For She, This Victory Was Gained-- Sonnet- Number 2

You that loved her for her long, yellow hair,
I for her grace, charm and brilliant mind.
You left her sick and without a damn care,
while I nursed her to health staying behind.

Nights that you had her wrapped in your lies,
You fooled her with your snakelike charm.
I sat alone trying to break your evil ties,
desperately fighting to defeat your harm.

That summer we battled for her sweet hand.
A contest between your evil and truth's might.
I defeated you utterly with a true moral stand,
And you the rascal fled away in the hot night.

Now we together found exactly what true love is.
Love is "we and ours", happily not,"her and his"!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-26-2015

Note: Very loosely based upon a past experience in the late 70's..