Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
Call me silly, or confused. But I look at this thread as the test bed, or place where Alik Bahshi is preparing himself for a thesis in college.

It also appears, Alik has probably forewarned one of his college professors to come, and visit DP to see how convincing ALIK believes he can be dissussing Stalin. An OBVIOUS Hero of Alik.

I do wonder if Jim has the intention of allowing HIS FORUM to become another place where Propaganda...from whoever feels it is needed...can be posted, and offered as nothing more than another innocent thread on a Forum????
Now, now don't be so hasty. I enjoyed reading his mistaken compilation. Should he ever decide to engage those that criticize his judgment I'll be waiting to school him a tad. He missed the big point= What Stalin did or didn't do had nothing to do with Hitler deciding to invade and try to conquer Russia. That was in the plans before Hitler even made the pact with Stalin. Somehow the author of this thread missed it or else hero worshipped Stalin too much to admit what a fool Hitler played him for. -Tyr