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    Default Pentagon: China building military might

    WASHINGTON - China is modernizing its military in ways that give it options for launching surprise attacks, potentially far from its borders, the Pentagon said Friday.

    In an annual report to Congress, the Pentagon said the Chinese are acquiring better missiles, submarines and aircraft and should more fully explain the purpose of a military buildup that has led some to view China as a threat.

    In a measured tone, the report offered a detailed look at China's military modernization. And it outlined areas of perceived ambiguity in Chinese strategy, including its declared policy of never starting a nuclear war; it concluded that Beijing may be exploring "new options" provided by its force modernization.

    The Chinese Embassy did not immediately return messages Friday seeking comment. China has reacted angrily to previous Pentagon reports and has insisted that its multibillion-dollar military buildup is defensive.

    Peter Rodman, who until this year was the Pentagon's top Asia policy official, said in an interview that senior Chinese officials have repeatedly assured U.S. defense officials that their "no first use" policy on nuclear weapons remains intact. Rodman, now a foreign studies fellow at the Brookings Institution, said one reason for doubt is the existence of a debate in military circles over the future of China's nuclear doctrine.

    The Pentagon said China's short-term focus remains the Taiwan Straits, where it continues to position more short-range ballistic missiles. But more broadly, the People's Liberation Army is pursuing a strategy that appears designed to give China a capability to fight wars farther from its shores and to thwart any U.S. advances.

    It asserted, for example, that last year the new DF-31 long-range nuclear missile became available for use in a military emergency, even though it apparently is not fully integrated into China's strategic nuclear force. It said the DF-31, which has enough range to reach Alaska but is not the main Chinese missile targeting the United States, is likely to become fully operational in the near future, if it has not already.

    "The expanding military capabilities of China's armed forces are a major factor in changing East Asian military balances," the report said. "Improvements in China's strategic capabilities have ramifications far beyond the Asia Pacific region."

    A prominent theme in the Pentagon report is a perceived lack of transparency in Chinese military activities and plans. As it has in the past, the Pentagon said China's true defense spending is two or three times the publicly announced defense budget, which this year was put at the equivalent of $45 billion. The Pentagon report said actual defense spending, including funds from sources other than the defense budget, is $85 billion to $125 billion.

    In a section titled "Is China Developing a Preemptive Strategy?" the report cited the fact that the People's Liberation Army has been acquiring long-endurance submarines, unmanned combat aircraft, additional precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, and long-distance military communications systems.

    Chinese military training that focuses on no-notice, long-range air strikes "could also indicate planning for preemptive military options in advance of regional crises," the report said.

    Under China's stated policy of "active defense," it engages in war only to defend itself, although the report notes that the history of modern Chinese warfare includes cases, such as its intervention in the Korean War in 1950, in which Chinese leaders have claimed military preemption as an act of strategic defense.

    "This logic suggests the potential for China to engage in military preemption, perhaps far from its borders, if the use of force protects or advances core interests, including territorial claims," the report said.

    Attempting to capture the essence of China's strategy, the report quoted former supreme leader Deng Xiaoping's guidance, known as the 24-character maxim, which says in part, "hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile."

    "It suggests both a short-term desire to play down China's capabilities and avoid confrontation, and a long-term strategy to build up China's power to maximize options for the future," the Pentagon report said.

    Rodman said he believes there is reason for concern that China's long-range aim is to "revise the existing balance of power in the world, but they are patient and they are just doing this quietly; they think long term."

    Rodman added that because U.S. officials are closely monitoring China's growing military strength and sophistication, "We can handle this, as part of our overall relationship, and we're not asleep at maintaining our own capability."

    The Pentagon highlighted its concern about Beijing's anti-satellite test in which a missile was used to destroy one of China's old weather satellites in low-Earth polar orbit; the January test was China's first.

    "The test put at risk the assets of all space-faring nations and posed dangers to human space flight due to the creation of an unprecedented amount of debris," the report said, adding that this is an important expansion of China's pursuit of weaponry and strategies that are designed to deny U.S. forces access to areas in Asia.

    Rodman said the Bush administration knew in advance that China planned to conduct the January test but it chose not to address it with the Chinese because U.S. officials were convinced Beijing would go ahead with it regardless.

    China has purchased UHF-band satellite communications jammers and is developing other technologies and concepts for weapons with anti-satellite missions, the report said. It also is improving its ability to identify and track satellites, "a prerequisite for effective, precise physical attacks," the report added.

