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    Default Obama usurps the Constitution and spits on Congress.'s Abuse of Power

    An appeals court says his recess appointments are unconstitutional.000142412788732353980457826379333 2301584.html

    President Obama has shown increasing contempt for the constitutional limits on his power, and the courts are finally awakening to the news. A unanimous panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the President's non-recess recess appointments are illegal and an abuse of executive power. White House spokesman Jay Carney criticized the unanimous decision Friday, which is consistent with the President's sense of constitutional entitlement. Mr. Obama decided last year he could selectively enforce the immigration laws, exempting certain young people even if Congress hadn't passed the Dream Act. We support the Dream Act but not his unilateral way of imposing it.
    Mr. Obama has also signaled his intention to govern as much as possible by stretching the legal bounds of regulation and executive orders. The D.C. Circuit ruling is thus a particularly timely warning that while Mr. Obama was re-elected, has most of the press in his pocket and is popular with 52% of the public, he's subject to the rule of law like everybody else.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arrogant bastard flatly rejects that he is subject to the Rule of Law just like everybody else. And what is worse those charged with reminding him and bringing him into compliance are either afraid to act or else complicit in his illegal and treasonous acts. This American sees and knows the SOB damn sure should be arrested for his treason. And I'm not afraid to shout it out to anybody. Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-02-2013 at 06:06 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post's Abuse of Power

    An appeals court says his recess appointments are unconstitutional.000142412788732353980457826379333 2301584.html

    President Obama has shown increasing contempt for the constitutional limits on his power, and the courts are finally awakening to the news. A unanimous panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the President's non-recess recess appointments are illegal and an abuse of executive power. White House spokesman Jay Carney criticized the unanimous decision Friday, which is consistent with the President's sense of constitutional entitlement. Mr. Obama decided last year he could selectively enforce the immigration laws, exempting certain young people even if Congress hadn't passed the Dream Act. We support the Dream Act but not his unilateral way of imposing it.
    Mr. Obama has also signaled his intention to govern as much as possible by stretching the legal bounds of regulation and executive orders. The D.C. Circuit ruling is thus a particularly timely warning that while Mr. Obama was re-elected, has most of the press in his pocket and is popular with 52% of the public, he's subject to the rule of law like everybody else.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arrogant bastard flatly rejects that he is subject to the Rule of Law just like everybody else. And what is worse those charged with reminding him and bringing him into compliance are either afraid to act or else complicit in his illegal and treasonous acts. This American sees and knows the SOB damn sure should be arrested for his treason. And I'm not afraid to shout it out to anybody. Tyr
    Maybe, Maybe someone is beginning to pay attention,
    Christian Democrat has become an oxymoron

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    Honestly speaking. Obama doesn't give a shit about the Law, or Constitution, and most certainly does not obey his Oath of office.
    In fact. Obama is arrogant, and just pretends he is above the law because....HE KNOWS he can get away with it.

    Nobody in Congress is willing to accuse him of doing anything wrong...that would instantly label them as Racists.

    And no Politician, worried about the next election wants to be saddled with such an accusation.

    Obama knows. Nobody will do anything the time anyone attempts to bring up Impeachment. He'll already be out of office, and his DASTARDLY DEED of Obamacare is already IN PLACE.
    He doesn't care what the American people (with brains, and education) say, or think. He depends on IGNORANCE and Racism to prolong his living at 1600 Pennsylvania ave. Without mentioning how HE WILL BECOME A WARD of WE THE PEOPLE....after he leaves office...FOR LIFE.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    Honestly speaking. Obama doesn't give a shit about the Law, or Constitution, and most certainly does not obey his Oath of office.
    In fact. Obama is arrogant, and just pretends he is above the law because....HE KNOWS he can get away with it.

    Nobody in Congress is willing to accuse him of doing anything wrong...that would instantly label them as Racists.

    And no Politician, worried about the next election wants to be saddled with such an accusation.

    Obama knows. Nobody will do anything the time anyone attempts to bring up Impeachment. He'll already be out of office, and his DASTARDLY DEED of Obamacare is already IN PLACE.
    He doesn't care what the American people (with brains, and education) say, or think. He depends on IGNORANCE and Racism to prolong his living at 1600 Pennsylvania ave. Without mentioning how HE WILL BECOME A WARD of WE THE PEOPLE....after he leaves office...FOR LIFE.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
    Honestly speaking. Obama doesn't give a shit about the Law, or Constitution, and most certainly does not obey his Oath of office.
    In fact. Obama is arrogant, and just pretends he is above the law because....HE KNOWS he can get away with it.

    Nobody in Congress is willing to accuse him of doing anything wrong...that would instantly label them as Racists.

    And no Politician, worried about the next election wants to be saddled with such an accusation.

