Outdoor Prose for All Seasons

Postby Tyr-Ziu Saxnot » Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:42 am

Just Words

T is for Truth that yields never

Y is for Youth that should be forever

R is for Respect for honor and it's reward

Z is for Zero a nice balance on any credit card

I is for Integrity so needed for us all

U is for Unity , together we stand tall

S is for Security needed for a sane mind

A is for Admirable traits often so hard to find

X is for X-factor a strangely curious term

N is for Negativity so often held too firm

O is for Opportunity to be the very best

T is for Thanks to each and every honored guest... Z. -Tyr Ziu Saxnot
I can do that to any word given me. For example lets do Drummond...

D is for Destiny = a future unknown

R is for Reality = as appetizing as a bone

U is for Unification= so important to us all

M is for Memory= so necessary to recall

M is for Manners = which show respect for others

O is for Oath = of love we have for our mothers

N is for Nation = that serves to represent our desires

D is for Duty = a torch with eternal fire... --Tyr
A quick brain exercise I sometimes do to waste a few moments between moves in a chess game. .. As now my opponent taking too long to make a forced move. He has only one move possible with his king now in check.. Yet he wastes precious time for no good reason. --Tyr