Quote Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
However, in this instance, we already had proof that Awlaki had orchestrated attacks (Some of it his own statements to the effect), and was planning more as he went along. We had to take his threats seriously as he has already shown that he will kill people, even people who are innocent to go after this aims. Now, this doesn't entirely remove due process, but at that point he has declared himself to be an enemy soldier, and that means, as far as the military's concerned, he's an okay target to put bullets into. Should we be making sure that the evidence we have is good and sound as the manner of due process? Of course, I'm not saying otherwise, but you can't just let someone keep on killing people either, and a breach could have cost even more lives in the process.
You must have must scanned my reply, i was talking about the son. But Agreed Due process can't get lost in the shuffle even when on the surface it seem plain that a person is guilty.