    The report was presented to Congress on Friday, just days before Defense Secretary Robert Gates travels to Singapore to address an international conference on Asian security issues, where China is likely to be a key topic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post

    WASHINGTON - China is modernizing its military in ways that give it options for launching surprise attacks, potentially far from its borders, the Pentagon said Friday.

    In an annual report to Congress, the Pentagon said the Chinese are acquiring better missiles, submarines and aircraft and should more fully explain the purpose of a military buildup that has led some to view China as a threat.

    In a measured tone, the report offered a detailed look at China's military modernization. And it outlined areas of perceived ambiguity in Chinese strategy, including its declared policy of never starting a nuclear war; it concluded that Beijing may be exploring "new options" provided by its force modernization.

    The Chinese Embassy did not immediately return messages Friday seeking comment. China has reacted angrily to previous Pentagon reports and has insisted that its multibillion-dollar military buildup is defensive.

    Peter Rodman, who until this year was the Pentagon's top Asia policy official, said in an interview that senior Chinese officials have repeatedly assured U.S. defense officials that their "no first use" policy on nuclear weapons remains intact. Rodman, now a foreign studies fellow at the Brookings Institution, said one reason for doubt is the existence of a debate in military circles over the future of China's nuclear doctrine.

    The Pentagon said China's short-term focus remains the Taiwan Straits, where it continues to position more short-range ballistic missiles. But more broadly, the People's Liberation Army is pursuing a strategy that appears designed to give China a capability to fight wars farther from its shores and to thwart any U.S. advances.

    It asserted, for example, that last year the new DF-31 long-range nuclear missile became available for use in a military emergency, even though it apparently is not fully integrated into China's strategic nuclear force. It said the DF-31, which has enough range to reach Alaska but is not the main Chinese missile targeting the United States, is likely to become fully operational in the near future, if it has not already.

    "The expanding military capabilities of China's armed forces are a major factor in changing East Asian military balances," the report said. "Improvements in China's strategic capabilities have ramifications far beyond the Asia Pacific region."

    A prominent theme in the Pentagon report is a perceived lack of transparency in Chinese military activities and plans. As it has in the past, the Pentagon said China's true defense spending is two or three times the publicly announced defense budget, which this year was put at the equivalent of $45 billion. The Pentagon report said actual defense spending, including funds from sources other than the defense budget, is $85 billion to $125 billion.

    In a section titled "Is China Developing a Preemptive Strategy?" the report cited the fact that the People's Liberation Army has been acquiring long-endurance submarines, unmanned combat aircraft, additional precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, and long-distance military communications systems.

    Chinese military training that focuses on no-notice, long-range air strikes "could also indicate planning for preemptive military options in advance of regional crises," the report said.

    Under China's stated policy of "active defense," it engages in war only to defend itself, although the report notes that the history of modern Chinese warfare includes cases, such as its intervention in the Korean War in 1950, in which Chinese leaders have claimed military preemption as an act of strategic defense.

    "This logic suggests the potential for China to engage in military preemption, perhaps far from its borders, if the use of force protects or advances core interests, including territorial claims," the report said.

    Attempting to capture the essence of China's strategy, the report quoted former supreme leader Deng Xiaoping's guidance, known as the 24-character maxim, which says in part, "hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile."

    "It suggests both a short-term desire to play down China's capabilities and avoid confrontation, and a long-term strategy to build up China's power to maximize options for the future," the Pentagon report said.

    Rodman said he believes there is reason for concern that China's long-range aim is to "revise the existing balance of power in the world, but they are patient and they are just doing this quietly; they think long term."

    Rodman added that because U.S. officials are closely monitoring China's growing military strength and sophistication, "We can handle this, as part of our overall relationship, and we're not asleep at maintaining our own capability."

    The Pentagon highlighted its concern about Beijing's anti-satellite test in which a missile was used to destroy one of China's old weather satellites in low-Earth polar orbit; the January test was China's first.

    "The test put at risk the assets of all space-faring nations and posed dangers to human space flight due to the creation of an unprecedented amount of debris," the report said, adding that this is an important expansion of China's pursuit of weaponry and strategies that are designed to deny U.S. forces access to areas in Asia.

    Rodman said the Bush administration knew in advance that China planned to conduct the January test but it chose not to address it with the Chinese because U.S. officials were convinced Beijing would go ahead with it regardless.

    China has purchased UHF-band satellite communications jammers and is developing other technologies and concepts for weapons with anti-satellite missions, the report said. It also is improving its ability to identify and track satellites, "a prerequisite for effective, precise physical attacks," the report added.

