A liberal state of mind just in time to displace us as the strong guardsman in this evil and violent 'ole world!
The progressive (liberal fantasy)philosophy, an economic failure, is also a massive blight on our souls. For it chains man to his fellow man and impoverishes all of society by taking away man’s individualism, his sense of responsibility and his self-worth. The progressive (liberal)state dehumanizes and demoralizes man, leaving him a pathetic and miserable lttle slave. There is no compassion in such a system. There is no morality in such a system. All that there is man ruling over his fellow man, throwing miserly government benefits at various mindless voting groups unable to see through such a scheme after so many years of socialistic ideological subversion. Yet we are blessed that our founders gave us a great and valuable weapon, the vote, which come this November we can as defenders of our culture, lives and nation use to great advantage by kicking out the vermin that has infected and tortured us so greatly since 2008.-Tyr