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    Default 'Jihadi John' named ...

    Congrats to the Washington Post for pinning down the identity of this vermin !!

    LONDON — The world knows him as “Jihadi John,” the masked man with a British accent who has beheaded several hostages held by the Islamic State and who taunts audiences in videos circulated widely online.

    But his real name, according to friends and others familiar with his case, is Mohammed Emwazi, a Briton from a well-to-do family who grew up in West London and graduated from college with a degree in computer programming. He is believed to have traveled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined the Islamic State, the group whose barbarity he has come to symbolize.
    Identifying this scum will hopefully facilitate the process of its extermination.

    This has been the most prominent news item in the British press today (.. along with more revelations about Jimmy Savile's predatory behaviour, but never mind that now ..).

    What you won't know is how this has all currently developed here in the UK. Here, a London radio station called 'LBC' (London Broadcasting .. now available to listen to on various mediums, including the Internet) .. chose, during one of its many phone-in programmes, to carry - live - a 'press conference' featuring a spokesman from 'CAGE', a so-called human rights organisation with prime interest in Islamic affairs. So, the spokesperson gave his speech to assembled journalists.

    He asserted that he knew Emwazi, had done for many years. He claimed Emwazi was a good man, a 'very kind' personality, who had been mistreated by our security services, to the point where he and others like him had become alienated against the society they were living in (though he also expressed a doubt that the Washington Post had correctly identified Emwazi ..).

    What it all boiled down to was a performance which painted Emwazi as a victim of alienation by British authorities, who'd turned to Jihadism because it offered something he could identify with which was otherwise absent from his life. Pure propaganda siding with Emwazi.

    It was LBC's intention to broadcast the entire thing live. They broke off from doing so after around 10 minutes, though, after the true propagandist nature of what was being advanced became clear. The LBC presenter spent the next 40 or so minutes diverting on to other matters.

    She took just 2 calls before her programme ended. Each caller said they were boiling mad at what they'd heard. The presenter waiting in the wings .. Iain Dale .. devoted much of his own programme to an anti-'CAGE' discussion.

    This is a revealing piece on 'CAGE' ...

    Last week, Peter Oborne penned a love letter to "independent advocacy organisation" Cage (formerly Cage Prisoners). Oborne spoke out because, earlier this year, after Cage’s outreach director Moazzam Begg was arrested in relation to Syria-linked offences, Cage had their bank accounts closed and their assets frozen. An investigation has been launched by the Charity Commission into some of Cage’s donors. Oborne calls this investigation "alien to the way we do things in Britain". Yet if he believes it is the investigations into Cage – rather than Cage’s actions – that are "alien to the way we do things in Britain", then we would argue he has a radically different definition of Britishness to most British people.

    Oborne gushes that Cage had "done more than any other [group] to stand up for alleged terrorists". However, what he does not seem to realise is that Cage does not just "stand up for alleged terrorists". It also stands up for actual, convicted terrorists.

    For example, Cage is animated about the case of Aafia Siddiqui, jailed for 86 years in the US for attempting to murder US officials in Afghanistan and assaulting those who tried to stop her. Siddiqui had wide-ranging links to al-Qaeda and was married to a key plotter behind the 9/11 attacks. At the beginning of her trial she said that jurors should be "subject to genetic testing" to see if they were Zionist or Israeli. She is no terror suspect – her guilt was proved in a court of law. Yet Cage’s profile on Siddiqui – which misses literally all this out – says it has "dedicated itself" to freeing her.

    Others that Cage support include Djamel Beghal, who, following allegations of a plot to blow up the US embassy in Paris, was jailed in France in 2005 for "belonging to a criminal association in relation to preparing an act of terrorism"; and Nizar Trabelsi, convicted in Belgium as part of an al-Qaeda plot to carry out a suicide attack against a military base there holding US soldiers.

    Cage has also given sympathetic hearings (to say the least) to Abu Hamza who has been convicted in the UK of offences which include soliciting to murder and inciting racial hatred and has now also been convicted in the US on 11 terrorism charges. When Babar Ahmad pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in a US court late last year, Begg was quick to pronounce that we had to be "careful" of seeing this blatant admission of guilt "as an admission of guilt".

