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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    You fucking kidding me?

    I know all about that story thanks to the local news.

    That kid is the victim.

    What if it was a girl. She got beat up and called the cop. The cop shows up and hits her down to the ground and shoves his damned knee in her chest. Still think he is a punk?

    I hope he is fired.

    The victim was understandably upset since he called 911 and for all the cop knew, he might have been beaten up more and maybe shot. But the cop attacks the victim and you side with the cop?

    Fucking stunning.
    Going off on a rant again, I see. As the subject of this thread, I just watched the part that Jimmy posted. No, I don't know all of the background on it. From what I saw, the kid needed his ass kicked. But, I also didn't think it was the cops job to do so as quickly as he did.

    From the clip that was provided, I think I made a reasonable analysis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    cadet. Based on your attitude. Yes. I do think that about you. You have a huge chip on your shoulder about ALL COPS, as far as I can see. You just used a blanket statement that is immature, and typically liberal. If you take the time to read what you said.
    Fine, how's TYPICALLY cops have the gun ho attitude sound? Most of the ones I've met or heard of are total assholes (my coach not included) and think they're above the law. Until you prove me wrong that most cops are bullies and use their station to undermine civilians your arguments are mute.

    You do have your opinion. Nobody can take that away from you. But labeling all police officers as you did. That's just Stupid, and convinced me. You have a Punk attitude that needs more experience.
    Having a healthy fear of things gov't related and overpowered is not punk attitude. If you hadn't noticed, the founders were extremely afraid of the gov't power. Sorry for being a little closer to the countries roots then you

    Carry that kind of chip with you while in Uniform, and you may find yourself on the short end of a UCMJ discharge.
    Hey moron, I'm going in to PROTECT the civilians, not pick on them. Or did you miss that the cop in the video had no idea how to ASSESS the situation and carry out his duty properly? No, he went strait in for the punch. Didn't even try. You think I want assholes like that thinking they're above the law? Not saying the kid was in the right, he needed it. Just not from a cop who's job is to protect. (not dish out justice as he see's fit)

    Despite what you seem to think, cops are supposed to be held more accountable to the law. Cops are here to protect us from the bad guys.
    It is so rare for a cop to do his job correctly that when it does happen, it goes across the internet like wildfire.
    Do you honestly think that a police officer has to walk into EVERY SINGLE SITUATION expecting a shootout? When one pulls over my mom, with me and my siblings in the car (I was a lot younger) with his hand on his gun, for 2 miles over the speed limit, do you think that's right? Should everything be, shoot first ask questions later!

    I bet you're part of that liberal group that thinks cops are not held to as high a standard as the rest of us civilians. They should be allowed bigger guns then us, and have the total right to dish out vigilante justice. Something's a little screwed up in your head if you think that most cops nowadays are not in it for the glory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bingster View Post
    Going off on a rant again, I see. As the subject of this thread, I just watched the part that Jimmy posted. No, I don't know all of the background on it. From what I saw, the kid needed his ass kicked. But, I also didn't think it was the cops job to do so as quickly as he did.

    From the clip that was provided, I think I made a reasonable analysis.
    This will be the only time my opinion coincides with yours

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    Quote Originally Posted by cadet View Post
    Fine, how's TYPICALLY cops have the gun ho attitude sound? Most of the ones I've met or heard of are total assholes (my coach not included) and think they're above the law. Until you prove me wrong that most cops are bullies and use their station to undermine civilians your arguments are mute.

    Having a healthy fear of things gov't related and overpowered is not punk attitude. If you hadn't noticed, the founders were extremely afraid of the gov't power. Sorry for being a little closer to the countries roots then you

    Hey moron, I'm going in to PROTECT the civilians, not pick on them. Or did you miss that the cop in the video had no idea how to ASSESS the situation and carry out his duty properly? No, he went strait in for the punch. Didn't even try. You think I want assholes like that thinking they're above the law? Not saying the kid was in the right, he needed it. Just not from a cop who's job is to protect. (not dish out justice as he see's fit)

    Despite what you seem to think, cops are supposed to be held more accountable to the law. Cops are here to protect us from the bad guys.
    It is so rare for a cop to do his job correctly that when it does happen, it goes across the internet like wildfire.
    Do you honestly think that a police officer has to walk into EVERY SINGLE SITUATION expecting a shootout? When one pulls over my mom, with me and my siblings in the car (I was a lot younger) with his hand on his gun, for 2 miles over the speed limit, do you think that's right? Should everything be, shoot first ask questions later!

