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    Default Star Wars The Old Republic

    The Star Wars The Old Republic MMO (SWTOR), just went into Open Beta, and all I can say is THANK GOD! You have no idea what being in on the beta is like when you can't tell anyone about it. I went into the Beta with much conflict in me. Star Wars has burned me a lot in the past decade or so, with Greedo shooting first, the prequels, The Star Wars Galaxies New Game Experience, The Clone Wars, but on the other hand, Bioware produced the original Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, and Jade Empire, all considered classics that have endeared themselves to so many gamers.

    I started to feel a bit better about my choice when the opening cinematic rolled, and the graphics were beautiful. I don't even run a top of the line machine, and even on the beta test servers, I got no clipping problems during the opening cinematics. Now the launcher does need some work, as it does not tell you how much updating you have left in total, nor does it have a time remaining clock, so you're likely to think that the update is installed, and you're about to play, only to get slapped with another update, possibly bigger.

    From this point, you'll get a server screen that has a list of servers, along with the general low,medium, high bar that we've come to expect. When you choose your server, it'll launch into the character screen. When you select to create a character, you are first asked to choose Republic or Sith Empire. Whichever one you choose, you'll be treated to another sweet cinematic unique to your side. Unfortunately, after this, character creation is rather lackluster. All of your race options are: Human, Cyborg, Chiss, Miraluka, Sith Pureblood, Twi'lek, Mirialan, Rattataki, and Zabrak. No wookies, though I believe you can get one as a companion, all of the playable characters are essentially human re-skins. Not exactly the best Star Wars feel, but it does get much better later.

    There are four body types: flyweight, normal, Heroic, and Biggins. Now, while I do appreciate leaving in an option for those of us who want to have a more "rounded" character, these were just not good at all. They really needed to get at least double the number of body types. There's a good variety of options for beards and complexions, but no tattoos at all (They use scars in place of it for men, and the scars and makeup are of this time the same bar for female characters). You will run into yourself around, and some of the options are a bit too cartoony.

    You completely forget about all of this though as soon as you hit the story. The graphics and visual style are amazing, harkening back to the Knights of the Old Republic games. All mission NPCs are fully voice-acted, meaning no more text bars, and the dialogue has branching options that are fantastic. You're even warned when a particular action would be considered Light of Dark Sided, and as you progress in the Light or Dark, you can allow your appearance to alter based on your rating. Speaking of the Light/Dark axis, it's not a simple Good/Evil scale. Early on as a Jedi Knight, I was asked to spy on two Padawans who were suspected of becoming amorous with one another. The Light Side is to drop the dime on them, while you get Dark Side point for lying to cover for them. It was nice to see a bit of complexity in an MMO, as well as non-combat/mining quests, where I actually get to interact with people. There is one thing in this game that makes me keep coming back for more: I actually feel like I'm doing things, like I'm accomplishing something in the course of play.

    Combat is simple and straightforward, with ranked abilties dependent on race/class/ level, so nothing to groundbreaking there. I don't really see that as a bad thing, though, because most people want to be able to just get in there and focus on the action without having to learn all new controls. Combat areas include the regular variety, as well as instanced areas, some are even specific to your class, or mission. Then you have the Flashpoints, PvP battlezones, and a slew of other options, including duels.

    Space combat is supposed to upgrade as it goes along, but for now it's sort of like the old Starfox game form SNES, with you flying down a corridor. Definitely a fun mini-game, and they do intend to expand upon it, so hopefully that means it'll go fully open at some point, but til then, it's still very much fun.

    It was so wonderful to have my leap of faith rewarded for once in this game. It is definitely worth the price of admission
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    I WILL be buying this game.

    and you're right Star Wars has burned us many times with video games, although Star Wars Lego was fun.

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    There is one thing I will say about The Star Wars Galaxies and that is it had the greatest crafting system ever devised in any game period. Despite that game ultimately becoming a failure I still do not understand why no one has tried to replicate/improve on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderknuckles View Post
    There is one thing I will say about The Star Wars Galaxies and that is it had the greatest crafting system ever devised in any game period. Despite that game ultimately becoming a failure I still do not understand why no one has tried to replicate/improve on it.
    oh yes, I was a pure crafter in the game (Master Shipwright, Master Armorer, Master Weaponsmith, Master Pilot with an insanely upgrade Y-Wing. Nobody could lick my dogfighting.), and I never once felt robbed for the experience... until the New Game Experience turned it into Everquest... In SPAAAAACCCEEEE! I think that pretty much killed SWG overnight, especially since they'd only just released the Trials of Obi-Wan expansion a month or so before.

