The "Doomsday Clock" practitioners are so excited to find anybody listening to them, that they have plastered articles all over the media again. So eager to get their fancied "warnings" out, that they are crowing that their "clock" is showing that we are five minutes from utter destruction... while displaying a clock whose hands indicate three or four minutes till.

But with so few conservatives in office to blame, they are throwing in a new twist: The "dangers" from "Global Warming" have now been added to their fears. And since 2012 is being touted as the hottest year ever, they have discarded the "Climate Change" phrase and gone back to "Global warming" again. Probably at least until Al Jazeera Gore gets a few more Global-Warming meetings cancelled by snow.

While climate obviously does change, sometimes hotter, sometimes cooler, these people are making sure we all "know" just how eeeevil Man has been in causing these changes - with the usual complete lack of any study proving any link between human activity and whatever change they're pointing to this week.

Who knew that they had moved the hands of the clock back when Obama took office, due to his programs that had reduced Global Whatever... or at least his announcements that they would do that? They don't seem to make any connection between his term in office and the hottest year on record, though they tout both in practically the same breath.

Perhaps these strange people are giving Obama credit due to the same programs and results that earned him the Nobel Peace prize...?



End Near? Doomsday Clock Holds at 5 'Til Midnight

By Live Science Staff | – 4 hrs ago.. .

The hands of the infamous "Doomsday Clock" will remain firmly in their place at five minutes to midnight — symbolizing humans' destruction — for the year 2013, scientists announced today (Jan. 14).

Keeping their outlook for the future of humanity quite dim, the group of scientists also wrote an open letter to President Barack Obama, urging him to partner with other global leaders to act on climate change.

The clock is a symbol of the threat of humanity's imminent destruction from nuclear or biological weapons, climate change and other human-caused disasters. In making their deliberations about how to update the clock's time this year, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists considered the current state of nuclear arsenals around the globe, the slow and costly recovery from events like Fukushima nuclear meltdown, and extreme weather events that fit in with a pattern of global warming.

"2012 was the hottest year on record in the contiguous United States, marked by devastating drought and brutal storms," the letter says. "These extreme events are exactly what climate models predict for an atmosphere laden with greenhouse gases." [Doom and Gloom: 10 Post-Apocalyptic Worlds]

At the same time, the letter did give a nod to some progress, applauding the president for taking steps to "nudge the country along a more rational energy path," with his support for wind and other renewable energy sources.

"We have as much hope for Obama's second term in office as we did in 2010, when we moved back the hand of the Clock after his first year in office," Robert Socolow, chair of the board that determines the clock's position, said in a statement. "This is the year for U.S. leadership in slowing climate change and setting a path toward a world without nuclear weapons."