Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I do, I try to treat him like a gentleman all the time, like a friend. Problem is, sometimes I forget when I need to turn that off and go from being friend to being Dad. I do think the lad takes advantage of Dad being a pushover!

I don't know, I would have pushed for Spanish or Italian, but for whatever reason this is what he chooses. I'll have to monitor the rest of the year and see if this is something he can grasp, or should we think about a different language next year. I believe it's too late to do anything this year. When I was in 9th grade I started in French. I hated it and was getting bad grades. I switched to Spanish and got straight A's with a B or 2 mixed in. Chinese is very difficult to understand, or so I'm told.
Parents are not friends, they are parents. Funny thing, usually this is an issue with mothers and daughters. Men tend to get nearly from the get go, they can't be 'friends' with their children, until age 25 for the most part. They are the role model and the enforcer.