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    Default "Turkish game" on "Grand Chessboard"

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    "Turkish game" on "GrandChessboard"<o></o>

    In contrast to the well-known in thetheory of chess "Vienna game" "The Turkish game" isrelatively new and not yet thoroughly Research all its options, but it hasplayed Recep Erdogan to "Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Bjezinski.Sure, you could call it, and "Debut Erdogan," but the fact is that itwould have played out any other player, because due to the vital necessity, andnot a personal initiative of Prime Minister Erdogan, who, to his credit it mustbe said as it is brilliant, and how well the party will continue to be seen.<o></o
    <o></o Turkey today is a successful and harmoniousdeveloping country, shows a marked increase as the traditional Turkishagricultural and industrial production, which, and this is important, at afaster pace than agricultural. Naturally is interested in peace and stability,but the Middle East is far from a prerequisite for prosperity and care toprovide a favorable political climate in the region duty of political leadership.<o></o <o></o Against the background of recent events theMiddle East, Turkey, due to pragmatic policy Erdogan, came very prepared forthe threshold of the inevitable future changes in the region. The definition of"pragmatic" gives a certain amount of cold practicality and cynicism,but if we remember the words of Andrei Sakharov humanist that "ultimatelya moral choice is the most pragmatic," namely morality and is the maincomponent in the policy of the Turkish Prime Minister. According to myunderstanding, Erdogan can be attributed to the leaders who are choosing theright strategic goal raschityvaya advance their political moves to an end, and,most importantly, their consequences. As for morality, which is usually notcompatible with the policy, then try to run the analysis show that it isdifficult to accuse Erdogan of immorality of his policy.<o></o <o></o Geopolitical picture around Turkeyextraordinarily complex. In human history, probably no more than the desiredpoint on the Earth for the possession of which fought during all civilizationsand eras. Being at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey has been thesubject of claims of many states and, especially, Russia. The history ofrelations between Russia and Turkey, is a story of constant wars in whichRussia was the aggressor.<o></o Immediately after World War II to the shareof the Turkish people, the threat of dismemberment of the country on the sectorand the loss of independence, came a fierce struggle with theFranco-Greek-Italian coalition and the Armenian nationalists, which under theleadership of Ataturk was a convincing victory. Since then, relations withGreece and Armenia remain hostile. These include, and Bulgaria, which held thegovernment program "Bulgarization Turks", in which the BulgarianTurks proposed to change the name of the Slavic or leave the country.<o></o<o></o Next Iran, a country which is quite a longhistorical period, there was no war, and yet the relationship can not beconsidered friendly, especially given axis Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran politicalekonomichekaya aims to prevent, first, the supply of energy from the CaspianBasin through Turkey to Europe, bypassing Russia, and secondly, to create acontinuous geographic corridor between Turkey and Azerbaijan, which can alarmin Iran, which includes the South Azerbaijan. By the way, the main reason forRussia's aggression against Georgia in 2008, it cut the Baku-Ceyhan oilpipeline that passes through the Georgian territory, and to put an end to the"Nabucco" project, which would deprive the Russian monopoly on thesale of gas to Europe. Russian Foreign Ministry has officially filed a note ofprotest against laying a trans-Caspian gas pipeline under the Caspian Sea,which provides for "Nabucco", citing the danger of seismic activityarea. Of course Russia will use its best efforts to implement the deathvospripyatstvovat its economy project. In general, according to narostaetinflame passions around the Caspian Sea, to be major political fuss that hasthe potential to develop into a world-scale military conflict. Kremlin is onlyto give the go-ahead to Yerevan to set fire to a smoldering Karabakh conflictand war will break out again, and the fact that this time will not be withoutthe participation of Turkey, no doubt.<o></o <o></o Now as to the direction of the southernArabian. Here, too, Turkey unenviable situation. As a strategic partner of Israel,Turkey unwittingly supported Israel in its confrontation with the Arabs andwould not consider opromenchivo Arab majority in the Middle East. Today, theArab-Israeli conflict is a major destabilizing factor in the region. It shouldbe noted, a military alliance with Israel, Turkey, except regionaalnyhproblems, did not give any benefits. No doubt Erdogan knows that recklesspolicy of Tel Aviv is Israel to fatal isolation and the probability of being apariah of the international community, making the company its ally, Turkey isunlikely to suit.<o></o As a result, Turkey's standing in frontof a closed door in the EU, in an environment hostile country strategic visionis far from rosy. It is this fact and forced Ankara to take political steps,where still possible to change the situation.
