...And now for the Democrats and other's to try and deny where there agenda needs to be shoved back in their my opinion...

    And I agree with Avatar.......If we didn't believe he had them.....Then why not plant some, it would of been easy enough...???
    Last edited by stephanie; 04-29-2007 at 12:42 AM.
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    Agreed...If you go back and look...I guess you were in the processes of replying to me, but I went back and edited out the one part I think you took offense too...I read it and felt it was a cheap shot on my part and I took it out...You missed it, no problem..
    I understand what your saying and I'm sorry if you felt you character was attacked....It's not what I intended....

    We'll start over.....K

    But, I still think I won the argument over Saddam and his WMD,s...
    Everybody thought he had them, on both side of the political parties...
    So did a lot of intelligence agencies from other countries...And now for the Democrats and other's to try and deny where there agenda needs to be shoved back in their my opinion...
    That's kind of you. Thank you and I look forward to getting away from the personalities. I wish I could offer something else as a peace offering but I think I would look totally hypocritical and insincere given my - I have to admit it - tirade.

    Yes, everyone thought he had them. But some knew it was rubbish. The British Government for one - the infamous Downing Street memo is the evidence. Blair is on the nose in his own party as well as in the UK in general because they now know he wasn't sucked in by Bush, Blair knew it was rubbish, but he, fool, thought Bush would listen to him. The Democrats, except one or two , in Congress were chickenhearts to the GOP chickenhawks ("chickenhawk" comments about GOP and Dems is not meant for those who actually served, for example, Mertha). They were caught up in what Obama has called "9/11 fever." In short they went along with it, because they were scared of losing in political terms. I have much contempt for them, they let you down by not doing their job of loyal opposition.

    In my opinion (note I never use "humble", even I'm not that much of a bullshit artist, I am highly opinionated) the Dems wanted to hear the "evidence" from other countries. Yes, you're right, they were spineless cowards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    That's kind of you. Thank you and I look forward to getting away from the personalities. I wish I could offer something else as a peace offering but I think I would look totally hypocritical and insincere given my - I have to admit it - tirade.

    Yes, everyone thought he had them. But some knew it was rubbish. The British Government for one - the infamous Downing Street memo is the evidence. Blair is on the nose in his own party as well as in the UK in general because they now know he wasn't sucked in by Bush, Blair knew it was rubbish, but he, fool, thought Bush would listen to him. The Democrats, except one or two , in Congress were chicken hearts to the GOP chickenhawks ("chickenhawk" comments about GOP and Dems is not meant for those who actually served, for example, Mertha). They were caught up in what Obama has called "9/11 fever." In short they went along with it, because they were scared of losing in political terms. I have much contempt for them, they let you down by not doing their job of loyal opposition.

    In my opinion (note I never use "humble", even I'm not that much of a bullshit artist, I am highly opinionated) the Dems wanted to hear the "evidence" from other countries. Yes, you're right, they were spineless cowards.
    I still disagree with you...shock....
    If you go and look at the list of Democrats who stated they thought Saddam had WMD,s, the list started with Clinton in 1998 and went all the way into 2003....
    It has been said, they were moved out of Iraq before we invaded, and they had enough warning, for them to do just that..
    I'm very disappointed in President Bush in a lot of areas, but I still stand behind his reasons for trying to liberate Afghanistan and Iraq..
    No it hasn't been handled all that well, and who knows how it will turn out..
    But, I'm sitting here pulling for the people of those two countries, to stand up, be free, and take control of their countries..I don't think that is a bad thing...

    And, I'm very proud of the way our Military men and women have conducted themselves in their handling of the civilian populations...Of course it's always sad when any civilian is injured or killed...But, it's the terrorist fighter's who are using them as human shields, and don't care if a civilian dies...
    That shows me, just how evil the terrorist are...
    Last edited by stephanie; 04-29-2007 at 01:14 AM.
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    I still disagree with you...shock....
    If you go and look at the list of Democrats who stated they thought Saddam had WMD,s, the list started with Clinton in 1998 and went all the way into 2003....
    It has been said, they were moved out of Iraq before we invaded, and they had enough warning, for them to do just that..
    I'm very disappointed in President Bush in a lot of areas, but I still stand behind his reasons for trying to liberate Afghanistan and Iraq..
    No it hasn't been handled all that well, and who knows how it will turn out..
    But, I'm sitting here pulling for the people of those two countries, to stand up, be free, and take control of their countries..I don't think that is a bad thing...

