Just got back from a trip up to the Slope... that was a 32 hour shift. Didn't take too many pictures because we were under the gun to get a cell site upgraded and back on the air with minimal downtime - and besides, I was exhausted. But I did take a few shots, for those that are interested.
The North Slope is on the northern coast of AK, and it's where the Alaska Pipeline begins. All of the Big Oil players are up there, naturally, and operations go 24/7 year round. It's impressive seeing billions of dollars worth of Heavy Equipment all parked, waiting for the next winter to continue working.
Keep in mind that this is the area that Greenpeace and the other environmental nutjobs & ignorant politicians describe as "Pristine Alaskan Wilderness" when campaigning against drilling in ANWR. The whole area is a barren swamp in reality.
Right now, the sun is always above the horizon and it never gets dark. I took this at 2 AM yesterday while taking a smoke break.