Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
No proper action will be taken as long as obama is in charge. The guy is about as smart as a box of rocks. Of course most of his agenda is decided by outside foreign interests and transmitted to us by him reading a teleprompter. Those outside interests decide all major issues not that idiot puppet that they chose because of his mutt status! Yes, that is how far our nation has fallen. This election will decide if those foreign interests(globalist entity) can yet again fffkkk we the people.. A-stan is a minor issue compared to the deliberate destruction of the wealth, might and power of this great nation. If our nation falls all other issues are irrelevant.. --Tyr
All presidents have begun to look like puppets to me. How much REAL information do you feel you have about the reason we are staying in A-stan ?