Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
Uh huh.
What no comment on this article?
Are these men lying? --Tyr
General: Obama purposely weakening U.S. military

Former Pacific Command leader warns against giving global enemies combat advantage

Published: 11/25/2013 at 10:33 PM

WASHINGTON – A former deputy commanding general of the U.S. Pacific Command says President Obama seeks to “seize control over national security” and, bypassing Congress, singlehandedly weaken the U.S. military.

Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, retired, charges in a 21-page position statement made available to WND, titled “The Obama Military – Evolution and Legacy,” that Obama already has begun working with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons without a treaty, which would require Senate ratification.

“This would allow Obama and the executive branch to unilaterally cut our military capability and nuclear weaponry and ignore the treaty clause of the Constitution,” said Vallely, who has also served as a senior military analyst for Fox News Channel. Vallely has also charged, along with several other top generals, that Obama is purging the military by firing top-level commanders and that his ultimate goal is to “destroy U.S. military superiority” to the “advantage of our global enemies.”

In his capacity as chairman of the organization Stand Up America, Vallely previously called for the resignations of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and certain congressional leaders, issuing a “national call to action” aimed at bringing about those resignations.

Vallely is far from the only one worried about a plunge in military capabilities under Obama’s administration.

Frank Gaffney, former acting assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan administration, has asserted that placing women in combat is just the latest example of a “deliberate and systematic wrecking operation” the administration has conducted against the U.S. armed forces since 2009.

In addition, the Obama administration has directed measures to reduce the Pentagon budget by $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years, said Gaffney, currently president of the Washington-based Center for Security Policy.

In turn, this is bringing about the elimination or slowing of virtually all modernization programs, reduction in maintenance of worn-out weapons systems and other equipment and diminished training and cutting back in benefits, such as the plan the Pentagon has ordered to cut out commissary privileges at all of the military’s 178 U.S. and 70 foreign bases.