Quote Originally Posted by Geolibertarian View Post
I found this board through a friend, liked what I saw, and thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Geolibertarian, 44, male, from Nebraska. I'm a staunch conservative and a lifelong Republican whose proud of his country.

I supported and still support the war in Iraq, and I know that this President can win it, but that the liberals are holding him back. The way i see it is we've got to realize that we're not just fighting in iraq. This is a global war against a religious ideology bent on our destruction. It's the biggest threat we've faced and we've got to step up to the plate or lose it, and that's what we're doing.

I'm firmly against amnesty. If you're going to be in this country, you need to be here legally, you need to contribute, and you have to want to be here. You've gotta be an American.

On the social stuff I think its pretty simple. I'm strongly pro-life and 100% against queer marriage. I'm also sick and tired of watching my hardearned dollars being sent to welfare bums.

I'm proud of this president. He's been sidelined lately, but that's what happens when we let the cut-and-runners into Congress.

Anyway, I hope to have a good time and get to know you folks.
It seems you are bringing some wanted balance to this board! Welcome!