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    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
    I agree with you in principle. Couple that with our citizens 'demands' for higher wages; without thinking twice about the then-higher-costs and we have what we have today: Inflation and struggling. Oh - toss on a dallop of revolving credit debt and yeah - two-income families are the norm, sadly.

    But. Here's the But. Parents have a choice. Everyone has choices. Despite working schedules and tiredness, parents OWE it to their kids to ensure the kids are fed adquately. That's not to say "every time somebody says it's lunch time a kid MUST eat". It's to say 'hunger' is a systematic problem. "Being hungry" is an instance. For an instance, most kids can miss a meal.

    Most people can, for that matter.

    Back to choices - My wife's last dance is about midnight; sometimes later. She gets home between midnight and 2am. After she washes off the remaining glitter, she gets to bed - maybe - about 2:30-3am. She Chooses to rise up to her knees, and pushes herself up off the mattress and down onto the floor - as she puts her little toes into fuzzy slippers, promptly at 0630. She does this to ensure our daughter is up and ready for school. My wife then stands there, and watches / attends to our daughter as the kid waits for the school bus. Back in bed, sometimes, for a 30 minute quicky until she repeats for our son. Thus, her bed life is a series of ups and downs. In and outs. Of bed.

    Choices. My wife made the choice to work her body all night for extra income, and then wear herself out in bed, what with the crazy sleep patterns.

    If WE can do this. If SHE can do what it takes, anybody can. While my wife is a special breed of woman, she's only human. Just like anyone else. No superpowers I can speak of on a family-friendly forum.

    Look we agree that many CHOOSE not to make sacrifices that they probably SHOULD make. But in the meantime we need to face realities. A sad reality is that many a parent see schools as day cares which by God not only have to take care of their children for 10 hours a day and provide for all their needs, but also ones that can't actually discipline said children. The choices are either tell those people to fuck off or to deal with it the best we can. That's why schools must have police on campus now, nurses on staff, cafeterias, sports teams, after school activities, and a myriad of other things. Back when Laura Engal was a a teacher your ass learned to read , write, and do math and that was ALL the school provided, but those days are long gone my friend. Never to return.

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    ...and the aforementioned trips to the dentist, free preschool, all sorts of counseling and interventionists, etc.

    All for kids whose parents can't even be bothered to show up for a single teacher conference, open house, tours, kids' performances, and on an on.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    ...and the aforementioned trips to the dentist, free preschool, all sorts of counseling and interventionists, etc.

    All for kids whose parents can't even be bothered to show up for a single teacher conference, open house, tours, kids' performances, and on an on.
    Pretty sad, isn't it?
    I have dealt with bratty kids whose parents refuse to answer or return phone calls, refuse certified letters and appear to care zero about their child's performance or behavior in school.
    Until we petition the court to remand their child to juvenile detention. Then they lawyer up and come at us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Pretty sad, isn't it?
    I have dealt with bratty kids whose parents refuse to answer or return phone calls, refuse certified letters and appear to care zero about their child's performance or behavior in school.
    Until we petition the court to remand their child to juvenile detention. Then they lawyer up and come at us.
    Gabby, God bless you, I couldn't do what you do. I don't have the patience!
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    ...and the aforementioned trips to the dentist, free preschool, all sorts of counseling and interventionists, etc.

    All for kids whose parents can't even be bothered to show up for a single teacher conference, open house, tours, kids' performances, and on an on.
    So feed the kids lunch and go after the parents for being bad parents. Doing one doesn't preclude you from doing the other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
    But..But.. But.. Jim it's for the children!!! You know that old rally cry of the Libs.

    don't get me wrong I am all for charity and helping to take care of less fortunate but... heres the rub MOST of those kids on free lunches and breakfasts ALREADY RECEIVE FOOD STAMPS AND ASSISTANCE. I have had this argument ad nauseam, it truely does make me sick and as long as we have the Con's ofthe world constantly making excuses for bad parents with the rallying cry of "its for the children" we will continue to have BAD PARENTS

    You are talking ONE school district but when you add all the reduced/free lunches and breakfast around the country you are talking a NOT SO SMALL amount of money.....
    I love that my points were skipped so everyone can continue taking a shot at CH, that the food budget for the school wouldn't change, that not every parent has the TIME in the morning to make lunch because they have jobs (Or are doing Labor Ready for extra money, meaning they're out the door before 3 am), and oh yeah, the school has to get the food anyhow, and ends up just throwing it out, thus completely and utterly wasting it as opposed to using it to help feed some kids.