    Obama knows. Nobody will do anything the time anyone attempts to bring up Impeachment. He'll already be out of office, and his DASTARDLY DEED of Obamacare is already IN PLACE.
    He doesn't care what the American people (with brains, and education) say, or think. He depends on IGNORANCE and Racism to prolong his living at 1600 Pennsylvania ave. Without mentioning how HE WILL BECOME A WARD of WE THE PEOPLE....after he leaves office...FOR LIFE.
    Boy that last statement really burns my ass, That and a flame about three foot high.
    Christian Democrat has become an oxymoron

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    Quote Originally Posted by Larrymc View Post
    Boy that last statement really burns my ass, That and a flame about three foot high.
    If that burns your ass then consider this when it comes to costs !!!! The Obamas’ Unending Summer Vacation A record-breaking 47.8 million Americans are on food stamps, an increase of about 1.3 million from a year earlier. The official unemployment rate is 7.7 percent, a number that obscures the reality that millions of Americans who have given up looking for work aren’t counted, and that the labor force participation rate of 63.6 percent measured in December 2012, is the lowest in 32 years. The national debt is $16.7 trillion and growing. White House tours have been cancelled due to sequestration. And amidst it all, Barack Obama and his family have taken four lavish vacations in three months. The total for the four trips combined? More than $20 million.
    However, holiday vacations to Hawaii hardly scratch the surface. These vacations were also interspersed with trips to locales like Florida or Southern California. In addition, the president’s “mini-vacations” have raised eyebrows. His three-day golf outing at an exclusive club in Florida, where he was joined by Tiger Woods, occurred less than two weeks before the sequester kicked in — even as the White House Blog raised the specter of “harmful automatic cuts” that are “threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, and cutting vital services for children, seniors, people with mental illness and our men and women in uniform.”
    Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) put that trip in perspective, noting that it cost American taxpayers “over a million dollars,” which was “enough money to save 341 federal workers from furlough.” The rest of the family was on vacation in Colorado at the time, meaning taxpayers are billed for yet another separate use of Air Force One, which costs approximately $180,000 an hour to use. This marks the fourth Colorado ski vacation in four years for the First Lady and and her daughters, Malia and Sasha. Judicial Watch confirmed that the cost of 2012 trip, including U.S. Secret Service costs, as well as accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, totaled $48,950.38. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This arrogant SOB spends his time either destroying this nation or vacationing on its money. "Let them eat cake" surely drips from the fat lips of that never been proud of this country fatass biatch he calls his wife. Just you wait we haven't seen anything yet . His next four years will cost us far more than a few hundred million for their play time. They are Royalty!!! And he is King!!! So demands their blind followers and the black race.. FF-them all says this American...-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    If that burns your ass then consider this when it comes to costs !!!! The Obamas’ Unending Summer Vacation A record-breaking 47.8 million Americans are on food stamps, an increase of about 1.3 million from a year earlier. The official unemployment rate is 7.7 percent, a number that obscures the reality that millions of Americans who have given up looking for work aren’t counted, and that the labor force participation rate of 63.6 percent measured in December 2012, is the lowest in 32 years. The national debt is $16.7 trillion and growing. White House tours have been cancelled due to sequestration. And amidst it all, Barack Obama and his family have taken four lavish vacations in three months. The total for the four trips combined? More than $20 million.
    However, holiday vacations to Hawaii hardly scratch the surface. These vacations were also interspersed with trips to locales like Florida or Southern California. In addition, the president’s “mini-vacations” have raised eyebrows. His three-day golf outing at an exclusive club in Florida, where he was joined by Tiger Woods, occurred less than two weeks before the sequester kicked in — even as the White House Blog raised the specter of “harmful automatic cuts” that are “threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, and cutting vital services for children, seniors, people with mental illness and our men and women in uniform.”
    Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) put that trip in perspective, noting that it cost American taxpayers “over a million dollars,” which was “enough money to save 341 federal workers from furlough.” The rest of the family was on vacation in Colorado at the time, meaning taxpayers are billed for yet another separate use of Air Force One, which costs approximately $180,000 an hour to use. This marks the fourth Colorado ski vacation in four years for the First Lady and and her daughters, Malia and Sasha. Judicial Watch confirmed that the cost of 2012 trip, including U.S. Secret Service costs, as well as accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, totaled $48,950.38. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This arrogant SOB spends his time either destroying this nation or vacationing on its money. "Let them eat cake" surely drips from the fat lips of that never been proud of this country fatass biatch he calls his wife. Just you wait we haven't seen anything yet . His next four years will cost us far more than a few hundred million for their play time. They are Royalty!!! And he is King!!! So demands their blind followers and the black race.. FF-them all says this American...-Tyr
    Christian Democrat has become an oxymoron

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    Quote Originally Posted by Larrymc View Post
    Know this my friend. That is just the tip of the iceberg!! And the next 4 years he will likely at the very least triple down on the destruction of the nation and it's citizens that he engages in on a daily basis ! -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Know this my friend. That is just the tip of the iceberg!! And the next 4 years he will likely at the very least triple down on the destruction of the nation and it's citizens that he engages in on a daily basis ! -Tyr
    You will appreciate the video i just posted, of Solders Exposing Obama's Agenda.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larrymc View Post
    Boy that last statement really burns my ass, That and a flame about three foot high.

