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    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
    ugh. there goes the neighborhood.


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    Welcome Logroller!!! I am extremely pleased to see that you are one of the new mods here. I know you'll be fair and help Jim and the others keep this place on track.

    However, I would like to point out that you have been sorely lacking in spreading the rep!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan View Post
    Personally...I think Logroller is a pretty good choice.... I see him as a more center Left Libertarian type, not a pure Liberal.

    And we need Mods that will be able to understand both positions LEFT and RIGHT, Liberal and Conservative.

    The Board needs Liberal Posters... if all the Mods are Conservative and all the Members posting are conservative the board will stagnate and falter.

    we conservatives need to be a little less hostile to the Liberals who post here. By doing so we'll attract new members and the board will grow.

    and certain unnamed liberals need to stop trolling and start debating.

    We also need to cut down the Islam attacks... Are their problems in Islam? Certainly.

    But if every thread is an attack against Jafar, nobody will want to join the board.

    so lets dull our tongues and sharpen our debate skills.... I stand behind NUKE/TRIGG and LOGROLLER.

    Good Choices Jim...

    Wiccan Liberal approved of this message.... we stand together on this.
    I couldn't agree with you more ... all the attacks are getting boring ... whether they are about Jafar, Gabby, or anyone that disagrees .... BORING!!! Which is why I don't spend as much time here as before. It seems every single thread degenerates into who can outdo the other with the most vile thing to say about the topic or a poster in the thread. Sometimes people will even bad mouth a poster that hasn't posted in the thread yet ... very immature.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Oh for Pete's sake. There are no LEFTIES here. The only one is Gabbie and she can't/won't even string a coherent argument together. All the other ones have been run off. I for one hope an actual leftist DOES show up.
    If we had more liberals then this board wouldn't be stagnating so much.
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Is it actions of a person? Perception? Just not liking someone?

    I find it odd that simply making Logroller a moderator has made some/one leave and others contemplating the same. He hasn't even made a single decision or moderated anything yet. We are not these other boards. I would like to assume, that if people thought we or I were unfair here, they would have left prior to this. Now just simply making the choice is enough to have one want to bail? I don't get it, I really don't. I understand that people dislike one another, and that will never change. But to leave, or want to leave, based on the reasons I've seen thus far, is just plain silly.

    IF Logroller goes cuckoo and starts moderating unfairly, toss it in my face and then leave.

    IF the board goes the way of "other boards", toss it in my face and then leave.

    IF my assurances don't pan out, toss it in my face and leave.

    Some that I have been nothing but respectful, friendly and fair with - are treating me and this decision like I just killed their first born child. I thought I had "earned" a little respect, and to be taken at my word, based on my past experiences.

    If anyone wants to leave, so be it. I made a decision that I think is great for the board. Not a single bit of harm has been done. Save the chastising for when something actually happens. If my word isn't good enough, and my past fairness not a good enough indicator, then I have failed you, and those who feel that way probably are better off elsewhere.
    Jim, I believe the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of the problems are generated by 20%. Let the 20% leave and you'll have 80% less problems.

    Perhaps this is what happened at the last board these people belonged ... someone was made a mod that they didn't agree with so they left and came here. I say good riddance if they leave for this reason. I'll bet that your oldest members have less of a problem with Log than some of the newer ones.

    Log has never disrespected me as some of the newer members have and we don't always agree. Log can be exasperatingly (is this a word, Kath?) pragmatic, however, I see him as being more of a devil's advocate by not always participating in "group think".

    Once again, I welcome Log as a balance to our mod team. Excellent choice, Jim.
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    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    We are very much on the same page, Aboutime. For myself, I identify Conservatism with strong pro-Law and Order application. After the UK's Winter of Discontent, when our Unions were running riot, it was Mrs Thatcher's passing of stringent legal controls which saved our bacon ..

    Any passing Libertarians might be 'amused' to note that I've zero tolerance for drugtaking (except when medically prescribed, of course) and for legalisation attempts. No .... Libertarianism is just one rather small step away from anarchy, in my book. I will always oppose it.
    I do not hang out on a regular basis with "druggies", but I have friends that smoke pot. Do they do it around me? Absolutely not. Just because I don't agree with someones political philosophies doesn't mean I don't like or respect them for other contributions they make. I prefer to not be that narrow minded.