    The report was presented to Congress on Friday, just days before Defense Secretary Robert Gates travels to Singapore to address an international conference on Asian security issues, where China is likely to be a key topic.
    I think we need to be more worried about Korea rather then China.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nevadamedic View Post
    I think we need to be more worried about Korea rather then China.
    I think china is the far bigger threat.

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    Other than from an economic standpoint I don't see where China is any threat at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    I think china is the far bigger threat.
    Why are you so afraid of them

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    I think china is the far bigger threat.

    Yes. But mysteriously, we give them favored nation trading status, and allow them to devalue their currency and use slave labor to make the world dependant on it's exports. There's a problem in washington, and the neocons are the biggest perpetrators.

    Globlalism is an excuse to destroy the west, and bring the world under internationalist fascist control.

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    Globalism is the end game for capitalism, it's the seeds of its destruction.
    "Unbloodybreakable" DCI Gene Hunt, 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by nevadamedic View Post
    I think we need to be more worried about Korea rather then China.
    China has 1000 times the capacity of N Korea. Esp economically.

    China is flush with extra dollars. Too many to spend. They have been docile in the arms races for ever.

    But with their economy/manufacturing becoming quite modern, and a labor cost that is less than 10% of ours they are poised to easily spend the US into bankruptcy in an arms race.

    And I mean it isn't even close. If they spent 1/2 as much as we did on military buildup they will be increasing their capacity at twice the pace of our growth.

    And Chinese firms partnering with other Asian firms (india, Russia etc) want a piece of the arms industry.

    We can no more compete in arms manufacturing as we can in manufacturing electrical appliances once the technology gap is closed.

    To ignore this new reality is short sighted.

    On the other hand with 700 bases worldwide, and by far the largest arsenals of WMD, the US is clearly the aggressor in the arms race.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSage View Post
    Globlalism is an excuse to destroy the west, and bring the world under internationalist fascist control.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Other than from an economic standpoint I don't see where China is any threat at all.

    Why are you so afraid of them
    Can't read can you?

    China is modernizing its military in ways that give it options for launching surprise attacks, potentially far from its borders, the Pentagon said Friday.
    Never said I was afraid either. Im just saying China is a bigger threat then North Korea. They are the ones pulling the strings of North Korea anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Other than from an economic standpoint I don't see where China is any threat at all.

    Why are you so afraid of them
    I am not as worried about China economically as I was a few months ago. Seems to be an unraveling going on there that even NY Times and WaPo can no longer ignore.

    Militarily though, a very different story.

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    Default .........

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecannon View Post
    China has 1000 times the capacity of N Korea. Esp economically.

    China is flush with extra dollars. Too many to spend. They have been docile in the arms races for ever.

    But with their economy/manufacturing becoming quite modern, and a labor cost that is less than 10% of ours they are poised to easily spend the US into bankruptcy in an arms race.

    And I mean it isn't even close. If they spent 1/2 as much as we did on military buildup they will be increasing their capacity at twice the pace of our growth.

    And Chinese firms partnering with other Asian firms (india, Russia etc) want a piece of the arms industry.

    We can no more compete in arms manufacturing as we can in manufacturing electrical appliances once the technology gap is closed.

    To ignore this new reality is short sighted.

    On the other hand with 700 bases worldwide, and by far the largest arsenals of WMD, the US is clearly the aggressor in the arms race.
    Yea but the leader or Korea is insane and completly unstable and unpredictable. That makes him a biger threat.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    China is getting ready to flex its muscles. Taiwan is going to be the first test of will between us and china. As they continue to grow economically they are going to look to expanding and gaining control of new resources. Oil is going to be a major concern for them in the next 20 years. They are expanding their navy with an eye on the gulf and Indian Ocean. If they do enter into a war they want to seal off the shipping routes in those regions along with the sea lanes for Japan. They have always had numbers and no concern for lives, but now they are developing quality armaments. There is a real potential for another cold war to develope.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    China is getting ready to flex its muscles. Taiwan is going to be the first test of will between us and china. As they continue to grow economically they are going to look to expanding and gaining control of new resources. Oil is going to be a major concern for them in the next 20 years. They are expanding their navy with an eye on the gulf and Indian Ocean. If they do enter into a war they want to seal off the shipping routes in those regions along with the sea lanes for Japan. They have always had numbers and no concern for lives, but now they are developing quality armaments. There is a real potential for another cold war to develope.
    Im not so sure. as you have pointed out they have no concern for lives. In fact, they are eagerly trying to lower the population. They have alot of single men coming to age soon with no opportunities for women. They have every reason to start actual military conflict.

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