    Larrymc. And it SHOULD burn every THINKING American's ass, insulting our intelligence as well.

    I know. It is now Politically INCORRECT to use the word HITLER. But. Anyone who knows just the Minimum about our History...also knows. If they are smart enough. That OBAMA is playing the very same games Hitler played.

    Nobody has to agree with me. Just read the FACTS for yourself. Then Compare both TYRANTS equally.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Default Obama To Congress: Help Me Usurp More Power Obama To Congress: Help Me Usurp More Power

    Posted by Mark Horne in Constitution, Government, Liberalism, Politics, Propoganda
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    I have to admit, Obama’s brassy shamelessness is so amazing I am, in a way, tempted to be impressed. The man who is using his executive powers in way that even surpass the maneuvers of George W. Bush has now put Congress on notice that he expects them to help him gain more power to do more in the executive branch. According to Politico:

    “President Barack Obama called Monday on Congress to give him the authority to reorganize executive branch agencies, as he outlined a vision for greater government efficiency that he's repeated throughout his term. ‘We're doing a lot of this work administratively. But, unfortunately, there are still a bunch of rules, a lot of legislation that has poorly designed some of our agencies and forces some of our folks to engage in bureaucratic hoop-jumping, instead of just going ahead and focusing on mission and delivering good service to our citizens,’ Obama said in the State Dining Room, echoing much of what he said in early 2012 when he used a similar East Room ceremony to ask Congress for the authority and to propose a reshaping of trade-related agencies.”
    This is the same president who, on his own authority, unilaterally changed a law passed by Congress—the Affordable Care Act—in order to help his own party. Apparently deciding that its nickname, Obamacare, gave him personal ownership he simply stopped part of the law. As Roll Call reported,
    “President Barack Obama’s latest legal end run around Congress — delaying enforcement of the employer health mandate — has sparked more questions about whether he’s abusing his executive discretion under the Constitution. The move … was the latest in a string of decisions where the president, facing a divided Congress unable to get much done beyond keeping the government running, has taken matters into his own hands. Where a previous president might have asked for a legislative fix if a mandate was proving too onerous for business, the Obama administration put out a couple of blog posts saying that, in listening to the business community, it decided not to enforce a key part of the 3-year-old health law for another year.”
    This mirrors other illegal actions by Obama, such as when he decided to stop defending DOMA even though it was still the law of the land. It reflects the amazing number of “Czars” he appointed. It also corresponds with the unprecedented expansion of the EPA’s interventions.
    If Congress gives Obama any power at all then it is a traitor to the American people. Obama has shown beyond all reasonable doubt that the only thing he does efficiently is damage, attack, and undermine American society.

    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default's Abuse of Power

    An appeals court says his recess appointments are unconstitutional.000142412788732353980457826379333 2301584.html

    President Obama has shown increasing contempt for the constitutional limits on his power, and the courts are finally awakening to the news. A unanimous panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday that the President's non-recess recess appointments are illegal and an abuse of executive power. White House spokesman Jay Carney criticized the unanimous decision Friday, which is consistent with the President's sense of constitutional entitlement. Mr. Obama decided last year he could selectively enforce the immigration laws, exempting certain young people even if Congress hadn't passed the Dream Act. We support the Dream Act but not his unilateral way of imposing it.
    Mr. Obama has also signaled his intention to govern as much as possible by stretching the legal bounds of regulation and executive orders. The D.C. Circuit ruling is thus a particularly timely warning that while Mr. Obama was re-elected, has most of the press in his pocket and is popular with 52% of the public, he's subject to the rule of law like everybody else.
    The arrogant bastard flatly rejects that he is subject to the Rule of Law just like everybody else. And what is worse those charged with reminding him and bringing him into compliance are either afraid to act or else complicit in his illegal and treasonous acts. Now we see Obama push his authority to include overriding Congress should it not give him permission to go to war. One could go along with his doing that if it was a matter of defending this nation buts it so obvious that such is not the case. Obama faces no reelection bid so we will see his arrogance and ego manifest itself in even more outrageous flaunting of power in the future. America simply can not afford to allow this to continue. Some must be done to reel him back in IMHO. Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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