Discuss the feminine in the divine.

Longing for Darkness by China Galland, is a travel diary and also the spiritual journey of a woman who was raised a Catholic and becomes a Buddhist. It draws the connection between the Dark Mother, the Black Madonna in European Catholicism, and Tara the female Buddha.

Darkness is the void, the feminine, the unknown.

The Courage of Conscience Award

China Galland is being given the Courage of Conscience Award from the Peace Abbey, in Sherborn, MA. and from the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley. She will become a part of an illustrious group which includes the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Mother Teresa, Maya Angelou, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Paul Farmer, Julia Butterfly Hill, and many others. China is receiving this award in recognition of her years of writing, leadership, and activism on behalf of justice, reconciliation, and peace. The award is being given to her at this time because of the Abbey's and the Institute's belief that her visionary work on truth and reconciliation has never been needed more than now. Read more about the Courage of Conscience Award and the Peace Abbey.