    As for a continuing point of review:

    I do sort of wish they had "neutral" faction, for things like Bounty Hunter and Smuggler, but that's really a minor gripe. For now however, you have eight main classes as follows:

    Republic side: Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular
    Imperial Side: Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor.

    However, then there are the advanced classes you can choose when you hit level 10 to customize out your class. On top of that, each of the Advanced Classes has three build trees to play with, one shared tree for the main class, and then two trees that are specific to each of the advanced classes

    Vanguard- Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards wade into battle wearing advanced heavy armor. They are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military. These steadfast soldiers ignore personal risk, deliberately stepping into the line of fire to divert danger from allies and innocents. Though their tactical role is inherently dangerous, Vanguards have an uncanny survivability due to their expert defensive tactics and the advanced technology at their disposal.

    Commando- Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge battlefields with massive blaster cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Whether taking out an enemy bunker with focused fire or driving back an Imperial charge with a hail of concussive bolts, the Commando’s high-powered hardware dominates the scene, laying waste to all unfortunates who fall within its range. Many of the Republic’s greatest military victories can be credited to the decisive actions of a Commando in the field.

    Trooper Trees:


    • Combat Medic - Trains the Commando to provide expert first aid to wounded comrades in the heat of battle.
    • Gunnery - Focuses on maximizing the assault cannon's destructive power.


    • Shield Specialist - Powers up the Vanguard’s shield generator to absorb firepower and protect their allies.
    • Tactics - Trains the Vanguard how to more effectively deal with close range combatants.

    Gunslinger- Master of the trick shot, the first to dive for cover and willing to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger and his dual blasters are the perfect team. The Gunslinger can shoot out a man's legs to keep him from charging, blind him so he can't get to his weapons or inflict serious injuries for maximum distraction. There's a right target for ending every disagreement and the Gunslinger knows them like the inside of his ship.

    Scoundrel- The Scoundrel doesn't have time for politeness or a fair fight. In addition to his trusty blaster the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a med pack--everything he needs to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. Being invisible works best, but even when Sith fly through the air waving Lightsabers all they get to do is look surprised as the Scoundrel's scattergun sends them back the way they came. The Scoundrel always shoots first.

    Smuggler Trees:

    • Dirty Fighting (Shared) - These tactics leave no trick off-the-table and often leave an enemy crippled or bleeding.


    • Saboteur - Teaches the Gunslinger to use explosives and advanced tech to sustain a longer assault.
    • Sharpshooter - The Gunslinger focuses on precise, high damage attacks from the safety of cover.


    • Sawbones - The Scoundrel patches his allies up using whatever medical supplies he can scrape together.
    • Scrapper - Focuses on using stealth and the scatter gun to sneak in, take out the enemy, and get out.

    Jedi Knight
    Guardian- A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack.
    Perfect concentration and use of the Force allows smooth movement even in heavy armor--making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders on and off the battlefield, Guardians are known for inspiring allies to amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size.

    Sentinel- Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two Lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. Manipulating the Force, the Sentinel can see holes in the enemy defense, potential flaws in their own technique and how best to plan for both.

    Jedi Knight Trees:

    • Focus (Shared) - Specializes in advanced Force techniques and the Shii-Cho lightsaber form.

    Jedi Guardian

    • Defense - Allows the Guardian to more effectively withstand enemy attacks and protect allies.
    • Vigilance - Provides greater skill in single-blade offense and the ability to take enemies down quickly.

    Jedi Sentinel

    • Combat - Allows the Sentinel to master the Ataru Lightsaber form to rapidly dispatch enemies.
    • Watchman - The Sentinel masters the Juyo Lightsaber form, making him more dangerous as a fight goes on.

    Jedi Consular
    Sage-The mysteries of the Force are endless. A Jedi Sage, deeply attuned to the Force and devoted to uncovering its esoteric secrets, knows this better than any in the galaxy. These masters of the Force are famed for their wisdom and empathy as much as they are for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the wisdom of the past with cutting insight and the power of the Force to change the flow of galactic events.

