Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
For a mix up try the 300 workout, the goal is under 20 minutes, my best time was 18:25. i havent done it in a while but am working my back up to it.

Start with
25 pullups
50 push ups
50 deadlift with 135lbs
50 wipers ( lay on the ground with the deadlift bar and "bench" it hold it and bring your feet up together and "wipe side to side" to each weight plate.
50 clean and press with kettle bells each arm (40 lbs)
50 24 inch jumps
25 pullups

Its a bitch to do but I tell you, you will feel great in about 3-4 days.....

Fist time I tried it it took me 45 minutes, its a full body workout that really keeps you hopping!!!
Wow, that's a hell of a workout! I think I'd end up in the hospital! LOL