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    Imagination Castle

    Sailing within the realm of imagination rewards
    all the soul, spirit and love that lives within
    Flying among the clouds of fantasy,life and poetry
    gently inspires and kisses the hearts of women and men

    Standing firm among the angels that wrap our glittering souls
    destiny changes at our mere whim and flight-filled fancy
    Running alongside our beloved sends whimsical sparks to stir
    all treasure that romantic love and beautiful sex ever holds!

    Resting upon journeys travelled deeply into huge, magical realms
    stamps our spirit with a solace and calm forever sought by man
    Racing into love filled fantasies so deep angels must help us out
    sail, fly, stand, run, rest or race imagination creates any place!

    Be rich in your great fancies and solid in your brilliant dreams
    love conquers all and all can be far more than it first seems!

    Tyr-- 05-13-2014
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    A Storm's Wrath

    thunder from dark, dark skies once were they brilliant blue
    swirling are the leaves that mighty wind has now thrown
    buckets of cold hard rain the starved earth does quench
    as gliding winged eagles do fly among the darkened clouds
    strong waves of storm's might pushing them soaring all about
    as lightning strikes objects resting tall upon sodden ground
    life marvels at Nature's massive stormy blasts and loud show
    hiding now are the creatures that earlier were out to play
    spiteful wind rips the trees that stand defiantly in it's way
    floods fill the deep burrows where so many wild critters hide
    with no fear of Nature's wrath and it's dark, stormy wet ride
    time stops Nature's wrath slowly gliding along it's endless path...

    Tyr- 05-13-2014
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 05-14-2014 at 09:20 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    From Kipling

    The Ballad of Boh Da Thone
    This is the ballad of Boh Da Thone,
    Erst a Pretender to Theebaw's throne,
    Who harried the district of Alalone:
    How he met with his fate and the V.P.P.*
    At the hand of Harendra Mukerji,
    Senior Gomashta, G.B.T.

    Boh Da Thone was a warrior bold:
    His sword and his rifle were bossed with gold,

    And the Peacock Banner his henchmen bore
    Was stiff with bullion, but stiffer with gore.

    He shot at the strong and he slashed at the weak
    From the Salween scrub to the Chindwin teak:

    He crucified noble, he sacrificed mean,
    He filled old ladies with kerosene:

    While over the water the papers cried,
    "The patriot fights for his countryside!"

    But little they cared for the Native Press,
    The worn white soldiers in Khaki dress,

    Who tramped through the jungle and camped in the byre,
    Who died in the swamp and were tombed in the mire,

    Who gave up their lives, at the Queen's Command,
    For the Pride of their Race and the Peace of the Land.

    Now, first of the foemen of Boh Da Thone
    Was Captain O'Neil of the Black Tyrone,

    And his was a Company, seventy strong,
    Who hustled that dissolute Chief along.

    There were lads from Galway and Louth and Meath
    Who went to their death with a joke in their teeth,

    And worshipped with fluency, fervour, and zeal
    The mud on the boot-heels of "Crook" O'Neil.

    But ever a blight on their labours lay,
    And ever their quarry would vanish away,

    Till the sun-dried boys of the Black Tyrone
    Took a brotherly interest in Boh Da Thone:

    And, sooth, if pursuit in possession ends,
    The Boh and his trackers were best of friends.

    The word of a scout -- a march by night --
    A rush through the mist -- a scattering fight --

    A volley from cover -- a corpse in the clearing --
    The glimpse of a loin-cloth and heavy jade earring --

    The flare of a village -- the tally of slain --
    And. . .the Boh was abroad on the raid again!

    They cursed their luck, as the Irish will,
    They gave him credit for cunning and skill,

    They buried their dead, they bolted their beef,
    And started anew on the track of the thief

    Till, in place of the "Kalends of Greece", men said,
    "When Crook and his darlings come back with the head."