    Am I a libertarian? No. But I do agree with some of their ideas, just not enough to actually think of myself as a libertarian. I would never see myself as an anarchist, but I would fight the government if I felt they were taking away my rights. Just not as radically as most.
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    Perchance it isn't the board that was at issue. Considering all this uproar over 1 mod addition.
    For those of us who have been around since the beginning, we've seen a shift in this board over the last year. We have far less lefties posting here due to the vile way they are treated when they join. I, for one, welcome opposing views because it give me a chance to research my position more thoroughly. I find it hard to debate with those that just repeat the same, old, tired witticisms like they were private talking points.

    Why would anyone want to participate in "group think" by throwing a hissy fit about getting someone in here to moderate so there is more balance. I am a conservative and I'm even getting bored with the same old crap being posted from thread to thread.

    It feels to me like school yard clique tactics ... we don't want you to be a part of the group because you aren't like us, so go away. Narrow minded thinking. For crimminy sakes!!! Grow up people. If you don't like the decisions made around I'm sure there are a ton of other boards for you to visit and share your political ideology. I believe it's the fact that Log debates more logically than passionately which is hard for some to wrap their heads around.
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    I have noticed, Jim, that those complaining the most have not made donations to the board. Sounds like they are pretty liberal themselves .... they want something (a say so in the decisions made around here) for nothing and are not willing to contribute to the general welfare of the endeavor.
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
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    Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
    I have been around long enough to know people don't always behave as expected. She might go out of her way not to harass people she doesn't agree with when acting in an official capacity. Part of my "secret sauce" of solving "unsolvable" problems is not to rule out the absurd.
    and that is absurd as it gets

    Unless you count Obama's previous promises made on the economy, debt, and budget

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    I do not hang out on a regular basis with "druggies", but I have friends that smoke pot. Do they do it around me? Absolutely not. Just because I don't agree with someones political philosophies doesn't mean I don't like or respect them for other contributions they make. I prefer to not be that narrow minded.

    Am I a libertarian? No. But I do agree with some of their ideas, just not enough to actually think of myself as a libertarian. I would never see myself as an anarchist, but I would fight the government if I felt they were taking away my rights. Just not as radically as most.
    There isn't much that I can disagree with in your post.

    I would say, though, that the amount of harm that can be done from the successful application of Left-wing policies is something to always be borne in mind .. and that, BEING creatures of the Left, those enacting that harm aren't going to care about it.

    Could I feel 'fondly' towards anyone of that ilk ? Well, it would certainly be difficult.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    If we had more liberals then this board wouldn't be stagnating so much.
    I can agree with that one !!! More Lefties would keep the place 'hopping' ...

    Trouble is, though, that I've seen where it leads, Sassy. I've seen a forum ruined by an invasion of Left-wingers, whose intent was very clearly that of smashing up the forum so that it became impossible to decently, coherently, debate anything at all.

    Having experienced that once, I'm not in favour of seeing it happen again. Ever.

    I've never heard of Right-wingers ever trying that with Leftie-oriented sites, much less succeeding. But those of the Left aren't above such tactics. I do KNOW this to be true.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    I can agree with that one !!! More Lefties would keep the place 'hopping' ...

    Trouble is, though, that I've seen where it leads, Sassy. I've seen a forum ruined by an invasion of Left-wingers, whose intent was very clearly that of smashing up the forum so that it became impossible to decently, coherently, debate anything at all.

    Having experienced that once, I'm not in favour of seeing it happen again. Ever.

    I've never heard of Right-wingers ever trying that with Leftie-oriented sites, much less succeeding. But those of the Left aren't above such tactics. I do KNOW this to be true.
    We have had "invasions" in the past that were handled very appropriately by the staff. Putting Logroller in a position of mod is clearly not an invasion. Also, we have enough conservatives on this board that will speak up if things get a little too liberal ... which, unfortunately does not happen so much in real life. When liberal policies take over something it's generally because conservatives sat back and didn't speak up. It is always easier to complain than to create change. Jim is creating change and it is up to us to give him feedback if those changes are incompatible. However, this board definitely needs some changes.

