Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
Exactly, but by making everything free we take away the RESPONSIBILITY of the parent, they are no longer responsibile for the basic needs of their own chidren. that breeds lazyness and a "give me more free shit" mentality.

Where does it stop, when is enough, enough!! Where do you draw the line?? i am sure someoned else will draw it further than you so it NEVER STOPS........
Exactly the opposite. By giving them a reason to come to school we encourage them to take full advantage of the opportunity and better themselves so they don't remain in the same life.

Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
To quote a friend of mine.

"Its a hard world, full of hard choices, we all have a problems get over it". Now that seams rather harsh on the surface but it has a lot of truth to it...
Choices? DOes a kid CHOOSE for his parents to be on welfare? LOL Jesus Christ.