    They had hunted the Boh from the hills to the plain --
    He doubled and broke for the hills again:

    They had crippled his power for rapine and raid,
    They had routed him out of his pet stockade,

    And at last, they came, when the Daystar tired,
    To a camp deserted -- a village fired.

    A black cross blistered the morning-gold,
    And the body upon it was stark and cold.

    The wind of the dawn went merrily past,
    The high grass bowed her plumes to the blast.

    And out of the grass, on a sudden, broke
    A spirtle of fire, a whorl of smoke --

    And Captain O'Neil of the Black Tyrone
    Was blessed with a slug in the ulnar-bone --
    The gift of his enemy Boh Da Thone.

    (Now a slug that is hammered from telegraph-wire
    Is a thorn in the flesh and a rankling fire.)

    . . . . .

    The shot-wound festered -- as shot-wounds may
    In a steaming barrack at Mandalay.

    The left arm throbbed, and the Captain swore,
    "I'd like to be after the Boh once more!"

    The fever held him -- the Captain said,
    "I'd give a hundred to look at his head!"

    The Hospital punkahs creaked and whirred,
    But Babu Harendra (Gomashta) heard.

    He thought of the cane-brake, green and dank,
    That girdled his home by the Dacca tank.

    He thought of his wife and his High School son,
    He thought -- but abandoned the thought -- of a gun.

    His sleep was broken by visions dread
    Of a shining Boh with a silver head.

    He kept his counsel and went his way,
    And swindled the cartmen of half their pay.

    . . . . .

    And the months went on, as the worst must do,
    And the Boh returned to the raid anew.

    But the Captain had quitted the long-drawn strife,
    And in far Simoorie had taken a wife;

    And she was a damsel of delicate mould,
    With hair like the sunshine and heart of gold,

    And little she knew the arms that embraced
    Had cloven a man from the brow to the waist:

    And little she knew that the loving lips
    Had ordered a quivering life's eclipse,

    Or the eye that lit at her lightest breath
    Had glared unawed in the Gates of Death.

    (For these be matters a man would hide,
    As a general rule, from an innocent Bride.)

    And little the Captain thought of the past,
    And, of all men, Babu Harendra last.

    . . . . .

    But slow, in the sludge of the Kathun road,
    The Government Bullock Train toted its load.

    Speckless and spotless and shining with ghi,
    In the rearmost cart sat the Babu-jee.

    And ever a phantom before him fled
    Of a scowling Boh with a silver head.

    Then the lead-cart stuck, though the coolies slaved,
    And the cartmen flogged and the escort raved;

    And out of the jungle, with yells and squeals,
    Pranced Boh Da Thone, and his gang at his heels!

    Then belching blunderbuss answered back
    The Snider's snarl and the carbine's crack,

    And the blithe revolver began to sing
    To the blade that twanged on the locking-ring,

    And the brown flesh blued where the bay'net kissed,
    As the steel shot back with a wrench and a twist,

    And the great white oxen with onyx eyes
    Watched the souls of the dead arise,

    And over the smoke of the fusillade
    The Peacock Banner staggered and swayed.

    Oh, gayest of scrimmages man may see
    Is a well-worked rush on the G.B.T.!

    The Babu shook at the horrible sight,
    And girded his ponderous loins for flight,

    But Fate had ordained that the Boh should start
    On a lone-hand raid of the rearmost cart,

    And out of that cart, with a bellow of woe,
    The Babu fell -- flat on the top of the Boh!

    For years had Harendra served the State,
    To the growth of his purse and the girth of his p]^et.

    There were twenty stone, as the tally-man knows,
    On the broad of the chest of this best of Bohs.

    And twenty stone from a height discharged
    Are bad for a Boh with a spleen enlarged.

    Oh, short was the struggle -- severe was the shock --
    He dropped like a bullock -- he lay like a block;

    And the Babu above him, convulsed with fear,
    Heard the labouring life-breath hissed out in his ear.