    Shadow- A Shadow serves the Jedi Order by being a silent observer and, when action is necessary, a subtle hand. To avoid rash decisions on the part of the Council, Shadows go unseen, gathering information and quietly thwarting those who seek to threaten the Jedi order. Employing Force techniques that cloud enemy minds, Shadows slip into hostile territory, and when necessary, they strike enemies down with deadly efficiency.

    Consular Trees:

    • Balance (shared) - Enhances the Sage’s Force attacks and augments the Shadow's Force and Lightsaber abilities.

    Jedi Sage

    • Seer - Allows the Sage to master the art of using the Force to heal and protect allies.
    • Telekinetics - Affords the power to distort reality and move waves of energy, tearing apart enemies.

    Jedi Shadow

    • Infiltration - Masters of stealth, these Shadows use positional attacks and surprise to defeat foes.
    • Kinetic Combat - Uses the double-bladed Lightsaber defensively to protect the Shadow and his allies.

    Bounty Hunter
    Powertech- A Powertech wears heavy plating like a second skin and never balks at taking on the newest prototype technology if it means greater protection and upgraded safeguards. The best in armor shielding, smart defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, from which few enemies escape unscathed.

    Mercenary- If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy. Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform. There’s no problem extra firepower can’t solve, and no one who knows what he’s doing gets between a Mercenary and his target.

    Bounty Hunter Trees:

    • Firebug (Shared) - Upgrades the Bounty Hunter's weapons to deal more damage to his enemies.


    • Arsenal - Uses advanced rocketry and specializes in taking down their targets quickly.
    • Bodyguard - Gives the Bounty Hunter skills and technology to heal and restore his allies.


    • Advanced Prototype - The latest technology makes the Powertech a versatile fighter against any enemy.
    • Shield Tech - Further boosts the Powertech's defensive technology, allowing him to soak up attacks.

    Sith Warrior
    Juggernaut- Sith who train in the stalwart arts of the Juggernaut boast unrivaled stamina in battle. Through diligence and clarity, the Juggernaut shapes the Force to his
    will to become nearly invulnerable. Damage that would destroy others is shrugged off, and futility fills the Juggernaut's foes with doubt and despair. Protecting their allies and punishing their adversaries, they charge into the thick of any fray, and take the brunt of the assault and are even able to drain the energy of their enemies to further strengthen their resolve.

    Marauder- Wielding two sabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders slice through enemy ranks, dealing death with merciless efficiency. Able to intuit
    precisely how to attack in order to maximize every strike, their adversaries become victims in the blink of an eye. Whether annihilating a squad of Republic troops or cutting down a single Jedi, the Marauder sees and exploits every weakness to exact the greatest toll. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain and damage in the galaxy.

    Sith Warrior Trees:

    • Rage (Shared) - Allows the Warrior greater control of the Force and further mastery of the Shii-Cho form.

    Sith Juggernaut

    • Immortal - Uses the power of the Force to increase the Warrior's survivability in battle.
    • Vengeance - The Juggernaut stops at nothing to crush enemies, obliterating them with heavy hits.

    Sith Marauder

    • Annihilation - Mastering the aggressive Juyo form, the Annihilation Marauder destroys enemies from within.
    • Carnage - Focuses on acrobatic Lightsaber techniques that strike quickly and lethally.

    Imperial Agent
    Operative- Combining the expertise of multiple disciplines, Operatives adapt to any environment and any circumstance to ensure the Empire’s agenda is achieved. Whether emerging from stealth to ambush and eliminate enemies in close-range combat or using advanced medical technologies to keep colleagues in the fight, the Operative is able to identify the needs of any situation and react accordingly.

    Sniper- Focused on covert tactics and eliminating sensitive targets, Imperial Snipers are the most elite and professional sharpshooters in the galaxy. After extensive training, the Sniper’s long range blaster rifle becomes a weapon of exacting precision, allowing him to target enemies’ vulnerabilities and strike at the perfect moment to turn the tide of battle.

    Imperial Agent Trees:

    • Lethality (Shared) - Leverages the toxic power of poisons to debilitate enemies over the course of a long fight.


