`You probably saw the rumors flying around on Social Media and we are here to tell you that it is true! JetBlue once again shows their support, this time for the NYPD. JetBlue will fly up to 2 members from each department in the country to New York City to attend the funerals of NYPD Officers Liu & Ramos. In a reply e-mail to NYC Fire Wire, JetBlue said “We are trying our best to get as many police officers to New York to support their fellow brothers. We are accepting up to 2 officers from each department (space permitting).” This incredible action comes just over a year after JetBlue dedicated a brand new A320 to the FDNY. JetBlue calls New York City home, with John F Kennedy Airport being their main hub and offices are in Long Island City.

How does an agency apply: Law Enforcement Agency must send an e-mail requesting to DearJetBlue@JetBlue.com . Again, this is only for 2 representitives from your agency to attend.`

Thank you, JetBlue!



`The outpouring of support from different groups have been amazing...........`
*That sends a strong message to the usual suspects of cop haters......the silent majority is out there...... watching....And taking names. And keeping notes...........`