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    I'm sure that this video of a debate will interest ALL who love the forums such as Hopefully this will spark enough interest in those who refuse to even consider other possibilities or theories (other than the weak theory of Evolution).

    Look, the majority of science refused to believe that there was more than one solar system OR, perhaps, that we weren't the center of the universe but the Bible tells us that we were NEVER the center. The Bible also explains MANY aspects of DNA and even the loony intelligent design folks who have many VERY interesting yet off the wall ideas KNOW that the genetic issue will NOT support evolution. We are winning in the global warming debate and 'alternative' theories pertaining to our origin is winning as well because TRUTH or truths ALWAYS surface (regardless of how THEY have tried to silence such truth). The left always back up their OPINION by calling our opinion LIES or claim that they are right and we are wrong (just as a child would react to a truth that it was not willing to accept).

    What you find in our world (physical evidence) is in Horizontal 'adjustments' rather than vertical "improvements to higher forms of life". Any time a vertical change occurs, it is either a decline in a species and/or extinction itself. We explain creation and creation suggest that SIN causes all things to continually decline. The extinction of animals right down to the death of stars. This is due to the curse that God placed on His creation after the fall of man. Even horizontal 'adjustments', although saving a species for a while, the end result is inevitably a decline not a climb or a promotion to a higher form of life. In basic physics, we have constants but the quality of energy always decreases over time. Chaos is always the end result and we believe this will always be the case until the Creator does what he says He will do at the end. The big bang suggests chaos and from chaos comes no order and what we see in Creation, Evolution, Intelligent Design and other theories requires substantial ORDER of the highest level. So unless Evolution can explain something besides the Big Bang or whatever else may have started this vast and amazing CREATION, there must be a beginning (even if one must contemplate a beginning from a beginning). The main theme of my saying all of this is: If you can't prove anything, yet other reasonable explanations are available, there is no logical reason not to explore or teach ALL possibilities for a STRONG foundation of REAL science. We do not have a problem in teaching evolution but we detest the limitations that lemmings place upon us all through their ignorance and intolerance.

