Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
I agree with all of that Con.

I think it's a tough call.
Handcuffs were probably unnecessary though.
At least in this case the police Did, as Log mention, Ask to search. And they had some bit of real probably cause to detain the people (unlike the TSA).

But handcuff everyone , for what?
Well, just a wild ass guess but it was an 'armed robbery'. I gotta assume they had guns. So, in this situation what's the best way to prevent their use...cuff em all while you sort it out IMO.

Damn, I was right: “When they searched the car, they found two loaded firearms.” Now the question is...if able would the perp have used them, perhaps killing some innocent folk/s in an effort to avoid arrest? We'll never know and IMO that's a good thing.