Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
If it wasn't for Muslims advancing scientific knowledge, you wouldn't have things like cameras, hospitals or modern surgery, antiseptics, anaesthesia, vaccination, soap and regular bathing, advances in Astronomy (some stars even have arabic names like Deneb, Algol, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebran ....), Algebra, Coffee, Chess, Irrigation, valves and pistons in engines, Windmills, numbers, cryptology, cheques, compasses, braille, in 852 a Muslim made a hang glider that flew for several minutes before he crashed and hurt himself, modern chemistry, the Earth being round........

no person denies the contributions that Muslim people made to science more then 1000 years ago.

The problem being that the actions of todays radical elements overshadow those contributions Jafar.

Muslims made contributions in chemistry, mathematics, astronomy and botany.

Those contributions will be forever diminished unless the muslim world cleans up it's act in how they are perceived by the world at large.