I saw no such free admission.

Quote Originally Posted by OCA View Post
Read post #21 douchebag, RWA freely admitted that I had him dead to rights.

BTW nice work on the Cosa Nostra thread, thought you were gonna hand my ass to me? Anyway a bet is a bet......pay up and get the fuck off my board!
Maybe that's your problem, you're always looking for a free admission. As far as owing you anything I am giving you all I care to. Is this "your board"? You tried to make it "your board" and you got your ass handed to you in an instant.

Keep dreamin' oca, and braggin' about that scooter you call a "bike". If you're just scared then say you're scared and we can get on with adult conversations.

Do you maintain your homoerotic assertations, double dimple chin?