Quote Originally Posted by abso View Post
first you have to define what you mean by unconditionally ?

second, do you need me to go to the streets and interview 10000 people for you ???

from what i know from living in a muslim country is that none i know in here support 9/11, i even know some slightly radical muslims but they also oppose 9/11, i never met a muslim that told me that he is happy about those deaths, absolutely none !!!

so have you personally met someone who told you that he is happy about 9/11, or that he doesn't condemn it ???

always remember, when you accuse someone of something, you are the one who have to prove that he is not innocent, its not me who needs to prove that i am innocent, do you have any evidence that tells you that the 1.5 billion muslims are happy about 9/11 ???

some videos doesn't mean anything, if you even bring me 1000 video that containt 1000 happy muslim in each of them, that would only mean 1 million radical muslim who does not condemn 9/11, so what about the remaining 1499 million muslims, does that prove they are guilty too !!!!

please be practical in your judgement, you shall never judge someone you never met, as an example, you never met my brother, how can you say that he does not condemn 9/11 because he is a muslim, is that the common sense that you have acquired over your life on this earth ?

See, here you are again "define unconditionally" , that's some bullshit mealy mouthed Muslim word play. You damn well known what unconditionally means. But you guys try to pretend you condemn terrorism all the while saying things like "well , 9/11 was bad, but.............."

The fact that you can't post videos of even one hundred out of 1.5 billion Muslims condemning 9/11 tells me that there is a very VERY damn low percentage of Muslims who condemn 9/11.

My judgement is that you and your cult are all a bunch of cowardly camel rapists. No matter how much you pretend otherwise.