    • Concealment - Upgrades stealth and close-range attacks, allowing the Agent to strike without detection.
    • Medic - Advances the Agent's healing technologies, keeping his allies both alive and effective.


    • Engineering - Empowers the Sniper's droids and probes to weaken enemies and give the Empire an advantage.
    • Marksmanship - Teaches the Sniper to strike down targets from long distances and from the safety of cover.

    Sith Inquisitor
    Sorcerer- The Dark Side holds dangerous secrets – and immense power for those who dare to uncover them. The Sorcerer reaches into the darkest corners of the Force to harness volatile energies that can wreak devastation on his enemies and bolster or even heal his allies. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with dark energy, and those foolish enough to.

    Assassin- Speed and deception are the tools in the Assassin’s arsenal. Whether using stealth to infiltrate a Republic base and remove a high-profile target or tactically entering a large-scale battle, the Assassin’s dual-bladed Lightsaber flashes with deadly precision to provide a relentless offense and when necessary, a formidable defense. The Assassin can channel the Force just as easily, mentally assaulting an enemy and manipulating a confrontation to ensure his side maintains the upper hand.
    get in a Sorcerer’s way soon learn a new definition of suffering.

    Sith Inquisitor Trees:

    • Madness (Shared) - Increases the Inquisitor's mastery of the Force to drain and corrupt his enemies.

    Sith Assassin

    • Darkness - Focuses on defensive techniques to help protect the Assassin and his allies.
    • Deception - Enhances the Assassin's stealth ability, helping him sneak up and dispatch his foes.

    Sith Sorcerer

    • Corruption - Uses dark power to maintain allies' health in battle, and protect them from enemy attacks.
    • Lightning - Channels the Force to overload the Inquisitor's enemies with blasts of lightning.

    As you can see, there are a ton of options for whatever class you take to fit your style of play. Combined with a personalized starship, your character is more than capable of being deeply unique.

    Another truly awesome feature are companions. Companions are basically NPCs that you can pick up along the path of your story that travel with you, and can even be sent on missions for you when they're not actively adventuring with you. You can interact with them yourself, and they even get personally involved in your missions, with their own code of morals and ethics, meaning that as you make choices, their affections levels can go up or down based on how your own choices weigh against their morality. These companions can be droids or other sentients, and are equippable the same as your own character, giving a use for all those extra armors and weapons that tend to rack up in most games. And yes, you can even customize your companions' skin tone/paint job and gear.

    You can also develop crew mission, gathering, and crafting skills which you can even send companions out on, or go yourself. Here goes a list:

    Gathering Skills:
    As you explore planets in the galaxy, you’ll discover a variety of exotic resources and valuable pieces of information. With the right training, you and your crew will be able to scavenge for raw materials, slice computer systems, and track down valuable artifacts. The resources and information you gather can be sold on the open market for a profit, or your crew can use them to craft useful and valuable items. If you like, you can select Gathering skills for all three of the Crew Skill slots available to your team.

    Gathering Skills include:

    • Archaeology – the ability to seek out imbued items like Lightsaber crystals and ancient artifacts
    • Bioanalysis – the practice of collecting genetic material from creatures and plants
    • Scavenging – the art of recovering useful materials and parts from old or damaged technology
    • Slicing – a skill in accessing secured computer systems and lockboxes to acquire valuable data and rare schematics

    Crafting Skills:
    Whether your team gathers resources or you acquire them through other means, they’ll be the cornerstone of crafting. Depending on how you choose to specialize, your crew will be able to construct armor, weapons, implants, or other types of useful items and gear. You can use these
    items yourself or put them up on the open market for profit. You’ll receive Crew Skill reports even while you’re away from the ship, and if one of your companions returns with the schematics for a valuable item, you can assign someone else to start crafting the item right away on the ship’s workstation without having to return to the ship! Crafting skills are very specialized disciplines; for your three Crew Skills slots, you’ll be able to select one Crafting skill for your crew to master.

