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    Default Bbc interviews hamas leader ..

    I'm a bit surprised that I found this. But, anyway ... the BBC - as I said on another thread - recently arranged an interview with the leader of Hamas, for their 'HardTalk' programme. Typically, these broadcasts last close to 30 minutes.

    It was screened on BBC News on 25th July .. it may well be repeated sometime. It's the format of the programme that the interviewer basically 'grills' his interviewee, asking some highly blunt, tough, direct questions with little or no regard for any 'niceties'. Well .. I expected that the BBC would give this character an easy time of it, possibly a sympathetic interview. I'm happy to report that he did nothing of the kind !

    Tim Sebastian was the interviewer .... Khaled Meshaal, the interviewee.

    Here's the link I've found to a transcript of the interview. I recommend that you read it.

    Here's an interesting extract from it (towards its end) .....

    --- TS- Answer me just one question. Does Israel have the right to exist in peace? Do you acknowledge the right of Israel to exist in peace?

    KM: We consider Palestine our land and this is our natural right and the occupation must end. Occupation cannot be divided.

    TS- Answer the question, yes or no, does Israel have the right to exist? It's a very simple question.

    KM: I am saying we have the right to our land and we have the right to be freed from occupation. Any occupation even if time goes by doesn't become legitimate.

    TS- So the answer is no. Israel does not have the right to exist. That's what you're telling me.

    KM: The occupation doesn't become legitimate even after a long time. You are talking about a fair and comprehensive peace. The Palestinian who was forced to leave his land in Haifa and Jafa, if he doesn't return to his land, how do you say this is fair? Why do you stick to your rights in Europe and the whole world while you ask us to drop ours?

    TS- So Israel does not have the right to exist. Let's just clarify this once and for all. You're saying Israel does not have the right to exist.

    TS- So you're not going to answer my question. Let's just clarify that for the sake of the viewers, you're not going to answer my question because it's too difficult.

    KM: This is not difficult. I answered in the spirit of the situation. Occupation must end regardless of the duration. Therefore, it is our right to hold on to our land.

    TS- How can anyone negotiate with people who will not give a straight answer to a straight question? How?

    KM: Didn't you understand my answer?

    TS- I don't think the rest of the world will understand.

    KM: People will understand it. I am asking you one question. Before 1948 what was happening on the land of Palestine? There were a people living peacefully on its land.

    TS- Mr Meshaal, you want to go backwards when the rest of the world wants to go forward. You always go back.

    KM: I am telling the truth, if you want to deal with a present situation you must look to its roots.

    TS- Mr Meshaal, you came from Syria to do this interview here in Beirut and a lot of people might expect that you would have something new to offer. Something apart from just the same old cycle of violence. Do you really have nothing new to offer to this process?

    KM: I will summarize very clearly Hamas position. First to adopt it in Europe and oblige America to do so. It consists of putting aside civilians in the struggle. If you were pitying the circle of killings in occupied Palestine oblige Israel to accept to put aside civilians in the struggle from both sides.

    TS- Put aside the civilians as a first step.

    KM: I am telling you let us stop the bloodshed from both sides. Let us put aside civilians in the struggle and let it just be between resistance from the Palestinian side and the Israeli forces and settlers. You are refusing this. When you are refusing our initiative to put aside civilians, you are allowing continuing the bloodshed. Why do you want to make pressure just on us and you can't do any pressure on Israel?

    TS- And the second step?

    KM: After that if Israel is convinced and sees the necessity to withdraw from the occupied territories, then this is a good step and then I would think the violence and killings in the region would stop even for a period of time, then coming generations would continue their own vision. But at least let us do a first step. Let us stop the struggle between civilians, let Israel withdraw first then tell the Palestinian people we gave you a state.
    .... So, then. A complete refusal from this Meshaal character to say, on air, that he'll concede that Israel has any right to exist. More, he wants Israel to be pushed back, and to allow Palestinians full autonomy on what he regards as 'their' land.

    Any move towards this, no matter how relatively minor, would give Hamas freedom to arm themselves without restrictions. And since Hamas WILL NOT recognise Israel's right to exist .. fully in line with the Hamas Charter, they'll keep on fighting in defiance of that right.

    It's obvious.

    It's also obvious that Israel, to put it mildly, has nothing to gain, and a massive amount to lose, by accepting anything that the Hamas side wants.

    And so the terrorism from Hamas continues on. From what Meshall says, I believe it can be inferred that concessions from the Israeli side will win temporary periods of peace, but with no guarantee available, at all, of anything permanent. What a surprise, eh ?

