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    Default Evil's Observer #2

    Alrighty, here we go with my thoughts on some of the recent headlines I have read over the past week or so.

    Let's start with John Edwards, anyone really like this clown? Maybe it's just the righty in me but this guy has to be the most annoying of all the candidates thus far.

    The headline that gabbed my attention was "Edwards offers students anti-war advice" but I can't figure for the life of me why he can't be straight forward, and call it what it is, and that’s campaigning to a select audience. I wanna take a moment and go over a few quotes from this article. First let it be know of his website that is related to him:

    That's right, support the troops, end the war!

    John Edwards
    "Congress' real power to end this war is to use its funding power.
    Brilliant, I support the troops but I will stop at nothing to get a vote passed even if it means taking funding away that protects, and benefits the troops. But really I support the troops, well it sounds good for my campaign, and I can come off sounding patriotic for those who want to hear that.

    John Edwards
    I have launched a website: — that outlines his plan to end the unpopular, 4-year-old war.
    Is it unpopular Mr. Edwards? Hey dumb ass, can you point me to what a popular war is?

    John Edwards
    Each of us has a responsibility to act, a duty to our troops and to each other. Support the troops. End the war.
    Everybody wants to see the safe return of our troops, Not everybody exploits such a thought to better themselves, and further their own cause! This butt wad has to have the worst campaign tactics to date. For many it is what they want to hear so why not be creative about it, Edwards had done that real well.

    Well nothing new there, and actually you can't blame the guy for trying as all he has to do is pick an easy topic (Iraq), and his side (D), and He is somebody that you have to hear out. This leads me to my next point, the internal war here at home that is leading us into a very deep hole!

    What am I talking about? Ok, let's look at all the problems that are ailing the world today, then let's look at what is the center of attention for all Presidential candidates, yep, the damn Iraq war still looms large. We have two side using this very topic to advance into position as our leader, that’s pretty scary if you think about it, we are seeing a time when we are almost forced to choose between a warmonger style country, or a anti-war country, and as usual the middle ground has become non - existing. What happened to the days of this great country being the kind that will need to do what it has to do even if it meant going to war? Nobody wants war but I think it is one of those necessary evils that we must learn to live with so long as there are other elements of evil to deal with. I hate to start with the Iraq war but there are elements of evil that had to be dealt with there. People said "There are no terrorists in Iraq, why are we even there?" Umm, any form of suicide attacks is terrorism anyway you slice the dice! "but we created these terrorists by being there" Bullshit! Do you really think that these people wake up one day and decide it's a good time to die so I will strap a bomb to myself? There has been the element of terrorism there before we entered. Do you really think these very same people wouldn’t come here and do the same given the chance? If you are thinking otherwise than you are just plain naive. Forgotten through this giant mess were those that lost their lives on 911, forgotten was the very short lived unity this country felt proceeding that fateful day, Forgotten was the fact that "united we stand, divided we fall" Wake up people because we are about as divided as one nation can be at the moment, and if something is not done about that we will indeed fall.

    Today we have a line drawn in the sand, it's one side or the other with no sign of a rising middle ground. Where is the middle ground? Lost amongst greedy politicians who haven’t a clue how to go forward, or have lost their principals defending a party. It's time for that middle ground to rise, it's time for a new affiliation for the people who want to press ahead towards a better country for our future. We have lost unity in this country, two sides doing battle on issues that lead to very little common ground. What other country wants to back a country that is not united in its fight? Screw the red & the blue, we need unity, we need the red, white & blue! That’s right, a party that can have a little red, a little blue, and a whole lot of white, the white being the people themselves who want to bring this country back to the standards it once had. It's not happening anyway you look at it now, neither side has reflected the people in a long time. Look at Jimmy Carter publicly calling the Bush administration the worst administration this country has ever seen, Yep an ex president wearing his colors out loud, no unity there just a cry for his party. I wonder if Jimmy realizes that he has probably seen as one of the most irrelevant president
    of our time by many, Gee I wonder why?

    Well that's my ponderings for this week!

    This weeks interview: Nevadamedic

    SE - Tell us about your username, does it mean something?
    NM - I was an Emt-Intermediate for several years. I as also a Certified Lifeguard, CPR and First Responder Instructor with Jeff Ellis and Associates and the National Safety Council and a Lifeguard and CPR instructor with the Boy Scouts of America.

    SE - A little about you, job? married? kids?
    NM - I stopped being an EMT after my best friend of 18 years committed suicide, I just couldn't deal with it. I ended up then going to work at Best Buy and worked my way up to supervisor, then was offered a Sales Management Position at Sears and took it as I would have a better opportunity to make more money for my daughter and myself. I got severely injured at work about 3 years ago and I've been on workmans comp since then and im waiting to have back surgery. I have one daughter, she is now 9, she will be 10 in July. As far as being married, im not, but it is what I want more then anything. I just want that special someone that I can love and cherish for the rest of my life.