    I bet you're part of that liberal group that thinks cops are not held to as high a standard as the rest of us civilians. They should be allowed bigger guns then us, and have the total right to dish out vigilante justice. Something's a little screwed up in your head if you think that most cops nowadays are not in it for the glory.
    Hey Cadet, not all cops are like that cop is. I know that city and it's problems. It is a bankrupt city and the city had to lay off cops.

    That young soldier was pretty hot by the time the cop shows up. And what did the cop do first? Bush his chops. We don't know what the cop endured at his last stop but the man had no business hitting a victim and then kneeling on him. That cop was huge. I mean maybe over 250 pounds. And he seemed not one bit interested in the actual crime. He no sooner finds out the victim got hit before but that somebody pushed his belongings out. Maybe he had not paid rent. That aside, my son in law is a retired cop and a nicer guy you would not run into. He has a fine family and attends church and if he hears me cuss, he darned near walks out.

    You had to be doing 90 in a city street for him to write up a ticket on you. Why not write them? He told me that the judges that heard cases dismissed so many tickets that he simply got tired of going to court where he gave a very legal ticket to have the judge dismiss it.

    I still have not spoke to him about this rogue cop. I think him being a former marine went to his head.

    But all in all, I tend to think that way over 95 percent of the cops are awesome and want to keep the public safe and not get shot down like dogs doing a job as well as they can do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cadet View Post
    Fine, how's TYPICALLY cops have the gun ho attitude sound? Most of the ones I've met or heard of are total assholes (my coach not included) and think they're above the law. Until you prove me wrong that most cops are bullies and use their station to undermine civilians your arguments are mute.
    1) It's "gung ho", not "gun ho".
    2) It's "moot", not "mute".
    3) I generally agree with you, but find Massachusetts to be an exception, possibly by design.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bingster View Post
    Going off on a rant again, I see. As the subject of this thread, I just watched the part that Jimmy posted. No, I don't know all of the background on it. From what I saw, the kid needed his ass kicked. But, I also didn't think it was the cops job to do so as quickly as he did.

    From the clip that was provided, I think I made a reasonable analysis.
    The cop was so huge he was pro football player size. And the young dude was the victim.

    But suppose that was you. You want to be knocked to the ground and have some guy that huge almost hopping up and down on your chest? Didn't you see this event spashed all over the bay area tV news programs? This cop might be brought up on charges. He is in hot water.

    Yeah, I rant when a cop hired to protect the public and victims punches out the victim and hops up and down on his chest. Damned right I stand up for victims of crimes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    That young soldier was pretty hot by the time the cop shows up. And what did the cop do first? Bush his chops.
    You must be watching a different video than me. The cops did nothing or said anything inappropriate to him until he started giving them a hard time about taking 45 minutes to arrive. Then he puffed out his chest and did his "know who you're talking to" routine - and THEN the cop responded. He's a cop, and should have responded differently, but the chops busting was started by this young man.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    The cop was so huge he was pro football player size. And the young dude was the victim.

    But suppose that was you. You want to be knocked to the ground and have some guy that huge almost hopping up and down on your chest? Didn't you see this event spashed all over the bay area tV news programs? This cop might be brought up on charges. He is in hot water.