    And thus in a fashion undignified
    The princely pest of the Chindwin died.

    . . . . .

    Turn now to Simoorie where, lapped in his ease,
    The Captain is petting the Bride on his knees,

    Where the whit of the bullet, the wounded man's scream
    Are mixed as the mist of some devilish dream --

    Forgotten, forgotten the sweat of the shambles
    Where the hill-daisy blooms and the gray monkey gambols,

    From the sword-belt set free and released from the steel,
    The Peace of the Lord is on Captain O'Neil.

    . . . . .

    Up the hill to Simoorie -- most patient of drudges --
    The bags on his shoulder, the mail-runner trudges.

    "For Captain O'Neil, Sahib. One hundred and ten
    Rupees to collect on delivery."

    (Their breakfast was stopped while the screw-jack and hammer
    Tore waxcloth, split teak-wood, and chipped out the dammer

    Open-eyed, open-mouthed, on the napery's snow,
    With a crash and a thud, rolled -- the Head of the Boh!

    And gummed to the scalp was a letter which ran: --
    10th Jan.

    "Dear Sir, -- I have honour to send, as you said,
    For final approval (see under) Boh's Head;

    "Was took by myself in most bloody affair.
    By High Education brought pressure to bear.

    "Now violate Liberty, time being bad,
    To mail V.P.P. (rupees hundred) Please add

    "Whatever Your Honour can pass. Price of Blood
    Much cheap at one hundred, and children want food;

    "So trusting Your Honour will somewhat retain
    True love and affection for Govt. Bullock Train,

    "And show awful kindness to satisfy me,
    I am,
    Graceful Master,
    H. MUKERJI."

    . . . . .

    As the rabbit is drawn to the rattlesnake's power,
    As the smoker's eye fills at the opium hour,

    As a horse reaches up to the manger above,
    As the waiting ear yearns for the whisper of love,

    From the arms of the Bride, iron-visaged and slow,
    The Captain bent down to the Head of the Boh.

    And e'en as he looked on the Thing where It lay
    'Twixt the winking new spoons and the napkins' array,

    The freed mind fled back to the long-ago days --
    The hand-to-hand scuffle -- the smoke and the blaze --

    The forced march at night and the quick rush at dawn --
    The banjo at twilight, the burial ere morn --

    The stench of the marshes -- the raw, piercing smell
    When the overhand stabbing-cut silenced the yell --

    The oaths of his Irish that surged when they stood
    Where the black crosses hung o'er the Kuttamow flood.

    As a derelict ship drifts away with the tide
    The Captain went out on the Past from his Bride,

    Back, back, through the springs to the chill of the year,
    When he hunted the Boh from Maloon to Tsaleer.

    As the shape of a corpse dimmers up through deep water,
    In his eye lit the passionless passion of slaughter,

    And men who had fought with O'Neil for the life
    Had gazed on his face with less dread than his wife.

    For she who had held him so long could not hold him --
    Though a four-month Eternity should have controlled him --

    But watched the twin Terror -- the head turned to head --
    The scowling, scarred Black, and the flushed savage Red --

    The spirit that changed from her knowing and flew to
    Some grim hidden Past she had never a clue to.

    But It knew as It grinned, for he touched it unfearing,
    And muttered aloud, "So you kept that jade earring!"

    Then nodded, and kindly, as friend nods to friend,
    "Old man, you fought well, but you lost in the end."

    . . . . .

    The visions departed, and Shame followed Passion: --
    "He took what I said in this horrible fashion,

    "I'll write to Harendra!" With language unsainted
    The Captain came back to the Bride. . .who had fainted.

    . . . . .

    And this is a fiction? No. Go to Simoorie
    And look at their baby, a twelve-month old Houri,

    A pert little, Irish-eyed Kathleen Mavournin --
    She's always about on the Mall of a mornin' --

    And you'll see, if her right shoulder-strap is displaced,
    This: Gules upon argent, a Boh's Head, erased!
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Standing In Bitter Rain

    Standing in this deep, lonesome rain
    confusion is my only friend
    Agony of great death and pain
    as loss cries the weakness of mortal men!