    Which means that the likes of Kerry and the UN are, in this conflict, purely a waste of space.

    There is only, ultimately, one reality in play. Hamas will not, ever, accept Israel's right to exist. Hamas exists to oppose their existence and to see Israelis driven from their land. Ultimately, either Israel decides to curl up and die, OR, it fights on, with the destruction of Hamas its only realistic goal.
    Last edited by Drummond; 07-28-2014 at 01:36 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    I had referred to this in a post yesterday. This short interview is the precise reason there will never be peace over there. Their view is all or nothing, and that the other side must be nothing. There is no wiggle room, no room for discussion, no negotiations.

    Let's face it, neither side is ever going to relinquish every inch of land. The ONLY plan for peace is to coexist. This leader, and his followers, said they would fight to the death of every last person before that happens. Anyone with 1/99th of a brain knows that Israel is the dominant power. Every possible angle is against Palestine, and they still won't negotiate short of getting all the land.

    They are basically asking to be martyrs, to be the destruction of Palestine, because they simply cannot win. And the longer the world stops Israel and allows Hamas to continue, the longer the cycle of death will continue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I had referred to this in a post yesterday. This short interview is the precise reason there will never be peace over there. Their view is all or nothing, and that the other side must be nothing. There is no wiggle room, no room for discussion, no negotiations.

    Let's face it, neither side is ever going to relinquish every inch of land. The ONLY plan for peace is to coexist. This leader, and his followers, said they would fight to the death of every last person before that happens. Anyone with 1/99th of a brain knows that Israel is the dominant power. Every possible angle is against Palestine, and they still won't negotiate short of getting all the land.

    They are basically asking to be martyrs, to be the destruction of Palestine, because they simply cannot win. And the longer the world stops Israel and allows Hamas to continue, the longer the cycle of death will continue.
    Exactly .. totally agree, Jim.

    What staggers me is the utter stupidity of so many people, and so many politicians in the world, who cannot see the truth .. who insist that there's any long-term future for any 'peace agreement'. Hamas only agrees to these for short-term tactical gain, within a wider context of continuing their terrorism.

    Israel needs to shed its fear of using its superiority ... and deal with the problem of Hamas in the only ultimately realistic way possible (... and I don't mean surrender !!).
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    I think he is talking about the "green line". If Israel pulled back behind this recognised border and allowed Palestinian autonomy without targeted assassinations, kidnappings and killings, Hamas would be willing to stop fighting and the wider intafada would end. This is after all at the heart of the matter.

    To paraphrase Reagan, "Mr Netanyahu. Tear down that wall!".

    Last edited by jafar00; 07-28-2014 at 04:18 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Exactly .. totally agree, Jim.

    What staggers me is the utter stupidity of so many people, and so many politicians in the world, who cannot see the truth .. who insist that there's any long-term future for any 'peace agreement'. Hamas only agrees to these for short-term tactical gain, within a wider context of continuing their terrorism.

    Israel needs to shed its fear of using its superiority ... and deal with the problem of Hamas in the only ultimately realistic way possible (... and I don't mean surrender !!).
    Excellent post Drummond !!!

    And you are exactly right, Israel needs to annihilate these animals once and for all that is the only way to put a end to Hamas. Yes the Bleeding hearts of the world will be all up in arms but they will soon forget ( probably right after another group of these animals commit a horrific terror attack in the world somewhere )

    These people ( if you want to call them that ) are not normal there is no talking to them, no talks ( we have heard about peace talks forever it doesn't work ) it is time to take out the trash !! Like I said people will forget in time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
    I think he is talking about the "green line". If Israel pulled back behind this recognised border and allowed Palestinian autonomy without targeted assassinations, kidnappings and killings, Hamas would be willing to stop fighting and the wider intafada would end. This is after all at the heart of the matter.

    To paraphrase Reagan, "Mr Netanyahu. Tear down that wall!".

    Yes give the terrorist what they want and all will be good you know that will never happen jafar, we are dealing with terrorist here. They can cry about their land all they want but the real reason they want war is because they are animals, tell me jafar did the terrorist believe that the Word Trade Center was theirs as well ? Yes I know apples and oranges but what I am saying is these people live for this kind of stuff, like a rabid dog they are sick, and what do you do with a rabid dog ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
    To paraphrase Reagan, "Mr Netanyahu. Tear down that wall!".
    It would be SO much simpler than that if terrorists weren't the ones running "negotiations". Until they disappear, and the people stop supporting terrorism, I hope this "wall" only gets tighter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
    I think he is talking about the "green line". If Israel pulled back behind this recognised border and allowed Palestinian autonomy without targeted assassinations, kidnappings and killings, Hamas would be willing to stop fighting and the wider intafada would end. This is after all at the heart of the matter.

