Yeah, it really went off the rails quick. I'll keep watching, but I don't like where it's headed. I'm pretty sure I heard Jack say something about "I can't do this anymore" last week. That sentiment lasted, what, three minutes? Not only can he do it, he can do it to his own brother, who Jack magically knows is evil because, well, he looks like a 24 bad guy.
To be fair, I think they said Jack was gone for 7 months, not years. Still, he just got off the plane four hours ago, and already he's himself again. I know, I know, it's not real. But, still, there's something about the realtime format that seems to make the viewer expect the show to be entirely plausible when, in reality, that plot structure almost ensures that there will be plot holes and a healthy suspension of belief required.
That said, why does the president being a liberal bother you? It's just a TV show.