    Yeah, I rant when a cop hired to protect the public and victims punches out the victim and hops up and down on his chest. Damned right I stand up for victims of crimes.
    Being it was a police officer, I agree with you, he shouldn't have laid a finger on this kid. But that doesn't absolve this kid. I wish it was just a civilian marine that he had ran into and played his tough guy routine, and then the marine kicked his ass. The kid fully deserved an ass kicking, just not from a PO.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Adrenaline shouldn't be pumping 45 minutes after an altercation. And while I don't think the cops acted 100% properly - the young man is the one who escalated things 1st by scolding them about being late, then he did so a 2nd time. That's when the officer approached him. Before the officer can do anything, or even speak a word, that's when the young man started puffing out his chest. In many circles, and especially in police circles, that's a sign of aggression, someone acting like they want to fight. Then he verbalized it next, as if he were special and tough, because he was a US soldier. That had no bearing whatsoever and seemed to me to be yet another attempt at intimidation.

    If it were just another guy on the street, and the marine responded as such, I would buy him a beer for placing the idiot in his place. Being a police officer though, he should have risen above the bait. Maybe cuffed the kid until he backed off his little perch. He had no right to place his hands on the young man unless he was truly threatened, which I'm not satisfied he was.

    So while I do believe the officer was wrong, I also believe the kid needed to be put in his place - just maybe not from an officer of the law. Maybe now we know why his "friends" kicked his ass?

    And right or wrong from either side, respect goes a long way. I thought the officers were respectful up until the slam down. respect will likely get you respect in return, disrespect the same.
    Jim, you sorry bastard. LOL

    The young guy is the victim.

    I said he waited 20 minutes but it was 45. And the cop was fine until he punched the victim and then got down on him with his knee and hopped up and down on him.

    The cop should have been far more understanding of what the victim has been put through causing him to call 911 and plead for help. The cops idea of help was to sucker punch the victim.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    Jim, you sorry bastard. LOL

    The young guy is the victim.

    I said he waited 20 minutes but it was 45. And the cop was fine until he punched the victim and then got down on him with his knee and hopped up and down on him.

    The cop should have been far more understanding of what the victim has been put through causing him to call 911 and plead for help. The cops idea of help was to sucker punch the victim.
    I agree the cops RESPONSE was out of line, from what I can see. And also from what I can see, was a kid pushing the issue, acting tough, throwing out the soldier card and puffing out his chest when an officer approached him. He provoked the copper. That still doesn't give an officer of the law the right to assault someone, I agree. The whole scenario would have been perfect had the kid come across this guy out of uniform, and then pulled his routine, and put in his place by a Marine. The uniform and badge change things though.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Default Sassy and I live in the Bay area and are well acquainted with the cops of Vallejo

    Sassy gets my wild applause for knowing the situation and writing so smartly about this event.

    Thank you Sassy.
    If the cop was really a retired Marine he would have used his superior experience to deal with a young soldier that was running on high adrenalin due to the beating he had already received at the hands of the two who assaulted him. Instead, the cop chose to escalate the situation by hitting him. The kid obviously never thought the police would be attacking him because he called them for help.

    Even though the kid was out of line with the cops I think, if given the chance, would have cooperated if talked to reasonably. I think the cop overreacted when the kid complained about how long it took them to get there.

    I am from this area and the Vallejo police are known to be brutal and have a "take no prisoners" attitude.

    Vallejo saw a 10 percent jump in violent crime last year as the city emerged from bankruptcy. The police force has been cut to 93 officers, down from a high of 158 in 2005. And in November, Officer James Capoot was shot and killed while chasing a suspected bank robber.

    Police officials, watchdogs and experts on the use of force agree that the number of shootings in Vallejo is alarming. Officers in Oakland and San Francisco have each killed one person this year, and Vallejo officers had killed two people in the three years before the recent spike.

    Read more:

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    Quote Originally Posted by cadet View Post
    Fine, how's TYPICALLY cops have the gun ho attitude sound? Most of the ones I've met or heard of are total assholes (my coach not included) and think they're above the law. Until you prove me wrong that most cops are bullies and use their station to undermine civilians your arguments are mute.

