Let's all take a step backward here. If you don't mind? Let's imagine. As Obama has been doing almost daily, since the death of OBL, and how much he has bragged about almost Single-handedly, taking out OBL on his orders.

Let's ask ourselves. If Obama and Clinton knew what was taking place in Benghazi on September 11th, and the Ambassador had been SAVED, and the TWENTY plus terrorists with weapons who attacked the building had been Killled.

Would the Obama admin. have been stepping out...ADVERTISING and BRAGGING about another successful operation like the one that brought down OBL?

I think we all know. The HEADLINES on the Liberal Obama Press Toilet Papers would have been HOW WONDERFUL OBAMA was.
But....instead. Obama's bragging rights ended when a TERRORIST attack...HE KNEW ABOUT, then hid from all of us, would make him look BAD before the election.

NOW....You tell me. Why we, or any American with an ounce of Brain power...TRUSTS THIS LIAR?