    Within Evolution, one would expect, after billions of years of horizontal "transitions", to find intermediate forms...vast numbers of intermediate forms. Instead, we find none and only find extinction of the same forms that existed then existing today. Creation seems to have a much firmer foundation in this as we find sea and land animals within the same layers as the same geological times (which suggest that our Creator also preserved proof of the Great Flood). To suggest that there are intermediate forms of life...especially when such life forms share a common trait or living condition, one must (for example) assume that their are Cogs or Dats somewhere within fossil records. Likewise, there should probably be 'Whows' and 'Coales' intermediates (from the cow to whale example that evolutionists have preached in times past). There are none, of course, and this is a big problem with evolution just as the chaotic Big Bang Theory is to the highly organized gradual promotion of ORDER that is necessary for evolution. To suggest that chaos and random "accidents" have provided the miraculous universe we have to day would be irresponsible to say the least. One of the funniest things that I enjoy about evolutionists is that they say that evolution takes place to slowly to see....however, the lack of proof we see with fossils having evolved, they say, are because changes happened too fast for us to have intermediate life form changes. Which is it. You can't have it both ways YET evolution is full of these irregularities. Evolutionist then walk by faith...not by site but FAITH is not a they so eagerly tell those such as myself. The creation model, unlike the evolutionary "model" explains the "GAPS" within fossil records whereas evolution is stomped by them. I found it particularly interesting that Dr. Morris seemed very respectful and dealt with his theory without criticism of the opposing view or without a seemingly god-like knowledge of what the other may say. I simply got an entirely different tone from the the opposing side and because of this seeming attack, learned much less of evolution and more of how evolutionists are not only superior in knowledge but have the capability to read minds. Dr. Morris, as a Geologist before becoming a Creationist knew of dating methods and has extensively explained the imperfections of such dating methods. As for the billions of light years away and our seeing stars from that far....I look at this as a theory as well because we have no way of knowing what the star's distances actually are. Of course, this is my limited understanding but as an excellent marksmen, I can tell you that I have judged distances through laser range finders and to get an extremely accurate register of distance, lasers MUST be able to pinpoint a target and return and this time of return provides the distance it takes for this burst of light to reach the receiver of the range finder. How can one do this if it would take said beam of laser to get to the target and return (all within our lifetime). Dr. Morris did suggest that the furthest that we could speculate a relative distance of stars would be about 300 light years so if stars are 2,000 light years away and if light was not simply spoken into existence within its destination, then it would have already gotten here long ago. This would also account for an BORN stars of recent (IF) we discover newer stars that may have been created 6,000 light years away (the approximate age of CREATION according to the Bible). Dr. Morris did not have a problem with Miller's so called "gotcha moment" because if something as fast as the universe can be spoken into existence then ALL things (including set motion activities such as LIGHT and the age of mature rocks, plants and animals would also be 'spoken'. In Miller's own words, he confirmed, yet again, the accuracy of what Dr. Morris has explained in greater detail so as to not mis-lead the audience...information that Miller failed to mention in his opening speech when discussing the "gotcha moment". Miller also stated that the 'estimate' of a star's distance is dependent on variables, one of which was the assumption of a star's distance being judged by its brightness. WOW...out of all the sizes, colors and intensities of millions of stars, they base their "ASSUMPTION" of distance on any particular star's brightness. No matter though because if you're that powerful as to create even the smallest of micro organisms FROM NOTHING then you should have no problem with other factors. Dr. Morris also revealed some VERY interesting facts about the inconsistencies and other factors as to determining age of rocks or fossils and how that it is something that can not be confirmed with any accuracy. An example was given when they had aged recent volcanic rock that, although VERY young, was aged at millions of years. For one thing it depends on how much exposure something has been subjected to and the consistency of how long it was exposed in addition to being within a closed system without corruption from various other sources and extraordinary circumstances but these variables can never be confirmed just as the distances of stars can not be confirmed unless we actually visit said stars or are able to generate a measurement system that is MUCH faster than the speed of light that can be transmitted and received at a certain amount of lapsed time. No, just as everything else in their THEORY, it is assumptions from which they attempt to stay afloat. As for Miller's pointing out that Morris's Creation theory has gaps regarding no record of angiosperms, he pretty much cut his own throat by essentially staying that the gaps in his theory, likewise, prove that the gaps in so-called transitions prove that there are NO transitions or evolved forms. Good job Mr. Miller! Miller also made reference to how the creator "welded us" by using the same fabric of life. If this is true, should not ALL forms of life share a very distinct and extremely common strand of DNA? After all, if we share 50% or our DNA with Bananas shouldn't we share at least 75% with opossum? Fifty percent relativity to bananas isn't even all that much, considering any two randomized DNA sequences will have 25% match overall. Heck, even the 95 or so percent isn't much at all considering how the slightest of change within DNA strands can be very significant. by chance. Given the constraints already mentioned in that there are a basic set of genes needed by any organism, I'd guess that 50% match is probably near the limit of "unrelatedness." As cognitive scientist Daniel Povinelli, of the University of Louisiana, puts it: “That rough similarity in our nucleotide sequences obscures the fact that the same genes may have dramatically different activity levels in the two species.” In other words chimps and humans aren’t anywhere near as alike as Dunbar would have us believe, nor even remotely as alike as dogs and wolves actually are. STILL, my question would be that; "if we were all created by ONE Creator, wouldn't the evidence of DNA similarities simply point to a single Creator/Designer?" Hhhmmmmm...Meanwhile, Dunbar’s analogy also crumbles when we consider that by some scientific forms of reckoning dogs are actually two members of the same species (canis lupus, canis lupus famliaris), while chimps and humans (pan troglodytes, homo sapiens) aren’t even in the same biological family. Morris was challenged to provide quotes, evidence and other things and Morris took him up on that and recieved loud applause for doing so...respectfully, I might add. Miller, in his [gotcha moment] said: "The Lord has delivered him into my hands." Yeah...well, it was Miller who seemed to be the one 'delivered'. HA!!! Sadly, ridicule, during PART 4 of the debate (which was the question segment from audience members) was issued to Dr. Morris when it was Dr. Morris who had been so civil, respectful and tolerant to the other side. This is the same attitude and intolerance that we so often times see from the left and it is sad that rebuttal can't be delivered without sarcastic remarks and disrespect...even for great minds such as Dr. Henry Morris.

    I had the privilege to meet Dr. Henry Morris and he was not only a gentlemen of the truest since of the word but was also a brilliant mind of our day. I find it repulsive at the MANY personal shots that Miller fired off to Dr. Morris while Morris remained a gentleman and OPEN to other's ideas. Yes, I side with Dr. Henry Morris for obvious reasons BUT, I truly believe that if I were not a Christian and I were still a believe in Evolution as I once was, Morris would have gained much respect and raised many legitimate questions as to the origins of creation. I hope this debate between Miller and Morris is given the attention that it deserves so that we may be able to discuss all "possibilities" and theories that actually have evidence and not speculation. I would view such questions and opinions as educational and hope that opinions are treated with respect because this is a very sensitive subject.

    Debate between Morris/Miller (1981) *In the closing comments, Morris killed Miller and was applauded (at Miller's own college unless I'm mistaken)!!!

    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

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    Missile man wrote:Once again, you display a total lack of any understanding of the evolutionary process...

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good one Miss! U got me!

    Did anyone expect anything else out of the 'great' mind? I suppose we should all just in awe of his superiority.