    To paraphrase Reagan, "Mr Netanyahu. Tear down that wall!".

    Nicely tried, Jafar. And considering how badly the Hamas guy revealed the truth of Hamas, it's not exactly surprising that you've rushed in with your defence of him.

    I think that what you're suggesting is a part of the overall issue - HOWEVER - it is not at the HEART of it.

    Study the transcript again and see the wider truth.

    It really boils down to just this: Hamas's position is that Israel is a 'rogue' State, simply because it EXISTS. The Hamas interviewee .. Hamas's LEADER, don't forget !!! .. referred to the pre-1948 situation in that area. Namely, the days before the UN established the State of Israel.

    Let me re-quote the relevant portion of the interview again:

    TS- So Israel does not have the right to exist. Let's just clarify this once and for all. You're saying Israel does not have the right to exist.

    TS- .. So you're not going to answer my question. Let's just clarify that for the sake of the viewers, you're not going to answer my question because it's too difficult.

    KM: This is not difficult. I answered in the spirit of the situation. Occupation must end regardless of the duration. Therefore, it is our right to hold on to our land.

    TS- How can anyone negotiate with people who will not give a straight answer to a straight question? How?

    KM: Didn't you understand my answer?

    TS- I don't think the rest of the world will understand.

    KM: People will understand it. I am asking you one question. Before 1948 what was happening on the land of Palestine? There were a people living peacefully on its land.

    TS- Mr Meshaal, you want to go backwards when the rest of the world wants to go forward. You always go back.

    KM: I am telling the truth, if you want to deal with a present situation you must look to its roots.
    Clear yet, Jafar ?

    If Israel agreed to the issue YOU are dealing with in the way that Hamas (and you !) would like, I'm sure this would be enough to arrange a temporary ceasefire. Long enough for Hamas to trumpet their propaganda success and build on it, and long enough for them to be free enough to massively rearm.


    And they've admitted what it is. The eradication of Israel entirely.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Excellent post Drummond !!!

    And you are exactly right, Israel needs to annihilate these animals once and for all that is the only way to put a end to Hamas. Yes the Bleeding hearts of the world will be all up in arms but they will soon forget ( probably right after another group of these animals commit a horrific terror attack in the world somewhere )

    These people ( if you want to call them that ) are not normal there is no talking to them, no talks ( we have heard about peace talks forever it doesn't work ) it is time to take out the trash !! Like I said people will forget in time.
    Agreed. And the ultimate reason is that Hamas has only one overall goal .. Israel's demise. That Hamas leader said as much in the interview, and the interviewer got the message, and ran with it.

    From the Hamas Charter:

    "Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it

    as it had eliminated its predecessors."

    The Imam and Martyr Hassan al-Banna
    ... and that's before you get to its INTRODUCTION !

    More ...

    This is the Charter of the Islamic Resistance
    (Hamas) which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state itsposition, clarify its purpose, discuss its hopes, call for support to itscause and reinforcement, and for joining its ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails.

    A bit excessive for just a border dispute, surely ?

    More ...

    Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting outof the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassam(13) and his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood who fought the Holy War in 1936; it further relates to another link of the Palestinian Jihad and the Jihad and efforts of the Muslim Brothers during the 1948 War, and to the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brothers in 1968 and thereafter.

    Again ... rather more wide-ranging than Jafar would have us believe. References to 'THE ZIONIST INVASION' go back a VERY long way.

    [Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion

    ANY part of Palestine. We're supposed to think this has only a limited application ??

    If I tried, I could doubtless find more. But it's surely completely clear. Hamas regard the very presence of Israel as an affront to their religion, and they are - very willingly - committed to fighting for its eradication from any part of land EVER regarded as 'Palestine'.
    Last edited by Drummond; 07-28-2014 at 05:14 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post
    I think he is talking about the "green line". If Israel pulled back behind this recognised border and allowed Palestinian autonomy without targeted assassinations, kidnappings and killings, Hamas would be willing to stop fighting and the wider intafada would end. This is after all at the heart of the matter.

    To paraphrase Reagan, "Mr Netanyahu. Tear down that wall!".

    jafar. you still come here to prove YOU ARE NOT EVEN GOOD AT LYING.
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