Treat your weapon as the most important tool you'll likely ever own! After all how many tools do you own that have the capacity to save your life as well as that of others that you cherish and love? My guns are treated with that respect. I look upon each one as a justice giver. If forced , each one may become just that. Woe unto the miserable soul that forces me to use a gun to stop them. For I will not hesitate a micro second once making the decision to end their miserable life! And that person or persons had better know I will not stop until enough pieces of hot lead have ended their days on this planet. That is how you prepare mentally to make yourself a survivor and increase your chances of saving yourself or others that you love. Mental preparation is as much a key as is hundreds of hours of practice. In my case thousands of hours, since I've been shooting seriously since about age 6. That is just shy of 54 years and easily over 30,000 rounds of ammo(low estimate)!! Just me but I do have more respect for a man that has taken the time to teach himself how to defend himself and his family. In fact, a great many of us good 'ole southern BOYS CUT OUR TEETH ON LEARNING GUNS AND THEIR PROPER USE. Sure I have respect for guys that have never ever owned or used a gun(great respect too) but I have far more respect for those that have added that much needed ability to their list of family and patriotic responsibilities!-- Tyr