    And, I'm very proud of the way our Military men and women have conducted themselves in their handling of the civilian populations...Of course it's always sad when any civilian is injured or killed...But, it's the terrorist fighter's who are using them as human shields, and don't care if a civilian dies...
    That shows me, just how evil the terrorist are...
    Damnit I'm losing my touch. Wait a minute I never did have the touch anyway. I'm curmudgeonly though, people are supposed to warm to grumpy curmudgeons. Dunno what these young folks are coming to nowadays...

    Agree to disagree on those WMD.

    Afghanistan. You have no way of knowing if this is true or not but I supported the ops into Afghanistan. It was on the money. But then it became another grab for energy resources and the cover was "nation building". I know I sound cynical and that's no surprise, I am. Bush lost interest when all that oil and gas in region and the pipeline came up. Actually I reckon Cheney took Bush's focus off bin Laden and his gangsters.

    Anyway Afghanistan is now a mess, the so-called government there is in disarray, they can control Kabul but that's about it. They're having yet another pissing match with Pakistan (hey they speak English they should come in here, the site owner could sell tickets) and the Taliban (I have told myself that swearing in forums is unpleasant to those who have to read it so I'll pause for moment).

    Yes, the Taliban....the Taliban are resurgent. I dearly wish they would disappear from the face of the Earth but there they are again, fouling the atmosphere with their breath.

    Your military. They and the Brits are pulling the heavy loads in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Our troops are doing a bit more in Afghanistan now (Special Air Service) and we are sending more into Iraq - a policy from our government I and many other Australians vehemently disagree with by the way - to help out but the US and the Brits are still doing the hardest work. Yes, by and large your military is doing a good job. Some are murderers and are a disgrace to their uniform and to their country but they are very, very few.

    The task they are being asked to perform in Iraq is damn difficult. I have no military experience but I can see the task they are being asked to do is as occupation troops, something I don't think they're particularly trained to do or have the temperament to do. That's the sort of work that is best done by a paramilitary type police force such as you see in France (Gendarmerie Nationale) or Italy (Carabinierie) or Germany (Bundespolizei) or Holland (Marechausse) and so on. Of course the military would need to provide heavy support but the central hearts and minds work and the CT work could be done by such an organisation.

    The terrorists are motivated by many things. Religious fervour, hatred of modernity, hatred of the west - all pretty negative. They are called "terrorists" because they use terror of course and ipso facto they are murdering bastards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    Dammit I'm losing my touch. Wait a minute I never did have the touch anyway. I'm curmudgeonly though, people are supposed to warm to grumpy curmudgeons. Dunno what these young folks are coming to nowadays...

    Agree to disagree on those WMD.

    Afghanistan. You have no way of knowing if this is true or not but I supported the ops into Afghanistan. It was on the money. But then it became another grab for energy resources and the cover was "nation building". I know I sound cynical and that's no surprise, I am. Bush lost interest when all that oil and gas in region and the pipeline came up. Actually I reckon Cheney took Bush's focus off bin Laden and his gangsters.

    Anyway Afghanistan is now a mess, the so-called government there is in disarray, they can control Kabul but that's about it. They're having yet another pissing match with Pakistan (hey they speak English they should come in here, the site owner could sell tickets) and the Taliban (I have told myself that swearing in forums is unpleasant to those who have to read it so I'll pause for moment).

    Yes, the Taliban....the Taliban are resurgent. I dearly wish they would disappear from the face of the Earth but there they are again, fouling the atmosphere with their breath.

    Your military. They and the Brits are pulling the heavy loads in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Our troops are doing a bit more in Afghanistan now (Special Air Service) and we are sending more into Iraq - a policy from our government I and many other Australians vehemently disagree with by the way - to help out but the US and the Brits are still doing the hardest work. Yes, by and large your military is doing a good job. Some are murderers and are a disgrace to their uniform and to their country but they are very, very few.

    The task they are being asked to perform in Iraq is damn difficult. I have no military experience but I can see the task they are being asked to do is as occupation troops, something I don't think they're particularly trained to do or have the temperament to do. That's the sort of work that is best done by a paramilitary type police force such as you see in France (Gendarmerie Nationale) or Italy (Carabinierie) or Germany (Bundespolizei) or Holland (Marechaussee) and so on. Of course the military would need to provide heavy support but the central hearts and minds work and the CT work could be done by such an organisation.

    The terrorists are motivated by many things. Religious fervour, hatred of modernity, hatred of the west - all pretty negative. They are called "terrorists" because they use terror of course and ipso facto they are murdering bastards.