    Once simply "MISS". Once more, your display of TOTAL lack of understanding and tolerance of TRUE science can only be described as biased hate and love of ignorance that TRUE science frowns upon.

    Great one or two liners by the way. Simply telling someone how ignorant they are without addressing certain topics is what I'd expect from the likes of you. the likes who run from a debate by spouting how ridiculous one theory is while claiming that the other is infallible. The fact is, none of the THEORIES can be proven but yours certainly has a multitude of holes and unexplained reasons for the many holes. At least those with intellect address these holes as a problem but you don't even see the problem because you don't even understand TRUE science.

    I'll have to let Post Modern Prophet own you again cuz I don't have the time or the interest in debating and bringing up legitimate questions and concerns while you reply with a few one or two liners that tell everyone how those who simply oppose you have an inferior intellect. Makes me think of the guy who has to go around telling his workers that he's in charge. If you're really in charge or don't have to go around reminding everyone. HA!

    I doubt you'll check the video debate out that I posted or read the problems many (even scientists) have with the many holes in your faith because that is what Evolution is...a Faith.
    Last edited by red state; 08-12-2012 at 08:59 PM.

    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

  3. #33
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    This one has Missile written ALL over it:

    "Faith Followers of Evolution must constantly remind
    themselves that what they see was not created."

    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    Missile man wrote:Once again, you display a total lack of any understanding of the evolutionary process...

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good one Miss! U got me!

    Did anyone expect anything else out of the 'great' mind? I suppose we should all just in awe of his superiority.

    Once simply "MISS". Once more, your display of TOTAL lack of understanding and tolerance of TRUE science can only be described as biased hate and love of ignorance that TRUE science frowns upon.

    Great one or two liners by the way. Simply telling someone how ignorant they are without addressing certain topics is what I'd expect from the likes of you. the likes who run from a debate by spouting how ridiculous one theory is while claiming that the other is infallible. The fact is, none of the THEORIES can be proven but yours certainly has a multitude of holes and unexplained reasons for the many holes. At least those with intellect address these holes as a problem but you don't even see the problem because you don't even understand TRUE science.

    I'll have to let Post Modern Prophet own you again cuz I don't have the time or the interest in debating and bringing up legitimate questions and concerns while you reply with a few one or two liners that tell everyone how those who simply oppose you have an inferior intellect. Makes me think of the guy who has to go around telling his workers that he's in charge. If you're really in charge or don't have to go around reminding everyone. HA!

    I doubt you'll check the video debate out that I posted or read the problems many (even scientists) have with the many holes in your faith because that is what Evolution is...a Faith.
    You cherry pick a small portion of my posts, don't respond to or refute the lion's share of what I've written, and then claim victory in the debate based on the brevity of my posts? You're as dishonest as you are ignorant. I don't blame you for running away though...if I was as outgunned as you are in this debate, I'd be heading for the hills too.
    I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. -- Susan B. Anthony

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    Quote Originally Posted by Missileman View Post
    Correctomundo! Has been for a very long time.
    ever since he lost the argument he's still trying to panhandle as unbeatable.....
    ...full immersion.....

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    Why again is science and faith being discussed in the same thread?
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
    "You know the difference between libs and right-wingers? Libs STFU when evidence refutes their false beliefs." - Another friend
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    Why is this discussion talking about faith...because Evolution is a faith and other theories should be part of the classroom....even though MISSile is too ignorant, blind, biased and lazy to see, research and agree with my being RIGHT. I'm always right and he's always wrong. Whatever....that junk in the one liners is getting old and only proves who is less intelligent or able to carry on a conversation without it ending up lacerating the other party.

    The left always see things through very narrow vision which is why I do not usually call them liberal. They do provide some great or two liners though that are always accompanied by pop shots. No matter is expected from those with limited intellect. I've gotta go to work now...I'll check back in to tell Minute Man how stupid an incredibly WRONG he is. If an intelligent answer or contribution to a debate forum is met with telling everyone that they're wrong or ignorant....I can do that as well. And it doesn't take near as long typing out what I feel. He/she/it is really not worth my time anyway and if he can RUN, Run, run from PostModernProphet, I suppose I can do that too (but I won't). I'm gonna have to pull that old debate up or something cuz I'd really like to read how Missileman got his @$$ kicked by PMP (just like what is happening now...all by himself).

    Keep those one liners coming boy missile.


    "A wise man is at the right hand but a fool is at the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
    "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" Psalms 53:1

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    Why is this discussion talking about faith...because Evolution is a faith and other theories should be part of the classroom....even though MISSile is too ignorant, blind, biased and lazy to see, research and agree with my being RIGHT. I'm always right and he's always wrong. Whatever....that junk in the one liners is getting old and only proves who is less intelligent or able to carry on a conversation without it ending up lacerating the other party.