    SE - Who are some of the politicians that you see a real problem with today?
    NM - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Kennedy, Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Senator Edwards, State Senator Dina Titus(from Nevada), recently Senator Mccain, Tommy Thompson.

    SE - There seems to be a large divide amongst politicians today, a our way or there way type of thing. What do you think that is all about?
    NM - It's all about political affiliation. That's all that seems to matter anymore, and it shouldn't be. Our enemy see's that we cant even get along in our Government, what kind of image does that portray?

    SE - hypothetical now, you are a presidential candidate, what do you see as the next step in Iraq?
    NM - Provide whatever the General's running the war needs and get it to them, kick ass and bring our men and women home.

    SE - Iran seems to of played a part in much of the violence in Iraq, they are also determined to ignore the international community with their nuclear ambitions, what do you do about it?
    NM - Well im at the point where I have had it with Iran. The bottom line is we can not let them get their hands on nuclear weapons as they will bring terror to a whole nother level, and they will use these weapons.

    SE - How about cutting of funds on the war, how do you feel about that?
    NM - I think its outrageous. We cant just cut our troops off like that. They are over their risking their lives and the least we can do is get them the funding that they need so they can do their job and get home. If we cut the funding I also believe a lot of our American men and women will unfortunately lose their lives, and that is unacceptable.

    SE - How do you view Bush's immigration policies?
    NM - I am disgusted with them. He needs to take a tougher stance. H needs to not only beef up boarder security but he needs to start taking action by going after the companies who hires these people. This new amnesty bill is the stupidest thing I have ever herd. President Bush should take a stance against Senator's Reid, Kennedy and Mccain like he is doing in the war. I think this is a national security issue. We need to put the military on the boarders and put as much man power and equipment as we need to protect our boarders. I also don't think giving amnesty to the 12+ million illegal aliens who are in our country, I don't think so. You have to remember each one of them is a felon as they are an undocumented and in this country illegally.

    SE - Who do you see as the strongest candidates in the upcoming race?
    NM - On the Republican side Guiliani, Romney and Mccain(If he get's his act together) and on the Democratic side would be Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Senator Edwards and Senator Dodd. I think on the democratic side the best person for the job is Senator Dodd as he has the experience and leadership needed to get the job done. On the Republican side, I am still torn between Guiliani and Romney. It was between Guiliani, Romney and Mccain but Senator Mccains actions as of late are making me have second thought's about my support of him. Granted I have a lot of respect for this man, but lately I don't respect his actions lately.

    SE - You have a story about suicide, want to share that?
    NM - Not much to share. My best friend of over 18 years put a gun to his head and took his own life. I could have stopped it, but I didn't act in enough time. If I would have taken matter into my own hands he would still be alive today. I am actually getting involved with the Suicide Hotline so I can try and prevent someone from doing that, as I saw how bad it hurts everyone around the person and I will do anything in my power to keep a family from having to suffer that kind of grief.

    SE - Have you earned any Awards or have any Special Achievements?
    NM - I am an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America, I graduated from the Rapport School of Leadership Development(I go back from time to time to help teach classes), I have received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from former Congressman, now current Governor, Jim Gibbons. "If you could have put under Jobs that I am currently attending Real Estate School and plan on a career in Rel Estate when I am released back to work. My father has been a Real Estate Broker for over 30 years and my brother is an agent so it would be a family business. Also I graduated from Bartending School.
    Thank you for taking the time to interview me and giving the people on here to get to know the real me.

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    Another good observer. Move over Dennis Miller, Evil is in the house.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Evil Observers are always fun!

    Dude, you should consider journalism! Seriously.

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    Default ..........

    Quote Originally Posted by 5stringJeff View Post
    Evil Observers are always fun!

    Dude, you should consider journalism! Seriously.
    Yea he should, move over Opera.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Wow, what a lame and BS show.

    Your critique of Edwards was not anticlimatic or falling short of expectations. It was a snooze, a waste of bandwidth and a sorry excuse for an effort on your part.

    Are you always such a half hearted buffoon?

    Better luck next week.

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    Default ..............

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow, what a lame and BS show.

    Your critique of Edwards was not anticlimatic or falling short of expectations. It was a snooze, a waste of bandwidth and a sorry excuse for an effort on your part.

    Are you always such a half hearted buffoon?

    Better luck next week.
    Yea, but my interview was great.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow, what a lame and BS show.

    It was a snooze, a waste of bandwidth and a sorry excuse for an effort on your part.

    Are you always such a half hearted buffoon?
    Please tell me you're kidding? This is NOT the place to make unprovoked flames. If you don't like it, fine, but your put downs aren't warranted.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow, what a lame and BS show.

