Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
What I find so very sad about this video, and the information presented is.

How many American citizens are actually IGNORANT, and UNCARING about such information.

If AMERICANS were actually INFORMED, or should I say.."EDUCATED" beyond the partisan levels of their FAVORITE POLITICIAN'S Name. I suspect; this kind of video, and information would have created such a firestorm long ago...enough to have AMERICANS in the streets, demanding the RESIGNATION of, or IMPEACHMENT of Obama, and his ENTIRE administration....Including JERKY JOE BIDEN.

But. Since we have a nation of WUSSIES, most of whom FEAR being labeled as Racists because a Black Man is holding the entire nation HOSTAGE.
The only way out...seems to be the November elections, and the removal of HARRY REID from power in the Senate.
Bravo sir...Bravo