    Now let's have another talk, this time about food stamps. Food stamps takes into account that the kids will be receiving free or reduced cost lunches at school. It's part of the equation that goes into how much is being given to the families, so what you're proposing is now raising the food stamps allotment, likely by more than what would be done at school. Now, the school still has to order the same amount of food daily, cause you know, the kid still attends the school, but now the kid brings his lunch off the extra food stamp money, since EBT cards don't work in school cafeterias, so we've managed to do some shift over on where the food money comes from, but otherwise, we've just wasted a ton of food at school.

    Seems to me the school lunches are more controlled, since it's the school that determines the lunch menu, and thus the kid is likely going to eat healthier than whatever's being sent from home, as I've seen the shopping lists of families on food stamps, and since there really isn't that much to go around, they end up buying whatever's cheap to get the biggest band for their buck, as opposed to health concerns.

    Now, as to the actual topic of the thread, that being the whole point that we're using genetically engineered proteins in almost all of our food, along with making genetically engineered corn that exudes insecticides, does anyone have an opinion, or should a new thread be started for the tangent?
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    I love that my points were skipped so everyone can continue taking a shot at CH, that the food budget for the school wouldn't change, that not every parent has the TIME in the morning to make lunch because they have jobs (Or are doing Labor Ready for extra money, meaning they're out the door before 3 am), and oh yeah, the school has to get the food anyhow, and ends up just throwing it out, thus completely and utterly wasting it as opposed to using it to help feed some kids.

    Now let's have another talk, this time about food stamps. Food stamps takes into account that the kids will be receiving free or reduced cost lunches at school. It's part of the equation that goes into how much is being given to the families, so what you're proposing is now raising the food stamps allotment, likely by more than what would be done at school. Now, the school still has to order the same amount of food daily, cause you know, the kid still attends the school, but now the kid brings his lunch off the extra food stamp money, since EBT cards don't work in school cafeterias, so we've managed to do some shift over on where the food money comes from, but otherwise, we've just wasted a ton of food at school.

    Seems to me the school lunches are more controlled, since it's the school that determines the lunch menu, and thus the kid is likely going to eat healthier than whatever's being sent from home, as I've seen the shopping lists of families on food stamps, and since there really isn't that much to go around, they end up buying whatever's cheap to get the biggest band for their buck, as opposed to health concerns.

    Now, as to the actual topic of the thread, that being the whole point that we're using genetically engineered proteins in almost all of our food, along with making genetically engineered corn that exudes insecticides, does anyone have an opinion, or should a new thread be started for the tangent?
    Here's an opinion on that. There is a direct correlation between 9 lb chicken breasts becoming available at wal mart and almost every 15 y/o girl having huge tits. It can't be healthy to be eating all that shit.

    Unfortunately the alternative is usually either very expensive organic food or limited food options.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
    I love that my points were skipped so everyone can continue taking a shot at CH, that the food budget for the school wouldn't change, that not every parent has the TIME in the morning to make lunch because they have jobs (Or are doing Labor Ready for extra money, meaning they're out the door before 3 am), and oh yeah, the school has to get the food anyhow, and ends up just throwing it out, thus completely and utterly wasting it as opposed to using it to help feed some kids.

    Now let's have another talk, this time about food stamps. Food stamps takes into account that the kids will be receiving free or reduced cost lunches at school. It's part of the equation that goes into how much is being given to the families, so what you're proposing is now raising the food stamps allotment, likely by more than what would be done at school. Now, the school still has to order the same amount of food daily, cause you know, the kid still attends the school, but now the kid brings his lunch off the extra food stamp money, since EBT cards don't work in school cafeterias, so we've managed to do some shift over on where the food money comes from, but otherwise, we've just wasted a ton of food at school.