    Are we mortals destined for greater
    as we wander here ever so lost
    Our end so often sooner than later
    is love only ever worth the high cost!

    In this cold wetness the hurt only grows
    as seconds turn to dark blue hours
    The loss of my sweetheart only grows
    bitter is the death of my loving flower!

    Standing in this cold, hard wet chill
    love again only can ever save me
    That thought tasting as a very bitter pill
    do I dare ever let go of my loving Amy!

    Tyr-- 05-17-2014
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    My newest write birthed today to enter into a contest using --imagination-- as the primary key..

    The Monster, the Saving Deed

    A clawed hook through the locked door she did ease
    unlocking the door so silently and quick
    breathtakingly sweet was the smell of freedom now
    no more sadistic monster to obey and please!

    A ghastly tribulation began many decades ago
    captured and imprisoned in dark cell below
    beaten into submission to a dark , jealous beast
    locked in glass cage naked , alone and for show

    Iron will and steel mind this maiden did keep
    with desperate hope to one day be free
    from this prison so deep and wretchedly dark
    consoled by bravery and heart refusing to weep

    Years dragged by as her tormentor often did please
    to inflict pain and degradation upon her soul
    each visit bringing more misery and pain than last
    clinging to future that held hope of freedom to seize

    Waking to find herself no longer a young maid waiting
    the mirror revealed her beauty and youth now lost
    anger drove her soul, heart and mind to ever endure
    her iron resolve gifted never to let hope start fading

    Memories of deep lashes from stinging rawhide whips
    blood soaked floor and waking to agonizing pain
    maiden prepared for her hopeful chance every day
    dreams of boarding any of the imaginary rescue ships

    Now time too had ravaged her body and iron will
    a struggle to hold the will for a future freedom try
    cold , dark , lonely nights too many to ever forget
    miseries faced with pain and coldly desperate chill

    She had counted each visit to be once every week
    the monster sought it's love of inflicting great hurt
    silently screaming each chance so cruelly dashed
    as freedom became less like a ship to hopefully seek

    Yet she had nothing else to grip or dare hold dear
    intense pain and deep blues became her prison mates
    memories of lost love ones steeled her deep resolve
    as a clever and daring plan became so very crystal clear

    Dare she attempt to slay the hideous and massive beast
    as it lay resting by her tortured and beaten body
    seize it's weapon so loosely held upon it's left side
    stab, stab, and stab until it's evil life was released

    Fateful day arrived as she felt no longer dared to wait
    beast entered to beat her down as never had before
    the monster then laid resting quietly by her aching side
    soaking in her brutal savage pain as fruits gladly ate

    Quietly she turned to reach for that golden short sword
    the beast resting saw nor heard her carefully planned moves
    cutting loose the ropes binding her bruised and battered arms
    stab, stab and stab deeply her evil, tormenting beastly Lord

    Franticly she searched everywhere for the freedom giving key
    finding none she begged and cried for precious help please
    she saw the shape of it's hideously clawed left hook
    a short sword stroke and soon she would be finally free

    A clawed hook through the locked door she did ease
    unlocking the door so silently and quick
    breathtakingly sweet was the smell of freedom now
    with no more sadistic monster to obey and please!

    Tyr- 05-18-2014
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Changed my entry into the imagination contest, sat here and created a much shorter
    write to enter.. Here it is...

    Imagination Soars, Reality Fades

    Imagination engulfs my tortured and half-hearted soul
    flying with eagles, slaying dragons and away I go
    No restraints to destroy my spirited and fantasy mind
    talking with spirits and they replying back in kind!

    Stepping lightly into magical and dangerous dark realms
    loving in public , sailing ships with myself at the helm
    Fighting mighty beasts that bite, slash and eat brave men
    winning out against all odds , pride and glory at the end!