    Oborne is slightly less supportive of Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula cleric who Cage had invited to speak on multiple occasions. Yet even this is couched in weasel language by saying Cage have always denied Awlaki was a "key member" of AQAP. This is nonsense for any number of reasons, not least the fact that the documents gained from Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound showed AQAP emir Nasir al-Wuhayshi was willing to concede leadership of the group to Awlaki; and that Awlaki played a key role in AQAP attacks against the West, especially in Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s underwear bomb plot of 2009. There is plenty of other evidence out there showing that Awlaki was a key part of AQAP.

    Oborne says that unless the entire organisation can be prosecuted, Cage should "be left alone". But in any case, if everyone had taken that attitude then, among other things, terrorists like Awlaki would certainly have spoken at Cage’s events. It was only because some of us raised protests at the time that he was stopped from doing so. We wonder whether, next time a young Brit tries to bring down an aeroplane from the sky or blow up a commuter train because Awlaki or some other Cage hero told them so, Oborne will continue to maintain that it was a good thing that Cage’s interpretation of "British values" was upheld.

    All the evidence shows that Cage is a pro-terrorist group, not a human rights group as Oborne appears to think.
    This article is several months old. But, such has been our media's enthusiasm for politically correct 'even-handedness', that LBC happily gave CAGE its on-air platform today, and so soon after the Washington Post's revelation. And got something far worse than they'd bargained for ...
    Last edited by Drummond; 02-26-2015 at 01:58 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    The controversy over the 'CAGE' episode is rumbling on in our media. Much of LBC's programming involved discussion of it. And much of that, highly critical of what the CAGE spokesperson had said.

    What's emerged from what I heard today is that UK coverage must've been a lot wider than I'd imagined. References were made to both BBC and Sky News journalists being there. It's my impression that one or both actually screened all this (I was totally unaware of this yesterday).
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Congrats to the Washington Post for pinning down the identity of this vermin !!
    Good! Now let the Global Security Agencies find and bring that fukkin' murderer to a proper skinning and hanging.

    I don't care if the Brits, French, USA, or Japan catch him...lay his ass out and give him a more decent passage than he has these defenseless hostages.
    Last edited by Elessar; 02-27-2015 at 03:04 PM.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    I've come to a conclusion about 'CAGE'.

    I think that the whole episode was a form of terrorist-friendly attack, a propagandist one designed simply to firmly turn the British public against our own security services, to exploit to the full the inbuilt deferential mood of media and public alike where Islam is concerned. With this all arranged ... our Government would feel it had no other choice but to rein back the activities of MI5 and MI6, this giving something of an easier time of it to Islamic terrorists in general.

    'CAGE' have had very limited success .. far more limited than I think they wanted. I've been listening to phone-in shows over the past couple of days here, and a lot of the feedback has been comdemnatory against 'CAGE'. Very few seem to grasp the cynical propagandist methodology involved, as I believe I correctly do. Nonetheless .. this was meant to be a pro-terrorist episode, using peoples' gullibility against them.

    It's a warning for us all. Absolutely no level of underhand trickery is off-limits to terrorist scum.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    'Jihadi John' dominates today's press reports here in the UK.

    This is one of the less 'sympathetic' reports ...

    The Islamic State killer known as Jihadi John revealed that he knew British security services were closing in on him and that he was a ‘dead man walking’ in astonishing emails to a Mail on Sunday journalist.

    His emails were sent before he left Britain to join Islamic State in Syria.

    At the time, Mohammed Emwazi, the man now unmasked as the knife-wielding fanatic, was claiming to be an innocent victim of MI5 persecution.

    Emwazi, who would go on to orchestrate at least six hostage murders in Syria, said the harassment affected him so badly he was contemplating suicide. ‘I’ll take as many pills as I can so that I will sleep for ever,’ he warned. His emails to Security Editor Robert Verkaik in December 2010 and 2011 offer a remarkable insight into his state of mind at a time when he was already deeply immersed in extremism.

    Some verge on the paranoid, with frequent complaints that his every move is being shadowed by intelligence officers.

    The news comes amid a series of revelations that:

    • Emwazi was a member of a secret Osama Bin Laden sleeper cell based in Britain called The London Boys, which planned to carry out atrocities in the West;
    • He was involved with a violent street gang who targeted the wealthy residents of Belgravia with stun guns;
    • Emwazi was arrested trying to force his way past security on to a passenger flight from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Johannesburg without a passport in 2009;
    • The IS executioner’s father was a policeman in Kuwait before he moved his family to Britain

    David Cameron will announce new plans to give spies greater powers to eavesdrop on terror suspects’ electronic communication.
    It also turns out that the BBC, according to this, tried to steal credit from the Washington Post over his being identified ....

