A couple of comments:

Our nation was set up with the belief that man can govern himself and therefore government should be limited so that man can govern himself.

The first amendment was passed because our founders believed that we should have the right to express ourselves. But in denying the government the authority to regulate what we say, they did not abdicate our responsibility to govern our own speech.

I believe that we have a responsibility to govern our speech. The scriptures discuss this in James. Paul also taught us to avoid corrupt communications. I believe this means we have a responsibility to be honest in our words. But also to be kind and merciful with them. We should use our words to build people up and not tear them down. I believe we will be blessed when we use our abilities to communicate correctly.

I also think that is what the thread is discussing. We can honestly talk about issues of race without using racial slurs or insults. We can use our words to heal and not divide us further.

Some comments about being inferior or superior. I disagree. We are all inferior at some things and superior in others. We all have different gifts and skills. For example I'm athletically inferior Michael Jordan. I'm artistically inferior to Pablo Picasso. My gifts are elsewhere. And in those I may be superior to those people I just mentioned.

The fact that we have different gifts doesn't mean our value as a human is different. And we can't judge people as groups because we are all given different gifts as individuals.

One of the most beautiful passages of scripture I've read discusses the doing away with classifying ourselves in different groups.

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people." 4 Nephi 1:15

I think that's the key to a lot of things. We need the love of God in our hearts. No matter what our faith tradition we need to see those around us with the same love God has for them. When that happens we will see miracles in our society.

Didn't expect to write so much. I hope I didn't take too much of anyone's time rereading this.