    Having a healthy fear of things gov't related and overpowered is not punk attitude. If you hadn't noticed, the founders were extremely afraid of the gov't power. Sorry for being a little closer to the countries roots then you

    Hey moron, I'm going in to PROTECT the civilians, not pick on them. Or did you miss that the cop in the video had no idea how to ASSESS the situation and carry out his duty properly? No, he went strait in for the punch. Didn't even try. You think I want assholes like that thinking they're above the law? Not saying the kid was in the right, he needed it. Just not from a cop who's job is to protect. (not dish out justice as he see's fit)

    Despite what you seem to think, cops are supposed to be held more accountable to the law. Cops are here to protect us from the bad guys.
    It is so rare for a cop to do his job correctly that when it does happen, it goes across the internet like wildfire.
    Do you honestly think that a police officer has to walk into EVERY SINGLE SITUATION expecting a shootout? When one pulls over my mom, with me and my siblings in the car (I was a lot younger) with his hand on his gun, for 2 miles over the speed limit, do you think that's right? Should everything be, shoot first ask questions later!

    I bet you're part of that liberal group that thinks cops are not held to as high a standard as the rest of us civilians. They should be allowed bigger guns then us, and have the total right to dish out vigilante justice. Something's a little screwed up in your head if you think that most cops nowadays are not in it for the glory.

    cadet. I'll make this short, and sweet. And have no intentions of arguing with you about my opinion of you, or how immature you are. And, in keeping with jimnyc's request to remain calm here, and not start a fight. I will say. "YOU ARE TALKING OUT YOUR ASS!" And leave it at that until you either Grow Up, or learn to read, and understand what you are saying in Anger. You can start by laughing with me...seeing as how you labeled me a Liberal. That's funny stuff.
    Last edited by aboutime; 02-11-2013 at 02:58 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    cadet. I'll make this short, and sweet. And have no intentions of arguing with you about my opinion of you, or how immature you are. And, in keeping with jimnyc's request to remain calm here, and not start a fight. I will say. "YOU ARE TALKING OUT YOUR ASS!" And leave it at that until you either Grow Up, or learn to read, and understand what you are saying in Anger. You can start by laughing with me...seeing as how you labeled me a Liberal. That's funny stuff.
    Maybe Jim can design a CBT "How to be a good message board member" workshop.

    For example, in the instance portrayed in the video, should you:

    A) Cuss them out
    B) Whine to the admins
    C) Demand they meet you at the abandoned parking lot on Fourth and Pine.
    D) Use the ignore feature
    Last edited by tailfins; 02-11-2013 at 03:31 PM. Reason: punctuation

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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert A Whit View Post
    The cop was so huge he was pro football player size. And the young dude was the victim.

    But suppose that was you. You want to be knocked to the ground and have some guy that huge almost hopping up and down on your chest? Didn't you see this event spashed all over the bay area tV news programs? This cop might be brought up on charges. He is in hot water.

    Yeah, I rant when a cop hired to protect the public and victims punches out the victim and hops up and down on his chest. Damned right I stand up for victims of crimes.
    I can only hope the cop does get disciplined. I really do agree with you on that.

    I still got a thrill out of seeing that little punk bitch, whiny, piss down his leg, pussy, poor excuse for a soldier (probably worked as a cook or in supply) DEMAND respect from a police officer get his ass kicked!

    I'll bet there is more to the story, like why all of his friends just kicked his ass.
    Last edited by bingster; 02-11-2013 at 03:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    You must be watching a different video than me. The cops did nothing or said anything inappropriate to him until he started giving them a hard time about taking 45 minutes to arrive. Then he puffed out his chest and did his "know who you're talking to" routine - and THEN the cop responded. He's a cop, and should have responded differently, but the chops busting was started by this young man.
    The thing people seem to be ignoring, well, some people anyway, is that when the kid 'puffed up', he took a step towards the officer.

    If I'm the officer, and you puff up and step towards me like this kid did, you're going down until I determine you're not going to pose a threat. Once the potential of threat was determined, the officer let the kid up.

    Again, no problems here.

    It's like yelling at the cashier, for something the company said to you on the phone earlier. Like the cashier is to blame, or can do anything about it? Please.
    Last edited by Marcus Aurelius; 02-11-2013 at 03:38 PM.

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