Quote Originally Posted by LongTermGuy View Post
``You can't remove terrorism from Islam without editing the Koran``
All that dare try to edit it will be murdered! For that is a commandment in the stinking book. And over a billion maggots would gladly do that deed!

No sir, these people simply must be drastically reduced in numbers and beaten into being at least halfway civilized!
They set the standard and that standard is--"we either kill them or they kill us".. Pretty simple and brutal but its not one of our making!
They rely on our stupidity in not embracing that harsh reality and guess what?
We will not embrace it until its too late. I'll tell you why--the reason is they've allied with the traitorous dem party, infiltrated our government AND bought out enough of the mainstream media as to promote their propaganda and agenda.
They have set it so that to truly fight them we'd have to have a civil war first!

Game is rigged folks.. Best just prepare to protect yourself and your own family as this nation will fall from treason from within!
We've had six solid years of outright in the open treason at the highest levels and nobody has even batted an eye about it, so do not
expect a future justice nor a last minute charge to save the day.

You see they go into each nation and turn its government against the native citizens--examples France and Britain/Australia. Muslim have became a special protected class- even daring to criticize one has become against the law in Britain /Australia and can bring the authorities into action!!! Yet you can criticize a Christian all day long and who cares?? See the standard these ffing maggots set?
They have no honor, no sense of justice, no compassion , no mercy , no integrity--yet are heralded as a great religion!
They are a damn cult by every definition of the ffing word!

I spit on anybody that claims they are good people. They all worship the same ffing hate book folks! They are all taught to wear two faces, one loyal 100% to forced conversion of the entire world, the other face worn to deceive the stupid infidels!
That tactic is practiced in this nation far more than anywhere else on earth--they have the Federal government doing that for them..

Wake the hell up!!!!---Tyr