    For this purpose, since the Second Lebanon War, Turkey undertakes mediationattempts to mitigate the level of confrontation over its unruly ally with theArabs, but Israel, stubbornly ignoring international opinion, continuing thepolicy of occupation and building of settlements on Palestinian territory. Ankaracan not see the trend of deterioration of the situation around Israel. Israelnot only plays in the information field, but there is not successful andhostilities. All under increasing pressure from the Arab Israel was forced toleave Lebanon, occupying army to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, destroyingJewish settlements. The defeat in the second Lebanon recognize Israelipoliticians and army command, for the war aims were not achieved. Militaryfailures occur not because the Israeli army poorly equipped, but because it isat war with the civilian population. In order to win the war in the first placeneeds an opponent, his army. Throwing bombs among the defenseless populationcan hardly achieve anything but hate, anger and radicalization of the politicalforces of the Palestinian resistance as an example of the party"Hamas". The world has been struck by violent operation "CastLead", the use of illicit phosphorus bombs even in such a denselypopulated area like Gaza. The international community has condemned Israel.Swept the country antiaizrailskie demonstration was not spared, and Turkey, andErdogan accused Israel of numerous victims among the civilian population ofGaza, only expressed the opinion of the Turkish community in the Israeli army.At this point, we can say, and began the rift between the two allies. This wasfollowed by the demonstrative humiliation of Turkish Ambassador AhmedChellikkola the Israeli Foreign Ministry, where, after an official protest wasexpressed in about the show on Turkish TV movie "Walk of wolves,"which is the episode with the ugly actions of "Mossad".<o></o
    <o></o Turkey is a democratic country and a signof this statement is irrefutable fact the active participation of the Turkishpeople in politics and not only in the election of the government, but also invarious public, including international humanitarian organizations to which theTurkish government has nothing to do, such as to perturb the Israeli powermovie "Walk the wolves" and to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.Israel charges the Turkish government organizations flotilla «Free Gaza»totally groundless, because you can just as well accuse the Government ofIreland, France, America, the citizens who participated in the flotilla.Israel's refusal to completely just demands Turkey to apologize and paycompensation for the killing of nine Turkish citizens during the night attackand even in international waters Israeli commandos on the Turkish ship"Mavi Marmara" finally made it impossible to return to the previouslevel of strategic partnership. Moreover, Israel hastily concluded in defianceof Turkey military cooperation with Greece and Cyprus, which naturally was seenby Ankara as nothing but a hostile move.<o></o Thus, at the official level ofinternational relations, it is Israel actually initiated the break the alliancewith Turkey. Moreover, Israel has defined himself against its former ally,despite more than loyalty to the Turkish Jews throughout history. Even theparticipation of Jews in the heaviest for Turkey Gallipoli battle of World WarI on the side of the British and French had no effect on the Jews living inTurkey. True participation consisted in glorious quartermaster "MuleCorps' number 650 and 750 mules led by Trumpeldor, and maybe that's because theTurks themselves, and did not take offense, but the fact you have one.
    It is hard to imagine that Erdoganpredicted the "Arab spring", but it just so happens by force ofcircumstances, which occurred on the eve of the Turkish-Israeli rift strategicalliance, led Turkey to lead regional state, the economic power of the country,thanks to Erdogan, was supplemented sensible policy.<o></o
    <o></o Turkey, unlike Israel, as a trulydemocratic state supported the democratic progress in the Arab world. Erdoganimmediately boldly spoke out against the dictatorial regimes in the Arabnation, which certainly will be counted a positive assessment of his politicalcareer. By the way, a different ratio of the two former allies to the ongoingdemocratic progress in the Arab world demonstrates who are really committed tothe principles of democracy. Israel claims to be the only democratic country inthe Middle East entirely without foundation, and as a country that has noconstitution, the country, where there is no separation of legislative andexecutive powers, the country in which religion is not separated from thestate, the country's policy of apartheid against in the occupied territory, thecountry in which there is no market economy can be called democratic.
    Israeli fears are understandable before awakening of the Arab nation, for thedeparture from the political scene of dictators, for which the main prioritywas to maintain his personal power, disappear obstacle to the unification ofthe nation and solve national problems. Having lost an ally in Turkey, Israelalone is in the region before the Arab majority, and if the American taxpayerunderstand besmyslennost instigated by George Bush wars in Afghanistan and Iraqover the alien American interests, Israel, while maintaining its aggressivepolicy, the path to oblivion booked.<o></o
    <o></o Rupture of relations with Turkey, Israelwill try to explain the policy of Islamization, which allegedly holds Erdogan,without citing a single fact of Islamization. What's wrong in that razeunderstood by the term Islamization! To label, Israeli politicians do notbother what is on their own understanding of the "Islamization".Maybe in Turkey in secular schools teach Islam, like Judaism in Israel, whichis a compulsory subject. Maybe that Turkey welcomed the fall of the dictatorialregimes in some Arab countries? And America with France and Britain, which helppeople in revolt to overthrow the usurpers can be accused of Islamization. Onthe other hand the religious laws in Israel Halacha raised to the rank ofstate, just as the laws of Sharia in Iran. Incidentally Judaism contains racismdoes not exist in Islam.
    Erdogan today is a model for theArab countries, which, if democratization may well be on the path of creatingassociations or political-economic union by type of EU, and implement such away it is much easier than creating a Turkic union for reasons of anti-Russia,Iran, Armenia and China.<o></o

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    Welcome to DP, Alik!

    This is your own writing I assume, no? Just making sure no link is needed!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voted4Reagan View Post
    Here, someone accused me of spam, and while it's called?

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