Quote Originally Posted by taft2012 View Post

Could be a legit crime here. I've already discussed this week how the Middle Eastern Muzzies exploit and virtually enslave Filipinos.

Or it could be the Obama Administration smacking the Saudis back for releasing the information that the Saudis had warned us ahead of time about the Boston bombers. "Dammit! I went there and bowed to their friggin' king and they do this to me?!?!?"

Why would anyone be slightly surprised to learn about this after the discussions about the Saudi/Islamic village, and Firewalled Schools in Virginia that teach hatred of Americans, and Western Culture???

We all know...Our Government Protects members of the Saudi population, and Saudi families who...incidentally, also donated Huge sums of Hidden, Offshore money to the Obama campaign coffers.
Anyone who denies such things taking place. Probably voted for Obama, and must remain quiet, or...be called Racist, or Terrorists.