    Piloting great , powerful starships deep into outer space
    always a hero regardless of courage, size, power or race
    Remaking stories as quick as my mind can think of more
    counting treasure, saving lives and always keeping score!

    Imagination saves my uneventful and lonesome boring life
    saving the world, bringing peace, destroying every strife
    Sing me a song and I can dream it's vibrant color and tale
    needing no Aladdin's lamp or well used wishing well !

    Tyr-- 05-18-2014
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 05-18-2014 at 11:12 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    You got gold in your mouth
    We ain't see no gold since the priests left
    You got silver on your wrists
    We ain't seen no silver since the airplane crash last year

    You got blue shining skies we got the sun in our eyes
    And we're going blind
    We don't want your money we want mine

    You got shoes on your feet
    We ain't seen no shoes since the soldiers came
    You got food in your mouth
    And that ain't even funny

    You got blue shining skies we got the sun in our eyes
    And we're going blind
    We don't want your money we want mine

    If we should threaten you we're wasting our time
    If we appeal to you we're wasting our time
    But if we ask you very nicely please be kind
    We don't want your money we want mine

    "We Want Mine" by John Palumbo

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    If anyone wonders, the above is among my all-time favorite song lyrics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    If anyone wonders, the above is among my all-time favorite song lyrics.

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    That's pretty damn good! Never heard of that band, will check out their other songs now..
    I saw the lyrics in the other post and asked you if it was poetry or song.
    I thought most likely song because it just had that feel to it.
    Whomever wrote the lyrics has a poet's heart , that's for sure! -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Written this morn for another contest...

    Silver Chalice of Hope

    Once chased that Silver Chalice with abandon and glee
    life as yet unlived and fate yet to test,
    the bounty , purity and sweetness from my living tree
    days turned to years as Chalice was laid to rest

    Joys, births , deaths and sorrows all cut deeply into me
    Silver Chalice desperately sought yet never found,
    journeying ever forward with this trust my sacred key
    Silver Chalice or not , this soul is still Heaven bound!

    Tyr-- 05-20-2014
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    IMHO, John Palumbo is one of the most talented song writers ever. His lyrics are very sharp and acerbic.

    Another remarkable song by Crack The Sky, about nuclear apathy.

    <iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

    Standing room only at L.A.X.
    I trade my ticket for some cigarettes
    I won't believe it till they disappear

    President's hiding on a submarine
    See how he runs away from history
    I won't believe it till they disappear
    I won't believe it till I disappear

    After all we've been through
    Doesn't it seem a little bit funny to you
    We should all shine from the violet blue
    And now we're calling you from the greenhouse

    All of the warriors have gone away
    I sit and watch the sky, waiting for the rain
    I won't believe it till I disappear
    I won't believe it till I disappear
    I won't believe you till I disappear

    After all we've been through
    Doesn't it seem a little bit funny to you
    We should all shine from the violet blue
    And now we're calling you from the greenhouse

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    What the Angels Whisper
    by---- Keith O.J. Hunt

    What the Angels Whisper

    How hope still clings in the maze of youth,

    though a vessel so tender,

    not yet cured, apt to blow in the wind

    as a ripened daisy,

    a fledgling ----

    too much a babe for a serpent's wile;

    A helping hand awaits in the arms of time,

    where moments pass to eternity,

    the winds are hushed with reprieve,


    there is a friend staring to dawn

    From love roars the mightiest wind,

    of a warmth most enduring,

    The rose sifts most sweet

    in youthful shallows,

    not deep of a withered old;

    ere anger is bred and seasoned,

    tamed to mother's ease,

    The old man forgets, the harridan scoffs

    while the child rides the winds

    of rosy-dawns and soft remembrance,

    somehow, the ancient are redeemed

    Let love speak her tender tongue,

    atop mountains too aloft for wicked ears,

    Soothe she the weeping wayward,

    the broken bone, fevers ungodly;

    though she is mysterious to the ignorant,

    confounds the tyrant in his self-genius ----

    only God could know her name,

    whispered infinite

    (she is love)