    Seems to me the school lunches are more controlled, since it's the school that determines the lunch menu, and thus the kid is likely going to eat healthier than whatever's being sent from home, as I've seen the shopping lists of families on food stamps, and since there really isn't that much to go around, they end up buying whatever's cheap to get the biggest band for their buck, as opposed to health concerns.

    Now, as to the actual topic of the thread, that being the whole point that we're using genetically engineered proteins in almost all of our food, along with making genetically engineered corn that exudes insecticides, does anyone have an opinion, or should a new thread be started for the tangent?
    We didn't skip your points to take some shots at CH, although that is fun, it's because IMO it isn't relative. If there are less kids eating lunch, or none, then the correct amount of food will be prepared/served and little will be thrown out.

    Do you have a link for that? Because it seems that they would be increasing the allowance over the summer when school is out. But even if it is true, then go ahead and increase SNAP. Increasing mandates on schools takes away from their purpose of education.

    An interesting history of school lunches:

    And if that wasn't enough, we now have an after school snack program. Is there any more evidence required that what seems like a good idea won't expand beyond original intentions?

    Our local PS has maybe 90% on free/reduced lunch so apparently money is pretty tight for the families that go there, so what does the principal do? She has a candy cart that sells candy to the supposedly poor and impoverished never mind the nutritional arguments that go along with that. Does that sound logical?
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    We didn't skip your points to take some shots at CH, although that is fun, it's because IMO it isn't relative. If there are less kids eating lunch, or none, then the correct amount of food will be prepared/served and little will be thrown out.

    Do you have a link for that? Because it seems that they would be increasing the allowance over the summer when school is out. But even if it is true, then go ahead and increase SNAP. Increasing mandates on schools takes away from their purpose of education.

    An interesting history of school lunches:

    And if that wasn't enough, we now have an after school snack program. Is there any more evidence required that what seems like a good idea won't expand beyond original intentions?

    Our local PS has maybe 90% on free/reduced lunch so apparently money is pretty tight for the families that go there, so what does the principal do? She has a candy cart that sells candy to the supposedly poor and impoverished never mind the nutritional arguments that go along with that. Does that sound logical?
    A few points.

    First, why would SNAP benefits go up in the summer? Don't you think it just averaged out over the entire year rather than having different amounts for each month?

    Second, I SERIOUSLY doubt that 90% of your school district is on free or reduced price lunch.

    Third, in regards to your candy cart, sounds like poor leadership from the school board to me , we actually voted to remove our soda machines a few years back, let alone selling candy to kids.

    Maybe you should run for school board if this whole issue upsets you so much. But then again, well.........

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    Here's an opinion on that. There is a direct correlation between 9 lb chicken breasts becoming available at wal mart and almost every 15 y/o girl having huge tits. It can't be healthy to be eating all that shit.

    Unfortunately the alternative is usually either very expensive organic food or limited food options.
    Yeah, but that's the exactly the problem: The organic would be cheaper if they weren't cut off from the subsidies , and being charged fees to produce organic food. The big farms are basically deciding things for the little farms, which just isn't right. I'm all for keeping the government out of stuff to an extent, but government's most basic responsibilities is to ensure that there is a level playing field. If a set of regs are out there, they need to apply to everyone, not this group over here, or that group there. It's like trying to play Baseball, but each team has different rules to play by based on how much their ballclub pulls in each year.

    Let me be clear, I'm not saying some farms should be given special treatment. I'm saying no farms should be getting special treatment. This protein should have been tested thoroughly before it ever made it in to the food supply, that's just basic sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    We didn't skip your points to take some shots at CH, although that is fun, it's because IMO it isn't relative. If there are less kids eating lunch, or none, then the correct amount of food will be prepared/served and little will be thrown out.

    Do you have a link for that? Because it seems that they would be increasing the allowance over the summer when school is out. But even if it is true, then go ahead and increase SNAP. Increasing mandates on schools takes away from their purpose of education.

    An interesting history of school lunches:

    And if that wasn't enough, we now have an after school snack program. Is there any more evidence required that what seems like a good idea won't expand beyond original intentions?