    Veterans of this board felt like we had an "invasion" of narrow minded posters over the last year or so and we are the ones leaving the board ... so liberals are not the only reason for leaving ... conservatives can be just as nasty and vile to those they disagree with.

    Everyone is saying that this board is conservative and should not have a liberal as mod. This board, for me, has always been a place to come and get information and debate what's happening in the world on a daily basis. However, without opposing viewpoints, there is no debate. Just vile accusations, intimidation and bullying.

    And, Drummond (and others afraid this board will go the way of the last), if this board should start looking/feeling like the last board you belonged to I'm sure that you can find another board, just as you did this one, and feel more comfortable.

    Once again, you should trust that Jim will not let an "invasion" of lefty trolls to stay here for very long. However, liberals who can debate logically and respectfully will always get my thanks and support over any conservative that continues to only post negatives about other posters.

    OK ... now I'll get down off my soapbox.

    Oh, one more thing. I think Jim also asked two conservatives (Nuke and Trigg) to be mods so Log is already outnumbered!!!
    Last edited by SassyLady; 06-03-2013 at 01:30 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Trouble is, though, that I've seen where it leads, Sassy.
    And all of this from one mod addition whom you PERCEIVE to be a "leftie." I, for one, don't doubt my abilities to challenge any actual "leftie" that comes along.
    "when socialism fails, blame capitalism and demand more socialism." - A friend
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    Oh, one more thing. I think Jim also asked two conservatives (Nuke and Trigg) to be mods so Log is already outnumbered!!!
    That's why they were brought on, to solely keep an eye on that filthy bastard named Logroller!

    In the past, during our "transition years", I had a few FAR left liberals as staff members. I liked them, or they wouldn't have been asked to come on board. But some fears were realized and a few things got out of hand, not as much on the board as it was within staff (turmoil). The problem was fixed. End of issue.

    People can accuse me of being a dick for 10 years, and I may even admit to some of it! - but when it comes to moderating? I fired my brother, Sir Evil, at least like 10x. My sister at one point was banned for life. Jeff, who now posts, took a hiatus at one point because I wouldn't allow certain things. In other words, I held my own family to certain standards. That should be enough assurance that I won't let any person or group to ruin what we have here. Whether all liberal staff, or all conservative staff - decisions will always be handled maturely and fairly.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    We have had "invasions" in the past that were handled very appropriately by the staff. Putting Logroller in a position of mod is clearly not an invasion. Also, we have enough conservatives on this board that will speak up if things get a little too liberal ... which, unfortunately does not happen so much in real life. When liberal policies take over something it's generally because conservatives sat back and didn't speak up. It is always easier to complain than to create change. Jim is creating change and it is up to us to give him feedback if those changes are incompatible. However, this board definitely needs some changes.

    Veterans of this board felt like we had an "invasion" of narrow minded posters over the last year or so and we are the ones leaving the board ... so liberals are not the only reason for leaving ... conservatives can be just as nasty and vile to those they disagree with.

    Everyone is saying that this board is conservative and should not have a liberal as mod. This board, for me, has always been a place to come and get information and debate what's happening in the world on a daily basis. However, without opposing viewpoints, there is no debate. Just vile accusations, intimidation and bullying.

    And, Drummond (and others afraid this board will go the way of the last), if this board should start looking/feeling like the last board you belonged to I'm sure that you can find another board, just as you did this one, and feel more comfortable.

    Once again, you should trust that Jim will not let an "invasion" of lefty trolls to stay here for very long. However, liberals who can debate logically and respectfully will always get my thanks and support over any conservative that continues to only post negatives about other posters.

    OK ... now I'll get down off my soapbox.

    Oh, one more thing. I think Jim also asked two conservatives (Nuke and Trigg) to be mods so Log is already outnumbered!!!
    Sassy, I'm absolutely fine with your comments, and thoroughly respect your viewpoint. I'd go so far as to say 'well said'. I especially agree on your point concerning information-gathering and free debate .. I could wish that my opposition was as well disposed towards such debate as I am.

    As for Logroller specifically .. well, OK. We shall see what the future brings. If forebodings aren't proven to be well placed, then how can that not be fine ?

    And that's how I'll leave this. For now. Besides, your last sentence is most encouraging !!
    Last edited by Drummond; 06-03-2013 at 01:46 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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