In the history of any nation there are high and low points. There are events and people that make the nation proud or, frankly, cause it shame and embarrassment. I, for years, felt one of our proudest moments was Ronald Wilson Reagan telling Gorbachev, ''Tear down this wall.''

I always thought the shame of slavery would forever be our low point. That was right up until Jimmy Carter took office in 1977 and again last week when he spewed his hate-filled venom against his country and its president in Der Spiegel magazine. Jimmy, you are a disgrace to our nation.

The byline of the article read: ''Former U.S. president speaks with Der Spiegel about the danger posed to American values by George W. Bush, the difficult situation in the Middle East and Cuba's ailing Fidel Castro.'' Carter should have been front and center condemning such a headline. In any other time, with any other president, this would have been unheard of, but not from the new voices coming from the Bush-haters in the Democratic Party. Al Gore does it. Howard Dean does it. Maxine Waters does it. But that doesn't make it right. Jimmy Carter has allowed partisan attacks to escalate to dangerous levels.

So, I thought a stroll down memory lane would be appropriate. In the mid-1970s, Jimmy Carter, a fine peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia, ran for the highest office in the land and won. Congratulations Jimmy. Jimmy Carter appeared not to be your garden-variety politician and the country welcomed his down-home country approach. Within a year however, the welcome wore off. Carter's legacy is now inextricably linked to the ''Misery Index.'' No president in the history of the country had a Misery Index as high as Jimmy Carter's. Carter had an average Index of 16.27 percent during his term (1977-80). When he finally left Washington in 1980 is was at an all-time high of 21.98 percent. Not a record I would be proud of if I were you Jimmy.

Of course, who could forget the 444 days America was held hostage by Iran? The now-famous program, ABC's Nightline, was birthed to cover the day-to-day events. Each night we would watch the news, counting the days our captured Americans were being held by radical Islamic terrorists while President Jimmy Carter sat by powerless and did nothing. The appeaser didn't want to upset the Ayatollah Khomeini. The leader of the free world had been reduced to a thumb-sucking peacenik by a gang of 7th-century hoodlums.

Suffice it to say, the Carter years were very bad for our nation. 16 percent inflation, 22 percent interest rates, and 70 percent marginal tax rates did little to endear Jimmy to the hard working people he claims to now protect against George W. Bush. Today, under Bush, we have 2.7 percent core inflation rates, historically low interest rates and 35 percent marginal tax rates. Looks like Jimmy is jealous.

I have to stop myself from going any further, for if Carter's own words are not enough to show his stupidity and hatred for our country and the president then nothing will. Jimmy Carter has done more than any single president to hurt this nation, not only while in office, but even more so since he was booted from office in complete humiliation. The American people rejected him and his insane policies. We in America couldn't get rid of this guy quick enough. His anger toward the country and its current leader is no surprise given how soundly he was rejected. He needs therapy to heal, not worldwide attention.

Carter is the first former president I can think of who has openly attacked a sitting president. Carter should thank his lucky stars Nixon, Ford and Reagan were men of character, for if they operated like Carter and Gore he would have been under an attack that would have made his head spin. And he would have actually deserved it.

Make no mistake about it. Jimmy Carter is not an American citizen. He is a citizen of the world. His views are so misguided that he would be relegated to a spot next to Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan had he not been president of the United States. My God in heaven, what were we thinking at the time to elect a nut case like this in the first place?

Maybe Der Spiegel should have departed from the Bush-bashing questions and asked real questions of Jimmy, like what about the alleged million dollar contribution from the bin Laden family to your library? Or perhaps digging into his involvement with Saddam Hussein and the ''oil for food'' scam? What about accepting the Nobel Peace Prize knowing it was bestowed upon him by liberal socialists who love a Bush basher? Der Spiegel apparently follows the lead of fine journalists like 88-year-old Mike Wallace when interviewing Ahmadinejad. Don't ask the man why he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth or on what basis he believes the Holocaust was fiction. No. Couldn't do that. That might actually be of some journalistic value and we can't have that. We have to bash Bush.

Look, I am not the biggest fan of George W. Bush and I think he has made some serious mistakes. I am, however, a big fan of my country. I believe in America and its goodness. I believe in the American people who make it work. So when I see an ex-president who is not qualified to run a five and dime offer his opinion to the world about how it is worse off due to the United States, it p - - - - - me off.

Jimmy Carter and Mike Wallace are shining examples of why forced retirement makes sense for anyone over the age of 80. Obviously, at that point in life, if you have experienced rejection, you become rather bitter. And while you are entitled to be bitter, it should not be at the expense of good, honest, hardworking folks who believe in their nation. So Jimmy, don't go away mad. Just go away.

Jimmy is quoted in the interview as saying: ''I don't think Israel has any moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon. What happened is that Israel is holding almost 10,000 prisoners, so when the militants in Lebanon or in Gaza take one or two soldiers, Israel looks upon this as a justification for an attack on the civilian population of Lebanon and the Gaza. I do not think that is justified, no.''

Is this guy serious? Militants take one or two soldiers? This guy needs meds, a straightjacket and a rubber room ASAP. Israel was attacked by Hezbollah, Jimmy. A terrorist organization. They came across a sovereign border and killed eight Israelis soldiers and kidnapped two others. That, in anybody's book but a whacked out liberal appeaser, is an open act of war. Is Jimmy suggesting that if someone in America is kidnapped they can be traded for all the murderers on death row? The prisoners in Israeli jails have committed crimes, Jimmy. They are not there for sport. They are suicide bombers who failed. Terrorists who have killed innocent people. I guess in Jimmy's world one man's terrorist is another man's militant. This guy is dangerous. Talk about immoral thinking. Apparently that type of thinking comes from the Carter Center. America bad. Israel Bad. Militant good.

He talks about how he was troubled by the celebrations of Cuban exiles in Miami on the news of Castro's illness. Of course, he has no problem with the Arab world rejoicing in the streets when 3,000 innocent Americans died on Sept. 11. Of course not! Those were just militants on those planes fighting the injustice of the American pigs. Jimmy, get a grip.

He ends his interview with a statement that says it all: ''I think (that was his first mistake ... thinking) that at this moment the United States and Israel probably stand more alone than our country has in generations.''

If fighting terrorism and taking a stand against radical Islamic terrorists who kill their own children, fellow Muslims, innocent Americans (241 dead Marines in Beirut and 3,000 on Sept. 11), and Israelis means standing alone, then I am proud to be on the side that stands alone. I would rather be right and alone than wrong and in the company of those who think they're right merely because a poll or a crowd says so.

Jimmy should know men of conviction often walk alone. The world would have never encouraged Truman to drop the bomb. Roosevelt promised America he would not get involved in the war. They both understood doing the right thing could mean walking alone without the world patting you on the back. So again in closing, please Jimmy, just go away. Build nice houses for people, but leave the critical thinking to those who have a brain.