    Crafting Skills include:

    • Armormech – the ability to work with hard metals and electronic shielding to construct all types of personal armor
    • Armstech – the skill of constructing blasters, blaster rifles and upgrades
    • Artifice – the delicate work of constructing Jedi and Sith artifacts
    • Biochem –the engineering of performance-enhancing chemical serums and biological implants
    • Cybertech – the technical expertise to construct gadgets and components for Droids and high-tech armors
    • Synthweaving – the art of creating lighter outfits and armors that are imbued with supernatural qualities

    Mission skills:
    Mission skills are a unique addition to the Crew Skills system. With these skills, you send companions from your crew across the galaxy on various missions to recover information, hunt down loot, or complete other goals to bring you rewards. When you use a mission skill, you’ll select
    a companion, choose a mission from an ever-changing pool, and send that companion out after the prize. You can choose from a variety of mission skills – is your crew into conducting research? Participating in diplomatic missions? Trading in illicit goods? There are many options, each with their own set of benefits and rewards. Some can even earn you light or dark side points. As with the other skills, your companions complete these missions on their own time and bring the rewards back when they’re done. Any number of your Crew Skills can be a Mission skill, so get ready to put your team to work!

    Mission Skills include:

    • Diplomacy – the art of conducting and managing negotiations
    • Investigation – the skill of examining evidence and following clues to discover valuable secrets
    • Treasure Hunting – the ability to track down and recover valuable items by investigating a series of clues
    • Underworld Trading – expertise in the trading of illegal goods and services
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    And here is a quick preview of the Space Combat for SWTOR:

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" width="560" frameborder="0" height="315"></iframe>
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    I too will be getting this game. I liked SWG but for some reason, at the time I was just getting out of UO and was a bit burned out so didn't stick with it. I like RP (not very good at PvP) so am interested in the crafting aspect; hopefully it will be robust in SWTOR.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
    I too will be getting this game. I liked SWG but for some reason, at the time I was just getting out of UO and was a bit burned out so didn't stick with it. I like RP (not very good at PvP) so am interested in the crafting aspect; hopefully it will be robust in SWTOR.
    Actually, crafting looks to be getting better regularly. It wasn't all that good during the first beta weekend, but by the second they had made mat drops more regular, so now it's much better. Besides having craftable gear, though, gear can also be upgradeable, so that you can add mods to items. I love this because it means I can keep particular gear that I like the look of, and just upgrade it as I go along.

    I also stay away from PvP, tending toward the RP or PvE servers, and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    Actually, crafting looks to be getting better regularly. It wasn't all that good during the first beta weekend, but by the second they had made mat drops more regular, so now it's much better. Besides having craftable gear, though, gear can also be upgradeable, so that you can add mods to items. I love this because it means I can keep particular gear that I like the look of, and just upgrade it as I go along.

    I also stay away from PvP, tending toward the RP or PvE servers, and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.
    Cool!! Maybe we could hook up once the game comes out for real!
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
    Cool!! Maybe we could hook up once the game comes out for real!
    I'm on Khoonda Militia as Ceann (Irish gaelic spelling of Sean). I'm looking at joining a guild

    The first guild is already maxed out at 500, so they're setting up a second brother guild.
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    So, has anyone gotten this yet and if so, how do you like it?
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    I'll be snagging it next month, I just didn't have the funds right now. Next month though, I'm goin nuts.
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    Ok that's cool. I was sort of waiting to see what public opinion had to say about it. I read the forums on it but forums are notoriously full of whiners.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
    Ok that's cool. I was sort of waiting to see what public opinion had to say about it. I read the forums on it but forums are notoriously full of whiners.
    Yeah, I hit that problem as well, especially the ones who don't know the meaning of the terms they're splashing about. The one that gets me is the "It's not innovative at all!" complaint, because clearly they don't understand what innovative means. How many MMOs do you have social quests, or single instance solo story quests that are particular to your character's story? How many MMOs have a moral choice system where you actually see some degree of reason for some of the Dark Side choices, or if playing Dark Side, some of the Light Side choices.

    "The graphics suck!" No, the graphics work fine, everything appears where and how it's supposed to. It's the artistic style you're having an issue with, and that's stupid because they're actually using the artistic style from Knights of the Old Republic video games specifically for the reason that they were so beloved by Star Wars fans. It's like getting angry that Super Mario games all have the same artistic theme.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    I'll be snagging it next month, I just didn't have the funds right now. Next month though, I'm goin nuts.
    Son's picking it up this weekend.

    Probably cooler than hell, but I'm just not that much into PC games. I love my console games though.

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