    The BBC came under fire last night for claiming it had ‘broken’ the story about the naming of Jihadi John when the Washington Post had revealed his identity an hour earlier.

    The US newspaper published its story at 9.45am GMT yesterday, while the BBC broadcast its first message on Twitter and put the story online at 10.51am.

    Washington Post reporter Adam Goldman complained: ‘I love the BBC but they don’t have much of the story: Souad Mekhennet [his colleague on the Washington Post] and I own this.’

    The Washington Post is understood to have known about the story for several days but held back on publication until yesterday morning for editorial reasons. Its reporters strongly denied passing the story to the BBC. Miss Mekhennet said: ‘Can’t say how [the] BBC heard about it, but not from us.’

    As part of their investigations, the newspaper’s reporters spoke to UK campaign group Cage, which describes itself as ‘an independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror’.

    There was speculation last night that Cage may have been the BBC’s source.
    The Left (.. anything to try and manufacture a way of excusing him, so separating his actions firmly away from 'mainstream Islam') are reporting a different so-called 'feature' to the case of 'Jihadi John' ... claiming that he is as he is because of a head injury. He's supposedly had his personality altered through suspected brain damage ...

    A former friend of the terror suspect says Emwazi suffered a brain injury after falling into goalposts, causing him to "go a bit weird".

    A former school friend of Jihadi John has told how the terror suspect dramatically changed after banging his head during a playground accident.

    The friend - known as Mohammed - said he attended St Mary Magdalene primary school in West London with the ISIS militant, whose real name was unmasked as Mohammed Emwazi.

    The former school mate says he was shocked to discover Emwazi was the man suspected of carrying out a series of brutal beheadings on behalf of the terror group.

    He says the ISIS militant changed after he fell into goalposts as he attempted to get away from other pupils during a fight.

    He claimed the alleged killer suffered a brain injury after hitting his head and falling to the floor and later went "a bit weird".

    Speaking to James O'Brien on LBC, he said: "We were in the playground and Mohammed was running away from someone. He was just about to get into a fight and he was running away from someone.

    "As he was running, another kid tried to block off his path. He had nowhere to go and he basically ran into the goalposts, hit his head and fell to the floor."

    He told the radio station that his former friend "was not the same" again after the accident and was not seen in school for another two weeks.
    The Left will want all perception of Jihadi John's behaviour totally separated from any possibility of anyone characterising it as something Islamic. James O'Brien, mentioned above, is one of the most Left wing presenters LBC has ... and this, of course, puts CAGE's propaganda on a supposedly firm footing ...

    .. or so they'd hope ...

    Debate, led by LBC phone-ins here, is concentrating on this. Some people here are seeing this terrorist as acting out of sickness rather than as anyone legitimately representing anything Islamic.

    So you see, something of a propaganda war has developed ... with the 'brain injury' used as the perfect way of keeping Islam's reputation fully sanitised in the minds of the general public. Added to this is the persisting, 'CAGE'-inspired accusation that rogue behaviour from MI5 may have 'forced' him into being radicalised ....

    If the Left have their way, not only will Islam remain PC-sanitised, but a strand of sympathy will be born to help sympathetically regard future radicalised Brits !
    Last edited by Drummond; 03-01-2015 at 12:02 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    This is what happens when one brings in snakes to put into the children's playground. The snakes will not change what they do. Britain brought the ffing snakes in and now expect the SOBS not to bite!
    Stupidity on parade by liberals and socialists--the snakes(muslims) hate all that are not snakes--thus they will ALWAYS bite. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    This is what happens when one brings in snakes to put into the children's playground. The snakes will not change what they do. Britain brought the ffing snakes in and now expect the SOBS not to bite!
    Stupidity on parade by liberals and socialists--the snakes(muslims) hate all that are not snakes--thus they will ALWAYS bite. -Tyr

    What particularly angers me about the current situation, though, is that a new barrier to perception of Islam as it truly is, is being erected, with people buying into it (and being expected to). Future instances of Brits being radicalised will have our people being FURTHER distanced from any prospect of seeing the truth. Now, everyone will delve into supposition about (a) the individual's frame of mind, (b) whether illness could be a factor, and even (c) whether it's mistreatment from our security services that may be to blame ... !!

    A future 'Jihadi John' goes overseas ... beheads captives in the name of Islam ... so, blame MI5 for it, instead of Islamic radicalisers !! I mean, how warped is THAT ?????
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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