    Our local PS has maybe 90% on free/reduced lunch so apparently money is pretty tight for the families that go there, so what does the principal do? She has a candy cart that sells candy to the supposedly poor and impoverished never mind the nutritional arguments that go along with that. Does that sound logical?
    That's right, it's not relative, FJ, that's my point. It isn't that schools want to waste food, or order food that will have to be thrown out. They don't have a choice, it's law. They have to have enough food to feed every single kid in the school, period. Whether the kids pay for it or not, they must still have that food, just like Casinos have to have money on hand equal to the amount of chips in play on the floor.

    It does sound though like your School board there needs a swift kick in the ass, cause clearly they're going off the deep end with that.
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    I hope I'm not repeating old news. But here is what I think Abbey and others were getting at. When you let the government into the lunch business at school, how far do you let them go? How about if you DO send your kid off to school with lunch, but the school makes your child eat something else as they don't feel your meal is nutritious enough? Where does it end? How long will it be before parents are fined because the government doesn't "approve" of the kids lunch? The government shouldn't be telling us what we can and cannot eat. They shouldn't be telling us how to raise our children and feed them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I hope I'm not repeating old news. But here is what I think Abbey and others were getting at. When you let the government into the lunch business at school, how far do you let them go? How about if you DO send your kid off to school with lunch, but the school makes your child eat something else as they don't feel your meal is nutritious enough? Where does it end? How long will it be before parents are fined because the government doesn't "approve" of the kids lunch? The government shouldn't be telling us what we can and cannot eat. They shouldn't be telling us how to raise our children and feed them.
    I absolutely agree that school was wrong. Of course a school has a mandate to make sure the meals THEY provide meet certain nutritional requirements, but they've no business checking brought from home lunches for such.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I hope I'm not repeating old news. But here is what I think Abbey and others were getting at. When you let the government into the lunch business at school, how far do you let them go? How about if you DO send your kid off to school with lunch, but the school makes your child eat something else as they don't feel your meal is nutritious enough? Where does it end? How long will it be before parents are fined because the government doesn't "approve" of the kids lunch? The government shouldn't be telling us what we can and cannot eat. They shouldn't be telling us how to raise our children and feed them.
    Yup. And I tried twice to show the slippery slope from lunch to the other craziness. The total lack of personal responsibility engendered, and required siphoning off the taxpayers to do so.
    But apparently some can't or won't see it.

    Next on the agenda is probably free student dinners, or at least a free take-home snack. After all, who can do imagined homework on an empty stomach, and those poor stressed parents can't make dinner either. Right?
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConHog View Post
    A few points.

    First, why would SNAP benefits go up in the summer? Don't you think it just averaged out over the entire year rather than having different amounts for each month?

    Second, I SERIOUSLY doubt that 90% of your school district is on free or reduced price lunch.

    Third, in regards to your candy cart, sounds like poor leadership from the school board to me , we actually voted to remove our soda machines a few years back, let alone selling candy to kids.

    Maybe you should run for school board if this whole issue upsets you so much. But then again, well.........
    First, DS said it figured for school lunch, that was my logical leap.
    Second, I said school not district, and doubt what you like.
    Third, you bet, it exemplifies the leadership.

    And the demographics area against me. Besides, who said I was upset, just pointing out where issue-by-issue gets us.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Yup. And I tried twice to show the slippery slope from lunch to the other craziness. The total lack of personal responsibility engendered, and required siphoning off the taxpayers to do so.
    But apparently some can't or won't see it.

    Next on the agenda is probably free student dinners, or at least a free take-home snack. After all, who can do imagined homework on an empty stomach, and those poor stressed parents can't make dinner either. Right?
    They already have a program in place via the United Way which partners with several schools (including some in NM) to funds take home food for kids. In order to participate your family has to qualify for free or reduced lunches. To me it's already only a matter of time before this program is government funded.

    I will also add that a lot of children who qualify for "reduced lunches" are not starving on the weekends. kids can qualify for reduced lunches if I really wanted to milk the system for freebies.

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