Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
Of what good is peace if it is bought at the cost of sacrificing all that we hold dear? There is a great failure in our country today and that is the failure to understand total submission. What total submission is and how it could lead to our demise. The greatest example of total submission today is Islam. Yes, Islam is the essence of total submission and it demands that not only from its followers but also from all that it confronts.
Surely we that place such great value on justice and freedom can see that there can be absolutely no peace with Islam, with those so dedicated to destroying freedom and justice as we know it. Destroying it as our founders intended and created a governing magnificent document to guide.
Should we fail to unite and arrive at that conclusion, create a proper plan of action and pursue it with determination we shall meet our destruction. For abandoning our integrity, honor and justice we shall pay a heavy price. One that few will dare admit because such tragedy is always the fate of others and we console ourselves with that old line of comforting thinking. Should we fail to act such tragedy may possibly be a just fate for a peoples that have betrayed the sacrifice of millions that gave us the most precious of blessings: Independence, freedom, Rule of law and Constitution.! Such a combination that was not only unique in the world but has since failed to be duplicated !
Should we abandone common sense, Rule of Law to follow the easier path of appeasement our choice made to avoid confronting our fears and our enemy shall almost certainly bring destruction for having renounced the gift that has been dearly bought with the blood, tears and treasure of countless Americans that have lived and died fighting the true fight. The good fight of justice over injustice , of good over evil and the happiness of having created and passed on a blessing beyond compare to future generations..
Rather than yield to complacency, indifference and shallow lusts of the times it may be wise to learn again how to fall to bended knee and asked for strength of mind , pureness of heart and justice defended by righteous blade and keen intellect! If you have no “blade” sell your costly toys to buy the best money can buy. For what good be such if in maintaining one looses their head? Ask not mercy and gifts from enemies with no honor but instead stand firm defend your life, your family and your country! For life often demands great sacrifice, think not and life will take that and more. The more being that which few can or will dare imagine but life cares not about our fears and failures. It is we that should care more about life!
Care enough to stand against those that would murder our parents, enslave our children and exstinguish freedom and justice forever. Islam, shall not subjugate this great nation. Shall not if we face it without fear and with determination birthed from defending that which is good and right about our nation. The nation created to be the guiding light to the world. A Christian nation blessed by God and occupied by those brave enough to spill blood , blood of others as well as their own! -Tyr

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Do you suggest that we outlaw Islam in America ?