Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
Time for you to answer the questions, instead of just citing articles that may or may not have the info and waiting for others to drag the answers out of them.

What do supercaps weigh, and how much do they cost?
This is an idea for massive production.

There is really no price yet. It's yet to be put into manufacturing. It's fairly new... And besides that, carbon is the single most abundant material on earth. And it's EVERYWHERE. Literately. The price for carbon is basically free when doing metallurgy to strengthen materials. I assume something that's carbon would be pretty dang cheap. They're already thinking about how to process massive amounts of it.

And if you really want a price, go make your own, it's pretty easy and there's already youtube videos of how to make it by the bucket load at home.
And not only that, but there are a bunch of applications for it as well. If you're using the carbon nano-tubes (The strong and hard type), it's quite expensive. But if you're using the Carbon-oxide (flexible capacitor), it's pretty damn cheap.

And it's one molecule thick, if you've been paying attention. So I assume that the weight per energy is pretty negligible when it comes to cell phones, batteries, and computers.
I've been searching, but I can't seem to find how big of a car battery made of graphene would weigh or cost.
I found a 300% jump in energy density compared to your regular car battery if replaced with graphene.

But other then that, everything is just predictions at this point. It's so new that you'll have to do the math yourself. It's amazing and fantastic and new! Not all the answers are here yet!