White House reporters set to demand press freedom from ObamaQuote:
Following the “most transparent administration” in history’s latest middle finger to the reporters tasked with covering the president, the White House Correspondents’ Association is putting together a list of press freedom demands for the Obama administration.

The White House press pool recently became upset with the president after being locked out of a meeting Obama had with a group of Mormon leaders in Salt Lake City. Only photographers were allowed in to see the meeting after reporters were split into groups.

“Even in what seems like a photo opportunity, it’s important for the writers, producers and radio reporters to see it, too,” Association President Christi Parsons said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “That’s why the [Association] is constantly advocating for greater news media access to the president, the White House and the people’s business.”

Pool reporters have long complained about the Obama administration’s lack of transparency.

Last year, reports surfaced of the White House’s efforts to influence the content of the information press pool reporters pass along to their news industry colleagues on a daily basis by demanding changes or threatening to revoke journalists’ access for unflattering reports.`

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