    The left always see things through very narrow vision which is why I do not usually call them liberal. They do provide some great or two liners though that are always accompanied by pop shots. No matter is expected from those with limited intellect. I've gotta go to work now...I'll check back in to tell Minute Man how stupid an incredibly WRONG he is. If an intelligent answer or contribution to a debate forum is met with telling everyone that they're wrong or ignorant....I can do that as well. And it doesn't take near as long typing out what I feel. He/she/it is really not worth my time anyway and if he can RUN, Run, run from PostModernProphet, I suppose I can do that too (but I won't). I'm gonna have to pull that old debate up or something cuz I'd really like to read how Missileman got his @$$ kicked by PMP (just like what is happening now...all by himself).

    Keep those one liners coming boy missile.
    red state - please read our latest rules update -
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    My high school friends always held me up as proof of the existence of the flat assed and flat chested female species, so there might as well be a flat faced human as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red state View Post
    Personally I'd rather read the one-liners that take one line rather than the one-liners that drag on for two paragraphs. But that's just me. The study of evolution is scientific, the study of creation/faith is not. The twain shouldn't meet.
    Last edited by fj1200; 08-13-2012 at 11:04 AM.
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
    "You know the difference between libs and right-wingers? Libs STFU when evidence refutes their false beliefs." - Another friend
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Personally I'd rather read the one-liners that take one line rather than the one-liners that drag on for two paragraphs. But that's just me. The study of evolution is scientific, the study of creation/faith is not. The twain shouldn't meet.
    Exactly! I can make a point in a couple lines while Red State takes up a half page and makes no point at all.
    I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. -- Susan B. Anthony

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    red state - please read our latest rules update -
    Let him drone on with his juvenile crap. He looks more foolish with every post.
    I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. -- Susan B. Anthony

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    My high school friends always held me up as proof of the existence of the flat assed and flat chested female species, so there might as well be a flat faced human as well.
    I'll beat Jim to the punch on this one...there's just no way to judge whether your friends were right or not without some pics.
    I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. -- Susan B. Anthony

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    In today's news:

    Just as we were all getting used to being part-Neanderthal, Cambridge University scientists say we might not be, after all.

    Research over the last two years has appeared to indicate that humans interbred with Neanderthals deep in the past, leaving traces of their DNA within us.

    But a new study indicates that it's common ancestry, not hybridisation, that best explains the average one-to-four per cent DNA that those of European and Asian descent share with Neanderthals.

    "Our work shows clearly that the patterns currently seen in the Neanderthal genome are not exceptional, and are in line with our expectations of what we would see without hybridisation," says the university's Dr Andrea Manica.

    "So, if any hybridisation happened - it's difficult to conclusively prove it never happened - then it would have been minimal and much less than what people are claiming now."

    Neanderthals and modern humans share a common ancestor who is thought to have spanned Africa and Europe about half a million years ago.

    About 350-300 million years ago, though, the two populations became separated. The Europeans evolved into Neanderthals, and the Africans into modern humans.

    However, as today, populations wouldn't have been completely mixed across continents: closer populations would have been more genetically similar to each other than those further apart. And because of this, the amount of ancestral DNA shared with Neanderthals would vary.

    By examining the different genetic makeup among modern human populations, the scientists attempted to quantify this variation. They simulated a large number of populations representing Africa and Eurasia over the last half-million years, and estimated how much similarity would be expected between a random Neanderthal individual and modern humans in Africa and Eurasia. The resuts were pretty much what we see today.

    "Thus, based on common ancestry and geographic differences among populations within each continent, we would predict out of Africa populations to be more similar to Neanderthals than their African counterparts - exactly the patterns that were observed when the Neanderthal genome was sequenced; but this pattern was attributed to hybridisation," says Manica.

    "Hopefully, everyone will become more cautious before invoking hybridisation, and start taking into account that ancient populations differed from each other probably as much as modern populations do."
    Mama Jeffro: Jeeeeh-froooo! What's going on down there? What's that smell?
    Jeffro: Nothing ma! Me and Lorenzo are practicing our Turkish oil wrestling.

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    I don't get a lot of this.

    Scientists will hold up a skull bone fossil from cave men types, which look very similar to each other, and not that different than our skulls today, and talk about them all being different species.

    Meanwhile, I can hold up a skull bone from a chihuahua and a Great Dane today, which would look nothing alike, yet they are the same species, genus, and can procreate together (physical challenges notwithstanding)

    I may have a lot of my biology wrong (Bio 101 was over 30 years ago)... but this whole "different human species" things doesn't sound right. If it's a different species, how do they decide it's a human species and not another primate species, like apes or gorillas?
    Mama Jeffro: Jeeeeh-froooo! What's going on down there? What's that smell?
    Jeffro: Nothing ma! Me and Lorenzo are practicing our Turkish oil wrestling.

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