Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Not sure what you're confused about. Perhaps your imagination is forsaking you. They are entitled to human rights though they are not deserving of them and as they have seen to deny the natural rights, life in this case, of others they have given up their claim on same.

Nothing disparate (nor desperate) in my posts. I don't have to demonize those I'm discussing points with while attempting to make a rational and logical argument as you do. Of course you can't make a simple post without your "leftie" crutch. Oh yes, and that whole "ego" bit. And no, I'm not arguing, I made a statement; if you have issue then we can discuss it rationally; if you have it in you that is.

And yes, their victims do have human rights as do we all.
Here's the thing. By 'we all', you're effectively, and even 'logically', trying to group terrorist savages in with decent people. In so doing, you lose any moral high ground (if you ever had it in the first place).

Tell me this. Does an enemy combatant, in the field of battle, automatically have the 'human right' not to be shot and killed ? YES OR NO ?

If 'NO', then I pose this question.

The enemy combatant may be, most probably is, a human being. Yet, if 'no', said combatant, though human, can be killed as the enemy it is.

Now contrast that with a terrorist savage, captured and placed in Gitmo. There, you have enemy combatants, captured in the field of battle, whose lives have been saved by capture. YET, they're demonstrably not human. They don't think as human beings do. They lack the moral standards of humans. They're devoid of human empathy, and capable of killing as casually as others might light a match.

Enter cloud-cuckooland Lefties on to the scene (feel free to identify with same) who argue for the application of 'human rights' of NON humans, over and above the more human enemy combatants whose lives, by being enemies, were forfeit !

WHY should subhuman savages have MORE rights than THEM ?

Feel free, as the Leftie you are, to concoct an answer compatible with whatever Leftie agenda you hold most dear.