    Your critique of Edwards was not anticlimatic or falling short of expectations. It was a snooze, a waste of bandwidth and a sorry excuse for an effort on your part.

    Are you always such a half hearted buffoon?

    Better luck next week.

    You are such a fucking asshole, shut the fuck up and go die.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    Wow, what a lame and BS show.

    Your critique of Edwards was not anticlimatic or falling short of expectations. It was a snooze, a waste of bandwidth and a sorry excuse for an effort on your part.

    Are you always such a half hearted buffoon?

    Better luck next week.
    loosecan, this is stuff that simply reflects my own opinion on issues, obviously you have a hard time grasping such a concept. Go back to the first one, and read about how ones own reflections are what is in "my" opinion a big problem with the make up of our society. You are no exception here, in fact reading some of your other posts I can find reason for you to look even closer to the article as to why some people just lose interest in these kind of forums, it's the repetative troll that must make a post with nothing to say other than making a quick comment showing the lower level of intelligence that has eroded away at good discussion forums.

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    Excellent observer, "half hearted bafoon"!!!

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    I'm looking forward to #3, and am putting my vote in for an interview of a long-time member sometime soon.
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    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Please tell me you're kidding? This is NOT the place to make unprovoked flames. If you don't like it, fine, but your put downs aren't warranted.
    I wasn't kidding at all. I admit I skipped the interview after reading Evil's pathetic treatment of Edwards.

    I liked his show last week. Not a whole lot but it was positive and worth reading.

    I still consider this a half hearted effort and a partisan smear from a soap box.

    If my critique is not welcome no prob. If all you want is positive feedback, no prob.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Evil View Post
    loosecan, this is stuff that simply reflects my own opinion on issues, obviously you have a hard time grasping such a concept.
    no it was pretty easy to spot your opinions.

    Go back to the first one, and read about how ones own reflections are what is in "my" opinion a big problem with the make up of our society. You are no exception here
    neither are you.

    I read your first, generally liked it, posted a comment to that effect.

    in fact reading some of your other posts I can find reason for you to look even closer to the article as to why some people just lose interest in these kind of forums, it's the repetative troll that must make a post with nothing to say other than making a quick comment showing the lower level of intelligence that has eroded away at good discussion forums.
    Good dig!! Actually I am known for being waaaay too long winded.

    I realize that you started posting here again reluctantly.

    So I can see how you might not be ready for anything other than praise. Ya know I can deal with that.

    But I assumed that criticism was fair game and I see that you respond to categoric disapproval of your piece by calling it "troll" driven.

    You let me know Evil if you are up to honest criticism or if this is gonna be just a partisan circle jerk column.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post

    I realize that you started posting here again reluctantly.

    So I can see how you might not be ready for anything other than praise. Ya know I can deal with that.

    But I assumed that criticism was fair game and I see that you respond to categoric disapproval of your piece by calling it "troll" driven.

    You let me know Evil if you are up to honest criticism or if this is gonna be just a partisan circle jerk column.
    I reluctantly got involved for this very reason. People like yourself don't wanna take a moment and understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion. What I said in response to your post is again just my "own" opinion. "might not be ready for anything other than praise"? I could give a turd less about praise or what others opinions of me are. And yes, what you did in response was essentially characterisitc of a troll, if you wanted to debate the topic you would of simply questioned my reasons for my opinion on Edward, what he your daddy or something?

    Really though, you wanna give honest criticism? go for it, I have'nt a problem with that but to call it a partisan circle jerk is much like your way of handling your initial response, and that is about as partisan as it gets, and not to mention typically in troll style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Evil View Post
    I reluctantly got involved for this very reason. People like yourself don't wanna take a moment and understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion. What I said in response to your post is again just my "own" opinion. "might not be ready for anything other than praise"? I could give a turd less about praise or what others opinions of me are. And yes, what you did in response was essentially characterisitc of a troll, if you wanted to debate the topic you would of simply questioned my reasons for my opinion on Edward, what he your daddy or something?

    Really though, you wanna give honest criticism? go for it, I have'nt a problem with that but to call it a partisan circle jerk is much like your way of handling your initial response, and that is about as partisan as it gets, and not to mention typically in troll style.

    Sure, so let me begin then by offering you a warm fuck you for your condescending response. Meant in the most positive possible way of course.

    Your taking Edwards statements out of context and addr4ssing them sentence by sentence was about as amateurish a technique as I have ever encountered anywhere.

    Your questions to Nevadamedic reeked of partisanship so badly that my bullshit meter melted.

    Take your self righteous "this is why folks get tired of boards" sermon and personalize it. Because you epitomize the "enemy" you describe partisan hack!

    Self righteous blowhards like yourself are a dime a dozen.

    You wanna represent something more, something better, something real. Try being it first.

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