    It's late here, so for now we'll have to agree to disagree on some things..
    I'll catch up with ya, later...That's a promise....

    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    It's late here, so for now we'll have to agree to disagree on some things..
    I'll catch up with ya, later...That's a promise....

    I look forward to it, sleep well. And that's fair dinkum

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    WMDs were never found. Because they were never there. It was one of many lies Bush used to sway popular and political opinion toward an invasion of Iraq.

    WMD arguments are like those of the 2000 Presidential Election -- over and done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    See my response to stephanie. It addresses the mindless drivel you posted here. Have you no self-respect? Your post is full of calumny, speculation and rhetorical questions. Talk about dragging down the level of debate.
    What a pathetic joke you are. You know nothing but the crap fed to you by the biased assholes from your Aussie media and now you parrot that garbage like it is something new and with an arrogance that would lead one to believe you had something to say.

    Where is your proof to any of the assertions you make, shouldn't you produce some or are we just suppose to be stunned and frightened by your childish bully act. You are a pompous ass that is void of any original thought or ideas and I for one am bored reading your condescending bullshit.

    Produce some credible sources for any of your silly accusations or shut the fuck up....we have all heard the garbage you are spewing many times before!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sitarro View Post
    What a pathetic joke you are. You know nothing but the crap fed to you by the biased assholes from your Aussie media and now you parrot that garbage like it is something new and with an arrogance that would lead one to believe you had something to say.

    Where is your proof to any of the assertions you make, shouldn't you produce some or are we just suppose to be stunned and frightened by your childish bully act. You are a pompous ass that is void of any original thought or ideas and I for one am bored reading your condescending bullshit.

    Produce some credible sources for any of your silly accusations or shut the fuck up....we have all heard the garbage you are spewing many times before!
    Put me on ignore, there's a good chap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    WMDs were never found. Because they were never there. It was one of many lies Bush used to sway popular and political opinion toward an invasion of Iraq.

    WMD arguments are like those of the 2000 Presidential Election -- over and done.
    You seem to be missing the point of the thread.

    If Bush was lying about WMDs, he would have known there were none there. If he wanted to he simply could have had them planted. It wouldn't have been that difficult. Heck its alot easier than this 9/11 conspiracy you on the left are claiming he did.

    But he didnt plant WMDs. So why?

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    You seem to be missing the point of the thread.

    If Bush was lying about WMDs, he would have known there were none there. If he wanted to he simply could have had them planted. It wouldn't have been that difficult. Heck its alot easier than this 9/11 conspiracy you on the left are claiming he did.

    But he didnt plant WMDs. So why?
    There are a couple of possibilities. Complacency is one. But there's a more important one.

    If he did then word would have leaked out about it and he would have been impeached. That would have been far too risky. Think of it, think of the massive and widespread effort it would have taken to plant WMD. It's easy for a cop to plant a bag of cocaine on someone, much, much more difficult to organise a plant of WMD.

    That's the reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    There are a couple of possibilities. Complacency is one. But there's a more important one.

    If he did then word would have leaked out about it and he would have been impeached. That would have been far too risky. Think of it, think of the massive and widespread effort it would have taken to plant WMD. It's easy for a cop to plant a bag of cocaine on someone, much, much more difficult to organise a plant of WMD.

    That's the reason.
    Please, Democrats were going to claim he planted them regardless of whether he did or not. It would be hard to make them look like lunatics. especially since these are the same people claiming that 911 was a government conspiracy. And that would have been far more complex than this one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diuretic View Post
    There are a couple of possibilities. Complacency is one. But there's a more important one.

    If he did then word would have leaked out about it and he would have been impeached. That would have been far too risky. Think of it, think of the massive and widespread effort it would have taken to plant WMD. It's easy for a cop to plant a bag of cocaine on someone, much, much more difficult to organise a plant of WMD.

    That's the reason.
    You're somewhat of a simpleton aren't you?
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    If Bush and Cheney lied about WMDs in Iraq, why didn't the plant some in Iraq in all the chaos and have them discovered? They would have had to known that once the war was one their "lies" would be discovered without evidence if they were lying. So why was there no attempt to plant evidence?

    Could it possibly be that the administration actually believed Saddam had stockpiles of Weapons of Mass destruction and concluded that it was better to do something to eliminate a potential threat then wait around for them to attack?
    tenet just said as much on 60 minutes...

    "I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is."

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