[a] the early homophile movement (DOB) and the gay liberation movement (A Gay Manifesto) had different analyses of homosexuality, different aims, and different methods to a achieve them. Assess which approach you would use. To do so, first describe the kinds of oppression gays and lesbians faced in the 50s and 60s. Next, explain how each movement understood homosexuality and their methods to reach their aims. Last, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and explain which strategy you would follow.

[b] I have formulated this question from two perspectives. Answer one or the other (b1 or b2, not both).

[b1] you are a GLBT rights activist making a presentation to other activists about responding to the challenge of the Christian Right. Your task is to convince a national GLBT movement largely secular in nature that in needs to do a better job incorporating religious or spiritual language as part of its effort to cement support among GLBT persons, and as part of its effort to persuade society as a whole to support GLBT rights. To make your case you should [1] characterize the challenge the Christian Right poses to GLBT rights [2] explain both why and how appealing to religious/spiritual language could expand support for GLBT rights.

[b2] question. The first question assumes invoking religious/spiritual language would help the GLBT movement. It is certainly possible to take the alternative position—what Shaiko refers to as “secular fundamentalism”—that religion has no role in public policy. If you wish to take that position, answer this question.

Some GLBT activists have argued overlooking religious/spiritual concerns has limited the potential supportive audience for GLBT rights. Taking into account the religious objection to GLBT rights made by Sheldon, and the support for using religion to support GLBT rights made by Shaiko, persuade GLBT activists as to why it would be a mistake to engage with spiritual/religious concerns in the pursuit of GLBT rights.

[c] Prepare a policy analysis for a national gay and lesbian group trying to decide where they stand on transgender issues. You must come up with a clear stance and rationale either to work on transgender issues, or to focus solely on gay/lesbian issues. Whichever position you take should consider at least 2 potential objections to your position, and respond to them.
Guh I hate the wording, this class, and these questions are difficult. I have to answer them all as one will be on the exam friday and I will have 40 min to write a two page answer to the yet unknown chosen question. Im going to nursing school nxt semester and never taking another political science class.