    ** Excerpt from my epic ' The Blood of the Prophets'
    (unfinished as of yet)**

    A fantastic write by one of my friends .. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    No Longer Mourn for Me When I Am Dead

    If Death should call, let me go free;
    It's only Heaven beckons me.
    If I should step beyond the veil
    Of sight and sound and voice, 't is well;
    I shall be glad to place my head
    Beneath the sod with other dead.
    My spirit will not linger there
    But float on myriad colored air
    And dip its wings o'er twinkling stars
    And ride the moon's bright, silver car.
    At last my yearning soul will know,
    Forever ceased its worldly woe.
    If Death comes, do not robe in black
    As if you want my spirit back;
    I would not want your soul to grieve
    Nor stand here desolate, bereaved.
    I shall be glad at last to go;
    Rejoice with me who wished it so.
    It's not a morbid, ghastly thought
    But one in Grace and Glory wrought.
    For just beyond life's ebbing sea,
    Beyond earth's pain and agony,
    I dimly see the other shore
    Where I shall live forevermore.
    Death shall but serve to chauffer me
    From galaxy to Galaxy.
    His fingers do not clutch and tear
    The soul from one who does not fear;
    That soul is borne up in his arms
    In ecstasy, without alarms.
    Death will not be my dreaded fate:
    He is but Heaven's op'ning gate.

    by Faye Gibson
    Another fine write by another friend of mine.. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Ode To , We Dead

    Ode To , We Dead

    We dead, dine it darkened solitudes,
    man void of loves, hates and attitudes

    We dead, chase no longer mortal dream,
    no longer lie, steal, cheat or scheme

    We dead, favor no great lusting beauty,
    having no appetite for sex or duty

    We dead, grant no great requested favor,
    gift the rose or smell the flavor

    We dead, will not speak words of praise,
    never unless our souls are blessed to raise

    We dead, spirit silenced in passing time,
    cast down with no living tree to climb

    We dead, sleep ever in coldly silent repose,
    crushed the life of beauty and fair rose

    We dead , hear no sweet words of mortal loves
    no music , no cooing of loving turtle doves

    We dead, find no pleasure in our dark rest,
    no life, love or joy in giving our very best

    We dead, shout no songs of beautiful glory,
    long past lived , awaiting another story

    We dead, laid in for sleep and resting days,
    no longer actors in everyday mortal plays...

    We dead, send no warm comfort to our friends,
    cold is this dark, damp ground we reside in

    We dead, no longer birth life loving dreams,
    drink from cold, running mountain streams

    We dead , no longer sing of praise and glory,
    resting here awaiting another spiritual story

    We dead, can not act to erase our many mistakes,
    cold regret deepens pain in these darkened lakes

    Tyr- 05-23-2014

    Written a few moments ago for another poetry contest.. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I hope you may enjoy this write. I finished it moments ago , having wrote it for a
    special themed competition.
    Had in mind twice as many lines but a limit was placed upon the length. I dearly
    hate such limits(when imposed) because they restrain the author's creativity..-Tyr

    Flowers of the Curious Mind

    Sent were flowers of the curious mind
    following echoes of Cantu's muse
    No curses , words grossly unkind
    insults hidden deeply in clever ruse

    Dare not stab sweet music of mortal man
    with deeds sordidly played tho' sweet
    Transgress not Nature's surviving plan
    with arrogant contempt born of defeat

    Embrace life's melody as a lost friend
    dancing within it's tune so fine
    Live, live gloriously until life's end
    drink, drink richly of it's finest wine!

    Having had so many that placed recently and some taking first place I
    decided to compose one for this special contest although its not my usual
    practice to be so rigidly limited.. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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