Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I watched Nascar's "final laps" this morning and I didn't want to know who won, so just clicked. I saw Jimmie on the outside and Jr. Leading. Jimmie got lucky and got #2 as the crash started. But damn, that's what I thought too when I heard Dillon's name, my first thought was "Wow, he just won yesterday and now he's dead". How the hell he walked away from that is beyond me. The dead stop at 200mph should have been enough to knock him senseless!
The safety aspect of racing has changed dramatically since Earnhardt was killed. Soft walls, stronger & higher fences, Hans device, and vehicle construction. Look back to crashes in the old days where the car remained intact and drivers were injured badly or killed instead of what we saw last night where the car shredded parts which dissipates all that energy away from the driver in that survival cell that encases them now.

Stick your head into a race car from 2000 and then into today's car, it's worlds better today.