Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post

Constitutionally prescribed autonomy --exactly-- which includes the powers that Congress subsequently gives them. --if that's constitutional-- The memo they used re: Awlaki was not written overnight and he was a problem for years iirc so there was likely ample time in which a bill could have been introduced in Congress and passed. And in this case there was evidence and there is someone to bring the claim, the dismissal on the father's case was administrative in a way, standing, and didn't speak to the facts and actions. I'll assume that it was decided correctly and that possibly the judiciary is not the forum in which to be tried.

I think in this case it's easy to say that the executive was wrong, because there is failure by Congress shouldn't absolve the POTUS. They haven't released the memo so it's hard to judge the basis for their actions; that's something else to have issue with.
as an aside gripe that will probably get little traction.
STANDING in this case and others is another issue that seems to leave "the people" hung out to dry. But in this case If we used the same/similar standards used by the last and current Presidents then every American would have "standing".
Terrorist MIGHT kill us, they have threatened us and written about killing us. Foreign Countries ARE GETTING weapons that MIGHT kill us. They MIGHT attack us. Well the President MIGHT put you or me in jail without a trail. The President MIGHT decide any American is a Terrorist therefore We all have standing and have the right to take the president to court. Because he's taking steps that THREATEN every Americans freedoms. PRE-EMPTIVE standing. Every year the president claims more and more authority and we can site cases where he has attacked and killed innocent Americans, Al-Walaki's Son to name 1. Where he's jailed without trial and used undue treatment if not torture against American citizens, Bradly Manning to name 1. Where terror laws have been used against Americans who are clearly NOT terrorist , I've posted pages of examples before. Our safety is threatened by an out of control Executive branch. We've got to get Him BEFORE he gets us. he's already on our shores.